import React from 'react'; import lbryio from '../lbryio.js'; import Modal from './modal.js'; import ModalPage from './modal-page.js'; import {Link, RewardLink} from '../component/link.js'; import {FormField, FormRow} from '../component/form.js'; import rewards from '../rewards.js'; const SubmitEmailStage = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return { rewardType: null, email: '', submitting: false }; }, handleEmailChanged: function(event) { this.setState({ email:, }); }, handleSubmit: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.setState({ submitting: true, });'user_email', 'new', {email:}, 'post').then(() => { this.props.onEmailSaved(); }, (error) => { if (this._emailRow) { this._emailRow.showError(error.message) } this.setState({ submitting: false }); }); }, render: function() { return (
{ this._emailRow = ref }} type="text" label="Email" placeholder="" name="email" value={} onChange={this.handleEmailChanged} />
); } }); const ConfirmEmailStage = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return { rewardType: null, code: '', submitting: false, errorMessage: null, }; }, handleCodeChanged: function(event) { this.setState({ code:, }); }, handleSubmit: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.setState({ submitting: true, }); const onSubmitError = function(error) { if (this._codeRow) { this._codeRow.showError(error.message) } this.setState({ submitting: false }); }.bind(this)'user_email', 'confirm', {verification_token: this.state.code}, 'post').then((userEmail) => { if (userEmail.IsVerified) { this.props.onEmailConfirmed(); } else { onSubmitError(new Error("Your email is still not verified.")) //shouldn't happen? } }, onSubmitError); }, render: function() { return (
{ this._codeRow = ref }} type="text" name="code" placeholder="a94bXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" value={this.state.code} onChange={this.handleCodeChanged} helper="A verification code is required to access this version."/>
); } }); const WelcomeStage = React.createClass({ onRewardClaim: function() { console.log('omg'); }, render: function() { return (

Welcome to LBRY.

LBRY is the first community controlled content marketplace.

Since you're new here, we'll toss you some credits.

LBC is blah blah blah.

And remember, LBRY is a beta and be safe!

); } }); const ErrorStage = React.createClass({ render: function() { return (

An error was encountered that we cannot continue from.

At least we're earning the name beta.

{ window.location.reload() } } />
); } }); const PendingStage = React.createClass({ render: function() { return (

Preparing for first access

); } }); export const AuthOverlay = React.createClass({ _stages: { pending: PendingStage, error: ErrorStage, email: SubmitEmailStage, confirm: ConfirmEmailStage, welcome: WelcomeStage, }, getInitialState: function() { return { stage: "pending", stageProps: {} }; }, endAuth: function() { this.setState({ stage: null }); }, componentWillMount: function() { lbryio.authenticate().then(function(user) { if (!user.HasVerifiedEmail) { //oops I fucked this up this.setState({ stage: "email", stageProps: { onEmailSaved: function() { this.setState({ stage: "confirm", stageProps: { onEmailConfirmed: function() { this.setState({ stage: "welcome"}) }.bind(this) } }) }.bind(this) } }) } else { this.endAuth() } }.bind(this)).catch((err) => { this.setState({ stage: "error", stageProps: { errorText: err.message } }) document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('unhandledError', { detail: { message: err.message, data: err.stack } })); }) }, render: function() { if (!this.state.stage || lbryio.user && lbryio.user.HasVerifiedEmail) { return null; } const StageContent = this._stages[this.state.stage]; return ( this.state.stage != "welcome" ?

LBRY Early Access

: ); } });