var settingsRadioOptionStyles = { display: 'block', marginLeft: '13px' }, settingsCheckBoxOptionStyles = { display: 'block', marginLeft: '13px' }, settingsNumberFieldStyles = { width: '40px' }, downloadDirectoryLabelStyles = { fontSize: '.9em', marginLeft: '13px' }, downloadDirectoryFieldStyles= { width: '300px' }; var SettingsPage = React.createClass({ onRunOnStartChange: function (event) { lbry.setDaemonSetting('run_on_startup',; }, onShareDataChange: function (event) { lbry.setDaemonSetting('upload_log',; }, onDownloadDirChange: function(event) { lbry.setDaemonSetting('download_directory',; }, onMaxUploadPrefChange: function(isLimited) { if (!isLimited) { lbry.setDaemonSetting('max_upload', 0.0); } this.setState({ isMaxUpload: isLimited }); }, onMaxUploadFieldChange: function(event) { lbry.setDaemonSetting('max_upload', Number(; }, onMaxDownloadPrefChange: function(isLimited) { if (!isLimited) { lbry.setDaemonSetting('max_download', 0.0); } this.setState({ isMaxDownload: isLimited }); }, onMaxDownloadFieldChange: function(event) { lbry.setDaemonSetting('max_download', Number(; }, getInitialState: function() { return { settings: null, showNsfw: lbry.getClientSetting('showNsfw') } }, componentDidMount: function() { document.title = "Settings"; }, componentWillMount: function() { lbry.getDaemonSettings(function(settings) { this.setState({ daemonSettings: settings, isMaxUpload: settings.max_upload != 0, isMaxDownload: settings.max_download != 0 }); }.bind(this)); }, onShowNsfwChange: function(event) { lbry.setClientSetting('showNsfw',; }, render: function() { if (!this.state.daemonSettings) { return null; } return (

Run on Startup

Download Directory

Where would you like the files you download from LBRY to be saved?

Bandwidth Limits

Max Upload

Max Download


NSFW content may include nudity, intense sexuality, profanity, or other adult content. By displaying NSFW content, you are affirming you are of legal age to view mature content in your country or jurisdiction.

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); } });