// @flow /* On submit, this component calls publish, which dispatches doPublishDesktop. doPublishDesktop calls lbry-redux Lbry publish method using lbry-redux publish state as params. Publish simply instructs the SDK to find the file path on disk and publish it with the provided metadata. On web, the Lbry publish method call is overridden in platform/web/api-setup, using a function in platform/web/publish. File upload is carried out in the background by that function. */ import { SITE_NAME, ENABLE_NO_SOURCE_CLAIMS, SIMPLE_SITE, CHANNEL_STAKED_LEVEL_LIVESTREAM } from 'config'; import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; import { buildURI, isURIValid, isNameValid, THUMBNAIL_STATUSES, Lbry } from 'lbry-redux'; import Button from 'component/button'; import ChannelSelect from 'component/channelSelector'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import TagsSelect from 'component/tagsSelect'; import PublishDescription from 'component/publishDescription'; import PublishPrice from 'component/publishPrice'; import PublishFile from 'component/publishFile'; import PublishBid from 'component/publishBid'; import PublishAdditionalOptions from 'component/publishAdditionalOptions'; import PublishFormErrors from 'component/publishFormErrors'; import SelectThumbnail from 'component/selectThumbnail'; import Card from 'component/common/card'; import I18nMessage from 'component/i18nMessage'; import * as PUBLISH_MODES from 'constants/publish_types'; import { useHistory } from 'react-router'; import Spinner from 'component/spinner'; import { toHex } from 'util/hex'; import { BITWAVE_REPLAY_API } from 'constants/livestream'; // @if TARGET='app' import fs from 'fs'; import tempy from 'tempy'; // @endif type Props = { disabled: boolean, tags: Array, publish: (source?: string | File, ?boolean) => void, filePath: string | File, fileText: string, bid: ?number, bidError: ?string, editingURI: ?string, title: ?string, thumbnail: ?string, uploadThumbnailStatus: ?string, thumbnailPath: ?string, description: ?string, language: string, nsfw: boolean, contentIsFree: boolean, fee: { amount: string, currency: string, }, name: ?string, nameError: ?string, isResolvingUri: boolean, winningBidForClaimUri: number, myClaimForUri: ?StreamClaim, licenseType: string, otherLicenseDescription: ?string, licenseUrl: ?string, useLBRYUploader: ?boolean, publishing: boolean, balance: number, isStillEditing: boolean, clearPublish: () => void, resolveUri: (string) => void, scrollToTop: () => void, prepareEdit: (claim: any, uri: string) => void, resetThumbnailStatus: () => void, amountNeededForTakeover: ?number, // Add back type updatePublishForm: (any) => void, checkAvailability: (string) => void, ytSignupPending: boolean, modal: { id: string, modalProps: {} }, enablePublishPreview: boolean, activeChannelClaim: ?ChannelClaim, incognito: boolean, user: ?User, activeChannelStakedLevel: number, isLivestreamClaim: boolean, isPostClaim: boolean, permanentUrl: ?string, }; function PublishForm(props: Props) { // Detect upload type from query in URL const { thumbnail, name, editingURI, myClaimForUri, resolveUri, title, bid, bidError, uploadThumbnailStatus, resetThumbnailStatus, updatePublishForm, filePath, fileText, publishing, clearPublish, isStillEditing, tags, publish, disabled = false, checkAvailability, ytSignupPending, modal, enablePublishPreview, activeChannelClaim, incognito, user, activeChannelStakedLevel, isLivestreamClaim, isPostClaim, permanentUrl, const { replace, location } = useHistory(); const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(location.search); const TYPE_PARAM = 'type'; const uploadType = urlParams.get(TYPE_PARAM); const enableLivestream = ENABLE_NO_SOURCE_CLAIMS && user && !user.odysee_live_disabled && (activeChannelStakedLevel >= CHANNEL_STAKED_LEVEL_LIVESTREAM || user.odysee_live_enabled); // $FlowFixMe const AVAILABLE_MODES = Object.values(PUBLISH_MODES).filter((mode) => { if (editingURI) { if (isPostClaim) { return mode === PUBLISH_MODES.POST; } else if (isLivestreamClaim) { return mode === PUBLISH_MODES.LIVESTREAM && enableLivestream; } else { return mode === PUBLISH_MODES.FILE; } } else { if (mode === PUBLISH_MODES.LIVESTREAM) { return enableLivestream; } return true; } }); const MODE_TO_I18N_STR = { [PUBLISH_MODES.FILE]: SIMPLE_SITE ? 'Video' : 'File', [PUBLISH_MODES.POST]: 'Post --[noun, markdown post tab button]--', [PUBLISH_MODES.LIVESTREAM]: 'Livestream --[noun, livestream tab button]--', }; const [mode, setMode] = React.useState(uploadType || PUBLISH_MODES.FILE); const [isCheckingLivestreams, setCheckingLivestreams] = React.useState(false); let customSubtitle; if (mode === PUBLISH_MODES.LIVESTREAM || isLivestreamClaim) { if (isLivestreamClaim) { customSubtitle = __('Update your livestream'); } else { customSubtitle = __('Prepare an upcoming livestream'); } } else if (mode === PUBLISH_MODES.POST || isPostClaim) { if (isPostClaim) { customSubtitle = __('Edit your post'); } else { customSubtitle = __('Craft an epic post clearly explaining... whatever.'); } } else { if (editingURI) { customSubtitle = __('Update your video'); } else { customSubtitle = __('Upload that unlabeled video you found behind the TV in 1991'); } } const [autoSwitchMode, setAutoSwitchMode] = React.useState(true); // Used to check if the url name has changed: // A new file needs to be provided const [prevName, setPrevName] = React.useState(false); // Used to check if the file has been modified by user const [fileEdited, setFileEdited] = React.useState(false); const [prevFileText, setPrevFileText] = React.useState(''); const [livestreamData, setLivestreamData] = React.useState([]); const [signedMessage, setSignedMessage] = React.useState({}); const signedMessageStr = JSON.stringify(signedMessage); const TAGS_LIMIT = 5; const fileFormDisabled = mode === PUBLISH_MODES.FILE && !filePath; const emptyPostError = mode === PUBLISH_MODES.POST && (!fileText || fileText.trim() === ''); const formDisabled = (fileFormDisabled && !editingURI) || emptyPostError || publishing; const isInProgress = filePath || editingURI || name || title; const activeChannelName = activeChannelClaim && activeChannelClaim.name; const activeChannelClaimStr = JSON.stringify(activeChannelClaim); // Editing content info const fileMimeType = myClaimForUri && myClaimForUri.value && myClaimForUri.value.source ? myClaimForUri.value.source.media_type : undefined; const claimChannelId = myClaimForUri && myClaimForUri.signing_channel && myClaimForUri.signing_channel.claim_id; const nameEdited = isStillEditing && name !== prevName; // If they are editing, they don't need a new file chosen const formValidLessFile = name && isNameValid(name, false) && title && bid && !bidError && !emptyPostError && !(uploadThumbnailStatus === THUMBNAIL_STATUSES.IN_PROGRESS); const isOverwritingExistingClaim = !editingURI && myClaimForUri; const formValid = isOverwritingExistingClaim ? false : editingURI && !filePath ? isStillEditing && formValidLessFile : formValidLessFile; const [previewing, setPreviewing] = React.useState(false); React.useEffect(() => { if (activeChannelClaimStr) { const channelClaim = JSON.parse(activeChannelClaimStr); const message = 'get-claim-id-replays'; setSignedMessage({ signature: null, signing_ts: null }); // ensure we have a channel if (channelClaim.claim_id) { Lbry.channel_sign({ channel_id: channelClaim.claim_id, hexdata: toHex(message), }) .then((data) => { setSignedMessage(data); }) .catch((error) => { setSignedMessage({ signature: null, signing_ts: null }); }); } } }, [activeChannelClaimStr, setSignedMessage]); useEffect(() => { if (!modal) { setTimeout(() => { setPreviewing(false); }, 250); } }, [modal]); // move this to lbryinc OR to a file under ui, and/or provide a standardized livestreaming config. function checkLivestreams(channelId, signature, timestamp) { // $FlowFixMe Bitwave's API can handle garbage setCheckingLivestreams(true); fetch(`${BITWAVE_REPLAY_API}/${channelId}?signature=${signature}&signing_ts=${timestamp}`) // claimChannelId .then((res) => res.json()) .then((res) => { if (!res || !res.data) { setLivestreamData([]); } setLivestreamData(res.data); setCheckingLivestreams(false); }) .catch((e) => { setLivestreamData([]); setCheckingLivestreams(false); }); } useEffect(() => { const signedMessage = JSON.parse(signedMessageStr); if (claimChannelId && isLivestreamClaim && signedMessage.signature) { checkLivestreams(claimChannelId, signedMessage.signature, signedMessage.signing_ts); } }, [claimChannelId, isLivestreamClaim, signedMessageStr]); const isLivestreamMode = mode === PUBLISH_MODES.LIVESTREAM; let submitLabel; if (publishing) { if (isStillEditing) { submitLabel = __('Saving...'); } else if (isLivestreamMode) { submitLabel = __('Creating...'); } else { submitLabel = __('Uploading...'); } } else if (previewing) { submitLabel = __('Preparing...'); } else { if (isStillEditing) { submitLabel = __('Save'); } else if (isLivestreamMode) { submitLabel = __('Create'); } else { submitLabel = __('Upload'); } } // if you enter the page and it is stuck in publishing, "stop it." useEffect(() => { if (publishing) { clearPublish(); } }, []); useEffect(() => { if (!thumbnail) { resetThumbnailStatus(); } }, [thumbnail, resetThumbnailStatus]); // Save previous name of the editing claim useEffect(() => { if (isStillEditing && (!prevName || !prevName.trim() === '')) { if (name !== prevName) { setPrevName(name); } } }, [name, prevName, setPrevName, isStillEditing]); // Check for content changes on the text editor useEffect(() => { if (!fileEdited && fileText !== prevFileText && fileText !== '') { setFileEdited(true); } else if (fileEdited && fileText === prevFileText) { setFileEdited(false); } }, [fileText, prevFileText, fileEdited]); // Every time the channel or name changes, resolve the uris to find winning bid amounts useEffect(() => { // We are only going to store the full uri, but we need to resolve the uri with and without the channel name let uri; try { uri = name && buildURI({ streamName: name, activeChannelName }); } catch (e) {} if (activeChannelName && name) { // resolve without the channel name so we know the winning bid for it try { const uriLessChannel = buildURI({ streamName: name }); resolveUri(uriLessChannel); } catch (e) {} } const isValid = isURIValid(uri); if (uri && isValid && checkAvailability && name) { resolveUri(uri); checkAvailability(name); updatePublishForm({ uri }); } }, [name, activeChannelName, resolveUri, updatePublishForm, checkAvailability]); // because publish editingUri is channel_short/claim_long and we don't have that, resolve it. useEffect(() => { if (editingURI) { resolveUri(editingURI); } }, [editingURI, resolveUri]); // set isMarkdownPost in publish form if so, also update isLivestreamPublish useEffect(() => { updatePublishForm({ isMarkdownPost: mode === PUBLISH_MODES.POST, isLivestreamPublish: isLivestreamMode, }); }, [mode, updatePublishForm]); useEffect(() => { if (incognito) { updatePublishForm({ channel: undefined }); // Anonymous livestreams aren't supported if (isLivestreamMode) { setMode(PUBLISH_MODES.FILE); } } else if (activeChannelName) { updatePublishForm({ channel: activeChannelName }); } }, [activeChannelName, incognito, updatePublishForm, isLivestreamMode]); // set mode based on urlParams 'type' useEffect(() => { const _uploadType = uploadType && uploadType.toLowerCase(); // Default to standard file publish if none specified if (!_uploadType) { setMode(PUBLISH_MODES.FILE); return; } // File publish if (_uploadType === PUBLISH_MODES.FILE.toLowerCase()) { setMode(PUBLISH_MODES.FILE); return; } // Post publish if (_uploadType === PUBLISH_MODES.POST.toLowerCase()) { setMode(PUBLISH_MODES.POST); return; } // LiveStream publish if (_uploadType === PUBLISH_MODES.LIVESTREAM.toLowerCase() && livestreamEnabled) { setMode(PUBLISH_MODES.LIVESTREAM); return; } // Default to standard file publish setMode(PUBLISH_MODES.FILE); }, [uploadType, livestreamEnabled]); useEffect(() => { if (!uploadType) return; const newParams = new URLSearchParams(); newParams.set(TYPE_PARAM, mode.toLowerCase()); replace({ search: newParams.toString() }); }, [mode, uploadType]); // @if TARGET='web' function createWebFile() { if (fileText) { const fileName = name || title; if (fileName) { return new File([fileText], `${fileName}.md`, { type: 'text/markdown' }); } } } // @endif // @if TARGET='app' // Save file changes locally ( desktop ) function saveFileChanges() { let output; if (!output || output === '') { // Generate a temporary file: output = tempy.file({ name: 'post.md' }); } else if (typeof filePath === 'string') { // Use current file output = filePath; } // Create a temporary file and save file changes if (output && output !== '') { // Save file changes return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.writeFile(output, fileText, (error, data) => { // Handle error, cant save changes or create file error ? reject(error) : resolve(output); }); }); } } // @endif async function handlePublish() { let outputFile = filePath; let runPublish = false; // Publish post: // If here is no file selected yet on desktop, show file dialog and let the // user choose a file path. On web a new File is created if (mode === PUBLISH_MODES.POST && !emptyPostError) { // If user modified content on the text editor or editing name has changed: // Save changes and update file path if (fileEdited || nameEdited) { // @if TARGET='app' outputFile = await saveFileChanges(); // @endif // @if TARGET='web' outputFile = createWebFile(); // @endif // New content stored locally and is not empty if (outputFile) { updatePublishForm({ filePath: outputFile }); runPublish = true; } } else { // Only metadata has changed. runPublish = true; } } // Publish file if (mode === PUBLISH_MODES.FILE || isLivestreamMode) { runPublish = true; } if (runPublish) { if (enablePublishPreview) { setPreviewing(true); publish(outputFile, true); } else { publish(outputFile, false); } } } // Update mode on editing useEffect(() => { if (autoSwitchMode && editingURI && myClaimForUri) { // Change publish mode to "post" if editing content type is markdown if (fileMimeType === 'text/markdown' && mode !== PUBLISH_MODES.POST) { setMode(PUBLISH_MODES.POST); // Prevent forced mode setAutoSwitchMode(false); } } }, [autoSwitchMode, editingURI, fileMimeType, myClaimForUri, mode, setMode, setAutoSwitchMode]); if (publishing) { return (


); } // Editing claim uri return (
{AVAILABLE_MODES.map((modeName) => (

{!formDisabled && !formValid ? ( ) : ( ), }} > By continuing, you accept the %lbry_terms_of_service%. )}

); } export default PublishForm;