// @flow import { ENABLE_NO_SOURCE_CLAIMS, SIMPLE_SITE } from 'config'; import type { Node } from 'react'; import * as CS from 'constants/claim_search'; import React from 'react'; import usePersistedState from 'effects/use-persisted-state'; import { withRouter } from 'react-router'; import { MATURE_TAGS } from 'constants/tags'; import { resolveLangForClaimSearch } from 'util/default-languages'; import { createNormalizedClaimSearchKey } from 'util/claim'; import { splitBySeparator } from 'util/lbryURI'; import Button from 'component/button'; import moment from 'moment'; import ClaimList from 'component/claimList'; import ClaimPreview from 'component/claimPreview'; import ClaimPreviewTile from 'component/claimPreviewTile'; import I18nMessage from 'component/i18nMessage'; import LangFilterIndicator from 'component/langFilterIndicator'; import ClaimListHeader from 'component/claimListHeader'; import useFetchViewCount from 'effects/use-fetch-view-count'; import useResolvePins from 'effects/use-resolve-pins'; import { useIsLargeScreen } from 'effects/use-screensize'; import useGetUserMemberships from 'effects/use-get-user-memberships'; type Props = { uris: Array, prefixUris?: Array, pins?: { urls?: Array, claimIds?: Array, onlyPinForOrder?: string }, name?: string, type: string, pageSize?: number, fetchViewCount?: boolean, forceShowReposts?: boolean, hasNoSource?: boolean, hasSource?: boolean, hideAdvancedFilter?: boolean, hideFilters?: boolean, includeSupportAction?: boolean, infiniteScroll?: Boolean, isChannel?: boolean, personalView: boolean, showHeader: boolean, showHiddenByUser?: boolean, showNoSourceClaims?: boolean, tileLayout: boolean, ignoreSearchInLanguage?: boolean, orderBy?: Array, // Trending, New, Top defaultOrderBy?: string, sortBy?: Array, // Newest First, Oldest First freshness?: string, defaultFreshness?: string, tags: string, // these are just going to be string. pass a CSV if you want multi defaultTags: string, claimType?: string | Array, defaultClaimType?: Array, streamType?: string | Array, defaultStreamType?: string | Array, empty?: string, feeAmount?: string, releaseTime?: string, repostedClaimId?: string, scrollAnchor?: string, maxPages?: number, limitClaimsPerChannel?: number, channelIds?: Array, claimIds?: Array, subscribedChannels: Array, header?: Node, headerLabel?: string | Node, hiddenNsfwMessage?: Node, injectedItem?: ListInjectedItem, meta?: Node, subSection?: Node, // Additional section below [Header|Meta] renderProperties?: (Claim) => Node, history: { action: string, push: (string) => void, replace: (string) => void }, location: { search: string, pathname: string }, // --- select --- followedTags?: Array, claimSearchByQuery: { [string]: Array }, claimSearchByQueryLastPageReached: { [string]: boolean }, claimsByUri: { [string]: any }, claimsById: { [string]: any }, loading: boolean, showNsfw: boolean, hideReposts: boolean, languageSetting: string, mutedUris: Array, blockedUris: Array, searchInLanguage: boolean, // --- perform --- doClaimSearch: ({}) => void, doFetchViewCount: (claimIdCsv: string) => void, doFetchUserMemberships: (claimIdCsv: string) => void, doResolveClaimIds: (Array) => Promise, doResolveUris: (Array, boolean) => Promise, hideLayoutButton?: boolean, loadedCallback?: (number) => void, maxClaimRender?: number, useSkeletonScreen?: boolean, excludeUris?: Array, swipeLayout: boolean, }; function ClaimListDiscover(props: Props) { const { doClaimSearch, claimSearchByQuery, showHeader = true, type, claimSearchByQueryLastPageReached, tags, defaultTags, loading, meta, subSection, channelIds, showNsfw, hideReposts, fetchViewCount, history, location, mutedUris, blockedUris, hiddenNsfwMessage, defaultOrderBy, sortBy, orderBy, headerLabel, header, name, claimType, // pageSize, defaultClaimType, streamType, defaultStreamType = SIMPLE_SITE ? [CS.FILE_VIDEO, CS.FILE_AUDIO] : undefined, // add param for DEFAULT_STREAM_TYPE freshness, defaultFreshness = CS.FRESH_WEEK, renderProperties, includeSupportAction, repostedClaimId, hideAdvancedFilter, infiniteScroll = true, followedTags, injectedItem, feeAmount, uris, prefixUris, pins, tileLayout, hideFilters = false, claimIds, maxPages, forceShowReposts = false, languageSetting, searchInLanguage, ignoreSearchInLanguage, limitClaimsPerChannel, releaseTime, scrollAnchor, showHiddenByUser = false, hasSource, hasNoSource, isChannel = false, showNoSourceClaims, empty, claimsByUri, claimsById, doFetchViewCount, hideLayoutButton = false, loadedCallback, maxClaimRender, useSkeletonScreen = true, excludeUris = [], doFetchUserMemberships, swipeLayout = false, doResolveUris, doResolveClaimIds, } = props; const resolvedPinUris = useResolvePins({ pins, claimsById, doResolveClaimIds, doResolveUris }); const didNavigateForward = history.action === 'PUSH'; const { search } = location; const prevUris = React.useRef(); const [page, setPage] = React.useState(1); const [forceRefresh, setForceRefresh] = React.useState(); const isLargeScreen = useIsLargeScreen(); const [orderParamEntry, setOrderParamEntry] = usePersistedState(`entry-${location.pathname}`, CS.ORDER_BY_TRENDING); const [orderParamUser, setOrderParamUser] = usePersistedState(`orderUser-${location.pathname}`, CS.ORDER_BY_TRENDING); const followed = (followedTags && followedTags.map((t) => t.name)) || []; const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(search); const tagsParam = // can be 'x,y,z' or 'x' or ['x','y'] or CS.CONSTANT (tags && getParamFromTags(tags)) || (urlParams.get(CS.TAGS_KEY) !== null && urlParams.get(CS.TAGS_KEY)) || (defaultTags && getParamFromTags(defaultTags)); const freshnessParam = freshness || urlParams.get(CS.FRESH_KEY) || defaultFreshness; const sortByParam = sortBy || urlParams.get(CS.SORT_BY_KEY) || CS.SORT_BY.NEWEST.key; const mutedAndBlockedChannelIds = Array.from( new Set(mutedUris.concat(blockedUris).map((uri) => splitBySeparator(uri)[1])) ); const langParam = urlParams.get(CS.LANGUAGE_KEY) || null; const searchInSelectedLangOnly = searchInLanguage && !ignoreSearchInLanguage; const languageParams = resolveLangForClaimSearch(languageSetting, searchInSelectedLangOnly, langParam); let claimTypeParam = claimType || defaultClaimType || null; let streamTypeParam = streamType || defaultStreamType || null; const contentTypeParam = urlParams.get(CS.CONTENT_KEY); if (contentTypeParam) { switch (contentTypeParam) { case CS.CLAIM_COLLECTION: claimTypeParam = contentTypeParam; streamTypeParam = undefined; break; case CS.CLAIM_REPOST: claimTypeParam = contentTypeParam; break; case CS.CLAIM_CHANNEL: claimTypeParam = CS.CLAIM_CHANNEL; streamTypeParam = undefined; break; case CS.FILE_VIDEO: case CS.FILE_AUDIO: case CS.FILE_IMAGE: case CS.FILE_MODEL: case CS.FILE_BINARY: case CS.FILE_DOCUMENT: streamTypeParam = contentTypeParam; break; case CS.CONTENT_ALL: claimTypeParam = undefined; streamTypeParam = undefined; break; default: console.log('Invalid or unhandled CONTENT_KEY:', contentTypeParam); // eslint-disable-line no-console break; } } const durationParam = urlParams.get(CS.DURATION_KEY) || null; const channelIdsInUrl = urlParams.get(CS.CHANNEL_IDS_KEY); const channelIdsParam = channelIdsInUrl ? channelIdsInUrl.split(',') : channelIds; const feeAmountParam = urlParams.get('fee_amount') || feeAmount; // const originalPageSize = pageSize || CS.PAGE_SIZE; const originalPageSize = 12; // const dynamicPageSize = isLargeScreen ? Math.ceil(originalPageSize * (3 / 2)) : originalPageSize; const dynamicPageSize = isLargeScreen ? Math.ceil((originalPageSize / 2) * 6) : originalPageSize; const historyAction = history.action; let orderParam = orderBy || urlParams.get(CS.ORDER_BY_KEY) || defaultOrderBy || orderParamEntry; if (!orderParam) { if (historyAction === 'POP') { // Reaching here means user have popped back to the page's entry point (e.g. '/$/tags' without any '?order='). orderParam = orderParamEntry; } else { // This is the direct entry into the page, so we load the user's previous value. orderParam = orderParamUser; } } React.useEffect(() => { setOrderParamUser(orderParam); }, [orderParam, setOrderParamUser]); React.useEffect(() => { // One-time update to stash the finalized 'orderParam' at entry. if (historyAction !== 'POP') { setOrderParamEntry(orderParam); } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [historyAction, setOrderParamEntry]); let options: { page_size: number, page: number, no_totals: boolean, any_tags?: Array, any_languages?: Array, not_tags: Array, channel_ids?: Array, claim_ids?: Array, not_channel_ids?: Array, order_by: Array, release_time?: string, claim_type?: string | Array, name?: string, duration?: string, reposted_claim_id?: string, stream_types?: any, fee_amount?: string, has_source?: boolean, has_no_source?: boolean, limit_claims_per_channel?: number, remove_duplicates?: boolean, } = { page_size: dynamicPageSize, page, name, claim_type: claimType || ['stream', 'repost', 'channel'], // no_totals makes it so the sdk doesn't have to calculate total number pages for pagination // it's faster, but we will need to remove it if we start using total_pages no_totals: true, not_channel_ids: isChannel ? undefined : mutedAndBlockedChannelIds, not_tags: !showNsfw ? MATURE_TAGS : [], order_by: resolveOrderByOption(orderParam, sortByParam), remove_duplicates: isChannel ? undefined : true, }; if (ENABLE_NO_SOURCE_CLAIMS && hasNoSource) { options.has_no_source = true; } else if (hasSource || (!ENABLE_NO_SOURCE_CLAIMS && (!claimType || claimType === 'stream'))) { options.has_source = true; } if (limitClaimsPerChannel) { options.limit_claims_per_channel = limitClaimsPerChannel; } if (feeAmountParam && claimType !== CS.CLAIM_CHANNEL) { options.fee_amount = feeAmountParam; } if (claimIds) { options.claim_ids = claimIds; } if (channelIdsParam) { options.channel_ids = channelIdsParam; } if (tagsParam) { if (tagsParam !== CS.TAGS_ALL && tagsParam !== '') { if (tagsParam === CS.TAGS_FOLLOWED) { options.any_tags = followed; } else if (Array.isArray(tagsParam)) { options.any_tags = tagsParam; } else { options.any_tags = tagsParam.split(','); } } } if (repostedClaimId) { // SDK chokes on reposted_claim_id of null or false, needs to not be present if no value options.reposted_claim_id = repostedClaimId; } // IF release time, set it, else set fallback release times using the hack below. if (releaseTime && claimTypeParam !== CS.CLAIM_CHANNEL) { options.release_time = releaseTime; } else if (claimTypeParam !== CS.CLAIM_CHANNEL) { if (orderParam === CS.ORDER_BY_TOP && freshnessParam !== CS.FRESH_ALL) { options.release_time = `>${Math.floor(moment().subtract(1, freshnessParam).startOf('hour').unix())}`; } else if (orderParam === CS.ORDER_BY_NEW || orderParam === CS.ORDER_BY_TRENDING) { // Warning - hack below // If users are following more than 10 channels or tags, limit results to stuff less than a year old // For more than 20, drop it down to 6 months // This helps with timeout issues for users that are following a ton of stuff // https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-sdk/issues/2420 if ( (options.channel_ids && options.channel_ids.length > 20) || (options.any_tags && options.any_tags.length > 20) ) { options.release_time = `>${Math.floor(moment().subtract(3, CS.FRESH_MONTH).startOf('week').unix())}`; } else if ( (options.channel_ids && options.channel_ids.length > 10) || (options.any_tags && options.any_tags.length > 10) ) { options.release_time = `>${Math.floor(moment().subtract(1, CS.FRESH_YEAR).startOf('week').unix())}`; } else { // Hack for at least the New page until https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-sdk/issues/2591 is fixed options.release_time = `<${Math.floor(moment().startOf('minute').unix())}`; } } } if (durationParam) { if (durationParam === CS.DURATION_SHORT) { options.duration = '<=240'; } else if (durationParam === CS.DURATION_LONG) { options.duration = '>=1200'; } } if (streamTypeParam && streamTypeParam !== CS.CONTENT_ALL && claimType !== CS.CLAIM_CHANNEL) { options.stream_types = typeof streamTypeParam === 'string' ? [streamTypeParam] : streamTypeParam; } if (claimTypeParam) { if (claimTypeParam !== CS.CONTENT_ALL) { if (Array.isArray(claimTypeParam)) { options.claim_type = claimTypeParam; } else { options.claim_type = [claimTypeParam]; } } } if (languageParams) { if (languageParams !== CS.LANGUAGES_ALL) { options.any_languages = languageParams.split(','); } } if (tagsParam) { if (tagsParam !== CS.TAGS_ALL && tagsParam !== '') { if (tagsParam === CS.TAGS_FOLLOWED) { options.any_tags = followed; } else if (Array.isArray(tagsParam)) { options.any_tags = tagsParam; } else { options.any_tags = tagsParam.split(','); } } } if (hideReposts && !options.reposted_claim_id && !forceShowReposts) { if (Array.isArray(options.claim_type)) { if (options.claim_type.length > 1) { options.claim_type = options.claim_type.filter((claimType) => claimType !== 'repost'); } } else { options.claim_type = ['stream', 'channel']; } } const hasMatureTags = tagsParam && tagsParam.split(',').some((t) => MATURE_TAGS.includes(t)); const searchKey = createNormalizedClaimSearchKey(options); const claimSearchResult = claimSearchByQuery[searchKey]; const claimSearchResultLastPageReached = claimSearchByQueryLastPageReached[searchKey]; const isUnfetchedClaimSearch = claimSearchResult === undefined; // uncomment to fix an item on a page // const fixUri = 'lbry://@corbettreport#0/lbryodysee#5'; // if ( // orderParam === CS.ORDER_BY_NEW && // claimSearchResult && // claimSearchResult.length > 2 && // window.location.pathname === '/$/rabbithole' // ) { // if (claimSearchResult.indexOf(fixUri) !== -1) { // claimSearchResult.splice(claimSearchResult.indexOf(fixUri), 1); // } else { // claimSearchResult.pop(); // } // claimSearchResult.splice(2, 0, fixUri); // } const [prevOptions, setPrevOptions] = React.useState(null); if (!isJustScrollingToNewPage(prevOptions, options)) { // --- New search, or search options changed. setPrevOptions(options); if (didNavigateForward) { // --- Reset the page. options.page = 1; setPage(options.page); } else if (claimSearchResult) { // --- Update 'page' based on retrieved 'claimSearchResult'. options.page = Math.ceil(claimSearchResult.length / dynamicPageSize); if (options.page !== page) { setPage(options.page); } } } const shouldPerformSearch = !uris && (claimSearchResult === undefined || didNavigateForward || (!loading && !claimSearchResultLastPageReached && claimSearchResult && claimSearchResult.length && claimSearchResult.length < dynamicPageSize * options.page && claimSearchResult.length % dynamicPageSize === 0)); // Don't use the query from createNormalizedClaimSearchKey for the effect since that doesn't include page & release_time const optionsStringForEffect = JSON.stringify(options); const timedOutMessage = (

setForceRefresh(Date.now())} /> ), }} > Sorry, your request timed out. Modify your options or %again%

), }} > If you continue to have issues, please %contact_support%.

); // ************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************** let finalUris; if (uris) { // --- direct uris finalUris = uris; injectPinUrls(finalUris, orderParam, pins, resolvedPinUris); finalUris = filterExcludedUris(finalUris, excludeUris); } else { // --- searched uris if (isUnfetchedClaimSearch && prevUris.current) { finalUris = prevUris.current; } else { finalUris = claimSearchResult; injectPinUrls(finalUris, orderParam, pins, resolvedPinUris); finalUris = filterExcludedUris(finalUris, excludeUris); prevUris.current = finalUris; } } // ************************************************************************** // Helpers // ************************************************************************** // Returns true if the change in 'options' indicate that we are simply scrolling // down to a new page; false otherwise. function isJustScrollingToNewPage(prevOptions, options) { if (!prevOptions) { // It's a new search, or we just popped back from a different view. return false; } // Compare every field except for 'page' and 'release_time'. // There might be better ways to achieve this. let tmpPrevOptions = { ...prevOptions }; tmpPrevOptions.page = -1; tmpPrevOptions.release_time = ''; let tmpOptions = { ...options }; tmpOptions.page = -1; tmpOptions.release_time = ''; return JSON.stringify(tmpOptions) === JSON.stringify(tmpPrevOptions); } function getParamFromTags(t) { if (t === CS.TAGS_ALL || t === CS.TAGS_FOLLOWED) { return t; } else if (Array.isArray(t)) { return t.join(','); } } function handleScrollBottom() { if (maxPages !== undefined && page === maxPages) { return; } if (!loading && infiniteScroll) { if (claimSearchResult && !claimSearchResultLastPageReached) { setPage(page + 1); } } } function resolveOrderByOption(orderBy: string | Array, sortBy: string | Array) { let order_by; switch (orderBy) { case CS.ORDER_BY_TRENDING: order_by = CS.ORDER_BY_TRENDING_VALUE; break; case CS.ORDER_BY_NEW: order_by = CS.ORDER_BY_NEW_VALUE; break; case CS.ORDER_BY_NEW_ASC: order_by = CS.ORDER_BY_NEW_ASC_VALUE; break; case CS.ORDER_BY_NAME_ASC: order_by = CS.ORDER_BY_NAME_ASC_VALUE; break; default: order_by = CS.ORDER_BY_TOP_VALUE; } if (orderBy === CS.ORDER_BY_NEW && sortBy === CS.SORT_BY.OLDEST.key) { return order_by.map((x) => `${CS.SORT_BY.OLDEST.opt}${x}`); } return order_by; } function injectPinUrls(uris, order, pins, resolvedPinUris) { if (!pins || !uris || uris.length <= 2 || (pins.onlyPinForOrder && pins.onlyPinForOrder !== order)) { return; } if (resolvedPinUris) { resolvedPinUris.forEach((pin) => { if (uris.includes(pin)) { uris.splice(uris.indexOf(pin), 1); } else { uris.pop(); } }); uris.splice(2, 0, ...resolvedPinUris); } } function filterExcludedUris(uris, excludeUris) { if (uris && excludeUris && excludeUris.length) { return uris.filter((uri) => !excludeUris.includes(uri)); } return uris; } // ************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************** useFetchViewCount(fetchViewCount, finalUris, claimsByUri, doFetchViewCount); useGetUserMemberships(true, finalUris, claimsByUri, doFetchUserMemberships); React.useEffect(() => { if (shouldPerformSearch) { const searchOptions = JSON.parse(optionsStringForEffect); doClaimSearch(searchOptions); } }, [doClaimSearch, shouldPerformSearch, optionsStringForEffect, forceRefresh]); const headerToUse = header || ( ); return ( {headerLabel && } {tileLayout ? (
{!repostedClaimId && showHeader && (
{headerToUse} {searchInSelectedLangOnly && }
{meta &&
)} {subSection &&
} {loading && useSkeletonScreen && (
{new Array(dynamicPageSize).fill(1).map((x, i) => ( ))}
) : (
{showHeader && (
{headerToUse} {searchInSelectedLangOnly && }
{meta &&
)} {subSection &&
} {loading && useSkeletonScreen && new Array(dynamicPageSize) .fill(1) .map((x, i) => ( ))}
); } export default withRouter(ClaimListDiscover);