Our FAQ answers many common questions.
- +{__("Our FAQ answers many common questions.")}
+- Live help is available most hours in the #help channel of our Slack chat room. + {__("Live help is available most hours in the")} #help {__("channel of our Slack chat room.")}
- +
Did you find something wrong?
-navigate('report')} label="Submit a Bug Report" icon="icon-bug" button="alt" />
-{__("Did you find something wrong?")}
+navigate('report')} label={__("Submit a Bug Report")} icon="icon-bug" button="alt" />
+A newer version of LBRY is available.
- :Your copy of LBRY is up to date.
+{__("A newer version of LBRY is available.")}
+ :{__("Your copy of LBRY is up to date.")}
}daemon (lbrynet) | +{__("daemon (lbrynet)")} | {ver.lbrynet_version} |
wallet (lbryum) | +{__("wallet (lbryum)")} | {ver.lbryum_version} |
interface | +{__("interface")} | {uiVersion} |
Platform | +{__("Platform")} | {platform} |
Installation ID | +{__("Installation ID")} | {this.state.lbryId} |