) : (
- {(isAuthenticated || !IS_WEB) && (
- {/* @if TARGET='app' */}
- this.onChangeEncryptWallet()}
- checked={walletEncrypted}
- label={__('Encrypt my wallet with a custom password')}
- helper={
- ),
- }}
- >
- Wallet encryption is currently unavailable until it's supported for synced accounts. It will
- be added back soon. %learn_more%.
- {/* {__('Secure your local wallet data with a custom password.')}{' '}
- {__('Lost passwords cannot be recovered.')}
- . */}
- }
- />
- {walletEncrypted && storedPassword && (
- {__('Automatically unlock your wallet on startup')}}
- />
- )}
- {/* @endif */}
- setClientSetting(SETTINGS.HIDE_BALANCE, !hideBalance)}
- checked={hideBalance}
- label={__('Hide wallet balance in header')}
- />
- }
- />
- )}