diff --git a/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
index e0e2b9c2e..b4a5996e6 100644
--- a/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
+++ b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
@@ -1,15 +1,24 @@
-## PR Checklist
+## Fixes
+Issue Number:
-Please check all that apply to this PR using "x":
-- [ ] I have checked that this PR is not a duplicate of an existing PR (open, closed or merged)
-- [ ] I added a line describing my change to CHANGELOG.md
-- [ ] I have checked that this PR does not introduce a breaking change
-- [ ] This PR introduces breaking changes and I have provided a detailed explanation below
+## What is the current behavior?
-## PR Type
+## What is the new behavior?
+## Other information
+## PR Type & Checklist
+PR Type...
What kind of change does this PR introduce?
@@ -20,14 +29,19 @@ What kind of change does this PR introduce?
- [ ] Documentation changes
- [ ] Other - Please describe:
-## Fixes
-Issue Number:
-## What is the current behavior?
+PR Checklist...
-## What is the new behavior?
-## Other information
+Please check all that apply to this PR using "x":
+- [ ] I have checked that this PR is not a duplicate of an existing PR (open, closed or merged)
+- [ ] I added a line describing my change to CHANGELOG.md
+- [ ] I have checked that this PR does not introduce a breaking change
+- [ ] This PR introduces breaking changes and I have provided a detailed explanation below