from pythonforandroid.recipe import NDKRecipe
from pythonforandroid.toolchain import current_directory, shprint
from os.path import join
import os
import sh

class OpenALRecipe(NDKRecipe):
    version = '1.18.2'
    url = '{version}.tar.gz'

    generated_libraries = ['']

    def prebuild_arch(self, arch):
        # we need to build native tools for host system architecture
        with current_directory(join(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch), 'native-tools')):
            shprint(sh.cmake, '.', _env=os.environ)
            shprint(sh.make, _env=os.environ)

    def build_arch(self, arch):
        with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)):
            env = self.get_recipe_env(arch)
            cmake_args = [
            if self.ctx.ndk == 'crystax':
                # avoids a segfault in libcrystax when calling lrintf
                cmake_args += ['-DHAVE_LRINTF=0']
                sh.cmake, '.',
            shprint(sh.make, _env=env)
            self.install_libs(arch, '')

recipe = OpenALRecipe()