+ setLanguage(event.target.value)}
+ value={language}
+ >
+ {sortLanguageMap(SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES).map(([langKey, langName]) => (
+ ))}
+ setAcknowledgedTerms(!acknowledgedTerms)}
+ label={
+ ),
+ faq: (
+ ),
+ site_name: SITE_NAME,
+ }}
+ >
+ I want to sync my content to %site_name% and the LBRY network and agree to %terms%. I have also
+ read and understand %faq%.
+ }
+ />
+ {inSignUpFlow && !errorMessage && (
+ ,
+ }}
+ >
+ This will verify you are an active YouTuber. Channel names cannot be changed once chosen, please be
+ extra careful. Additional instructions will be emailed to you after you verify your email on the
+ next page. %learn_more%.