// @flow import { SHOW_ADS, AD_KEYWORD_BLOCKLIST, AD_KEYWORD_BLOCKLIST_CHECK_DESCRIPTION } from 'config'; import React from 'react'; import ClaimList from 'component/claimList'; import ClaimListDiscover from 'component/claimListDiscover'; import Spinner from 'component/spinner'; import Ads from 'web/component/ads'; import Card from 'component/common/card'; import { useIsMobile, useIsMediumScreen } from 'effects/use-screensize'; import Button from 'component/button'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import RecSys from 'recsys'; import { getClaimMetadata } from 'util/claim'; const VIEW_ALL_RELATED = 'view_all_related'; const VIEW_MORE_FROM = 'view_more_from'; const BLOCKED_WORDS: ?Array = AD_KEYWORD_BLOCKLIST && AD_KEYWORD_BLOCKLIST.toLowerCase().split(','); const CHECK_DESCRIPTION: boolean = AD_KEYWORD_BLOCKLIST_CHECK_DESCRIPTION === 'true'; type Props = { uri: string, recommendedContentUris: Array, nextRecommendedUri: string, isSearching: boolean, doFetchRecommendedContent: (string) => void, isAuthenticated: boolean, claim: ?StreamClaim, }; export default React.memo(function RecommendedContent(props: Props) { const { uri, doFetchRecommendedContent, recommendedContentUris, nextRecommendedUri, isSearching, isAuthenticated, claim, } = props; const claimId: ?string = claim && claim.claim_id; const injectAds = SHOW_ADS && IS_WEB && !isAuthenticated; function claimContainsBlockedWords(claim: ?StreamClaim) { if (BLOCKED_WORDS) { const hasBlockedWords = (str) => BLOCKED_WORDS.some((bw) => str.includes(bw)); const metadata = getClaimMetadata(claim); // $FlowFixMe - flow does not support chaining yet, but we know for sure these fields are '?string'. const title = metadata?.title?.toLowerCase(); // $FlowFixMe const description = metadata?.description?.toLowerCase(); // $FlowFixMe const name = claim?.name?.toLowerCase(); return Boolean( (title && hasBlockedWords(title)) || (name && hasBlockedWords(name)) || (CHECK_DESCRIPTION && description && hasBlockedWords(description)) ); } return false; } const triggerBlacklist = React.useMemo(() => injectAds && claimContainsBlockedWords(claim), [injectAds, claim]); const [viewMode, setViewMode] = React.useState(VIEW_ALL_RELATED); const signingChannel = claim && claim.signing_channel; const channelName = signingChannel ? signingChannel.name : null; const isMobile = useIsMobile(); const isMedium = useIsMediumScreen(); const { onRecsLoaded: onRecommendationsLoaded, onClickedRecommended: onRecommendationClicked } = RecSys; React.useEffect(() => { doFetchRecommendedContent(uri); }, [uri, doFetchRecommendedContent]); React.useEffect(() => { // Right now we only want to record the recs if they actually saw them. if ( claimId && recommendedContentUris && recommendedContentUris.length && nextRecommendedUri && viewMode === VIEW_ALL_RELATED ) { onRecommendationsLoaded(claimId, recommendedContentUris); } }, [recommendedContentUris, onRecommendationsLoaded, claimId, nextRecommendedUri, viewMode]); function handleRecommendationClicked(e, clickedClaim) { if (claim) { onRecommendationClicked(claim.claim_id, clickedClaim.claim_id); } } return (