// @flow import React, { useEffect, useState, useContext, useCallback } from 'react'; import { stopContextMenu } from 'util/context-menu'; import VideoJs from './internal/videojs'; import analytics from 'analytics'; import { EmbedContext } from 'page/embedWrapper/view'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import { FORCE_CONTENT_TYPE_PLAYER } from 'constants/claim'; import AutoplayCountdown from 'component/autoplayCountdown'; import usePrevious from 'effects/use-previous'; import FileViewerEmbeddedEnded from 'lbrytv/component/fileViewerEmbeddedEnded'; import FileViewerEmbeddedTitle from 'lbrytv/component/fileViewerEmbeddedTitle'; import LoadingScreen from 'component/common/loading-screen'; type Props = { position: number, changeVolume: number => void, changeMute: boolean => void, source: string, contentType: string, thumbnail: string, claim: Claim, muted: boolean, volume: number, uri: string, autoplaySetting: boolean, autoplayIfEmbedded: boolean, doAnalyticsView: (string, number) => Promise, claimRewards: () => void, setPlayingUri: (?string) => void, }; /* codesandbox of idealized/clean videojs and react 16+ https://codesandbox.io/s/71z2lm4ko6 */ function VideoViewer(props: Props) { const { contentType, source, changeVolume, changeMute, thumbnail, position, claim, uri, muted, volume, autoplaySetting, autoplayIfEmbedded, doAnalyticsView, claimRewards, setPlayingUri, } = props; const claimId = claim && claim.claim_id; const isAudio = contentType.includes('audio'); const forcePlayer = FORCE_CONTENT_TYPE_PLAYER.includes(contentType); const [isPlaying, setIsPlaying] = useState(false); const [showAutoplayCountdown, setShowAutoplayCountdown] = useState(false); const [isEndededEmbed, setIsEndededEmbed] = useState(false); /* isLoading was designed to show loading screen on first play press, rather than completely black screen, but breaks because some browsers (e.g. Firefox) block autoplay but leave the player.play Promise pending */ const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false); const previousUri = usePrevious(uri); const embedded = useContext(EmbedContext); // force everything to recent when URI changes, can cause weird corner cases otherwise (e.g. navigate while autoplay is true) useEffect(() => { if (uri && previousUri && uri !== previousUri) { setShowAutoplayCountdown(false); setIsEndededEmbed(false); setIsLoading(false); } }, [uri, previousUri]); function doTrackingBuffered(e: Event, data: any) { analytics.videoBufferEvent(claimId, data.currentTime); } function doTrackingFirstPlay(e: Event, data: any) { analytics.videoStartEvent(claimId, data.secondsToLoad); doAnalyticsView(uri, data.secondsToLoad).then(() => { claimRewards(); }); } function onEnded() { if (embedded) { setIsEndededEmbed(true); } else if (autoplaySetting) { setShowAutoplayCountdown(true); } } function onPlay() { setIsLoading(false); setIsPlaying(true); setShowAutoplayCountdown(false); setIsEndededEmbed(false); } function onPause() { setIsPlaying(false); } const onPlayerReady = useCallback(player => { if (!embedded) { player.muted(muted); player.volume(volume); } const shouldPlay = !embedded || autoplayIfEmbedded; // https://blog.videojs.com/autoplay-best-practices-with-video-js/#Programmatic-Autoplay-and-Success-Failure-Detection if (shouldPlay) { const playPromise = player.play(); const timeoutPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => reject('test'), 1000); }); Promise.race([playPromise, timeoutPromise]).catch(error => { if (error === 'test') { // The player promise hung // This is probably in firefox // Try playing again, it works? player.play(); } else { // Autoplay was actually blocked by the browser. // Reset everything so the user sees the thumbnail/play button and can start it on their own setIsLoading(false); setIsPlaying(false); } console.log('error', error); }); } setIsLoading(shouldPlay); // if we are here outside of an embed, we're playing player.on('tracking:buffered', doTrackingBuffered); player.on('tracking:firstplay', doTrackingFirstPlay); player.on('ended', onEnded); player.on('play', onPlay); player.on('pause', onPause); player.on('volumechange', () => { if (player && player.volume() !== volume) { changeVolume(player.volume()); } if (player && player.muted() !== muted) { changeMute(player.muted()); } }); if (position) { player.currentTime(position); } }, []); return (
{showAutoplayCountdown && } {isEndededEmbed && } {embedded && !isEndededEmbed && } {/* disable this loading behavior because it breaks when player.play() promise hangs */} {isLoading && }
); } export default VideoViewer;