import * as types from "constants/action_types"; import * as modalTypes from "constants/modal_types"; const currentPath = () => { const hash = document.location.hash; if (hash !== "") return hash.replace(/^#/, ""); else return "/discover"; }; const { remote } = require("electron"); const application =; const win = remote.BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow(); const reducers = {}; const defaultState = { isLoaded: false, isBackDisabled: true, isForwardDisabled: true, currentPath: currentPath(), pathAfterAuth: "/discover", platform: process.platform, upgradeSkipped: sessionStorage.getItem("upgradeSkipped"), daemonVersionMatched: null, daemonReady: false, hasSignature: false, badgeNumber: 0, history: { index: 0, stack: [] }, volume: sessionStorage.getItem("volume") || 1, }; reducers[types.DAEMON_READY] = function(state, action) { const { history } = state; const { page } =; history.stack.push(page); return Object.assign({}, state, { daemonReady: true, history, }); }; reducers[types.DAEMON_VERSION_MATCH] = function(state, action) { return Object.assign({}, state, { daemonVersionMatched: true, }); }; reducers[types.DAEMON_VERSION_MISMATCH] = function(state, action) { return Object.assign({}, state, { daemonVersionMatched: false, modal: modalTypes.INCOMPATIBLE_DAEMON, }); }; reducers[types.CHANGE_PATH] = function(state, action) { return Object.assign({}, state, { currentPath:, }); }; reducers[types.CHANGE_AFTER_AUTH_PATH] = function(state, action) { return Object.assign({}, state, { pathAfterAuth:, }); }; reducers[types.UPGRADE_CANCELLED] = function(state, action) { return Object.assign({}, state, { downloadProgress: null, upgradeDownloadComplete: false, modal: null, }); }; reducers[types.UPGRADE_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED] = function(state, action) { return Object.assign({}, state, { downloadPath:, upgradeDownloading: false, upgradeDownloadCompleted: true, }); }; reducers[types.UPGRADE_DOWNLOAD_STARTED] = function(state, action) { return Object.assign({}, state, { upgradeDownloading: true, }); }; reducers[types.SKIP_UPGRADE] = function(state, action) { sessionStorage.setItem("upgradeSkipped", true); return Object.assign({}, state, { upgradeSkipped: true, modal: null, }); }; reducers[types.UPDATE_VERSION] = function(state, action) { return Object.assign({}, state, { version:, }); }; reducers[types.OPEN_MODAL] = function(state, action) { return Object.assign({}, state, { modal:, modalExtraContent:, }); }; reducers[types.CLOSE_MODAL] = function(state, action) { return Object.assign({}, state, { modal: undefined, modalExtraContent: undefined, }); }; reducers[types.UPGRADE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESSED] = function(state, action) { return Object.assign({}, state, { downloadProgress:, }); }; reducers[types.SHOW_SNACKBAR] = function(state, action) { const { message, linkText, linkTarget, isError } =; const snackBar = Object.assign({}, state.snackBar); const snacks = Object.assign([], snackBar.snacks); snacks.push({ message, linkText, linkTarget, isError, }); const newSnackBar = Object.assign({}, snackBar, { snacks, }); return Object.assign({}, state, { snackBar: newSnackBar, }); }; reducers[types.REMOVE_SNACKBAR_SNACK] = function(state, action) { const snackBar = Object.assign({}, state.snackBar); const snacks = Object.assign([], snackBar.snacks); snacks.shift(); const newSnackBar = Object.assign({}, snackBar, { snacks, }); return Object.assign({}, state, { snackBar: newSnackBar, }); }; reducers[types.DOWNLOADING_COMPLETED] = function(state, action) { const badgeNumber = state.badgeNumber; // Don't update the badge number if the window is focused if (win.isFocused()) return Object.assign({}, state); return Object.assign({}, state, { badgeNumber: badgeNumber + 1, }); }; reducers[types.WINDOW_FOCUSED] = function(state, action) { return Object.assign({}, state, { badgeNumber: 0, }); }; reducers[types.HISTORY_NAVIGATE] = (state, action) => { let page = false; let location = false; // Get history from state const { history } = state; if ( { // Get page page =; } else if ( { // Get new location location =; } // Add new location to stack if (location) { const lastItem = history.stack.length - 1; // Check for duplicated let is_duplicate = lastItem > -1 ? history.stack[lastItem].location === location : false; if (!is_duplicate) { // Create new page page = { index: history.stack.length, location, }; // Update index history.index = history.stack.length; // Add to stack history.stack.push(page); } } else if (page) { // Update index history.index = page.index; } return Object.assign({}, state, { history, isBackDisabled: history.index === 0, // First page isForwardDisabled: history.index === history.stack.length - 1, // Last page }); }; reducers[types.VOLUME_CHANGED] = function(state, action) { return Object.assign({}, state, { volume:, }); }; export default function reducer(state = defaultState, action) { const handler = reducers[action.type]; if (handler) return handler(state, action); return state; }