// @flow import React from 'react'; import { lazyImport } from 'util/lazyImport'; import Page from 'component/page'; import LivestreamLayout from 'component/livestreamLayout'; import analytics from 'analytics'; import watchLivestreamStatus from '$web/src/livestreaming/long-polling'; const LivestreamComments = lazyImport(() => import('component/livestreamComments' /* webpackChunkName: "comments" */)); type Props = { uri: string, claim: StreamClaim, doSetPlayingUri: ({ uri: ?string }) => void, isAuthenticated: boolean, doUserSetReferrer: (string) => void, channelClaim: ChannelClaim, chatDisabled: boolean, }; export default function LivestreamPage(props: Props) { const { uri, claim, doSetPlayingUri, isAuthenticated, doUserSetReferrer, channelClaim, chatDisabled } = props; const [isLive, setIsLive] = React.useState('pending'); const livestreamChannelId = channelClaim && channelClaim.signing_channel && channelClaim.signing_channel.claim_id; React.useEffect(() => { if (!livestreamChannelId) { setIsLive(false); return; } return watchLivestreamStatus(livestreamChannelId, (state) => setIsLive(state)); }, [livestreamChannelId, setIsLive]); const stringifiedClaim = JSON.stringify(claim); React.useEffect(() => { if (uri && stringifiedClaim) { const jsonClaim = JSON.parse(stringifiedClaim); if (jsonClaim) { const { txid, nout, claim_id: claimId } = jsonClaim; const outpoint = `${txid}:${nout}`; analytics.apiLogView(uri, outpoint, claimId); } if (!isAuthenticated) { const uri = jsonClaim.signing_channel && jsonClaim.signing_channel.permanent_url; if (uri) { doUserSetReferrer(uri.replace('lbry://', '')); } } } }, [uri, stringifiedClaim, isAuthenticated]); React.useEffect(() => { // Set playing uri to null so the popout player doesnt start playing the dummy claim if a user navigates back // This can be removed when we start using the app video player, not a LIVESTREAM iframe doSetPlayingUri({ uri: null }); }, [doSetPlayingUri]); return ( isLive !== 'pending' && ( ) } > ) ); }