- {__(
- "When this option is chosen, LBRY won't ask you to confirm downloads or tips below your chosen amount."
- )}
- }
- />
- {(isAuthenticated || !IS_WEB) && (
- <>
- }
- />
- }
- />
- >
- )}
- {/* @if TARGET='app' */}
- {__(
- `This is information like error logging, performance tracking, and usage statistics. It includes your IP address and basic system details, but no other identifying information (unless you sign in to lbry.tv)`
- )}{' '}
- }
- actions={
- <>
- setDaemonSetting('share_usage_data', !daemonSettings.share_usage_data)}
- checked={daemonSettings.share_usage_data}
- label={{__('Allow the app to share data to LBRY.inc')}}
- helper={
- isAuthenticated
- ? __('Internal sharing is required while signed in.')
- : __('Internal sharing is required to participate in rewards programs.')
- }
- disabled={isAuthenticated && daemonSettings.share_usage_data}
- />
- toggle3PAnalytics(e.target.checked)}
- checked={allowAnalytics}
- label={__('Allow the app to access third party analytics platforms')}
- helper={__('We use detailed analytics to improve all aspects of the LBRY experience.')}
- />
- >
- }
- />
- {/* @endif */}
- {(isAuthenticated || !IS_WEB) && (
- {/* @if TARGET='app' */}
- this.onChangeEncryptWallet()}
- checked={walletEncrypted}
- label={__('Encrypt my wallet with a custom password')}
- helper={
- ),
- }}
- >
- Wallet encryption is currently unavailable until it's supported for synced accounts. It will
- be added back soon. %learn_more%.
- {/* {__('Secure your local wallet data with a custom password.')}{' '}
- {__('Lost passwords cannot be recovered.')}
- . */}
- }
- />
- {walletEncrypted && this.state.storedPassword && (
- {__('Automatically unlock your wallet on startup')}}
- />
- )}
- {/* @endif */}
- setClientSetting(SETTINGS.HIDE_BALANCE, !hideBalance)}
- checked={hideBalance}
- label={__('Hide wallet balance in header')}
- />
- }
- />
- )}
{/* @if TARGET='app' */}
- {__('Experimental Transcoding')}
- {findingFFmpeg && }
+ title={__('Share Usage and Diagnostic Data')}
+ subtitle={
+ {__(
+ `This is information like error logging, performance tracking, and usage statistics. It includes your IP address and basic system details, but no other identifying information (unless you sign in to lbry.tv)`
+ )}{' '}
- {
- this.onFFmpegFolder(newDirectory.path);
- }}
- disabled={Boolean(ffmpegPath)}
+ <>
+ setDaemonSetting('share_usage_data', !daemonSettings.share_usage_data)}
+ checked={daemonSettings.share_usage_data}
+ label={{__('Allow the app to share data to LBRY.inc')}}
+ helper={
+ isAuthenticated
+ ? __('Internal sharing is required while signed in.')
+ : __('Internal sharing is required to participate in rewards programs.')
+ }
+ disabled={isAuthenticated && daemonSettings.share_usage_data}