import React from "react"; import { Modal } from "component/modal"; import { CreditAmount } from "component/common"; class ModalFirstReward extends React.PureComponent { render() { const { closeModal, reward } = this.props; return (

{__("About Your Reward")}

{__("You earned a reward of")} {" "} {" "}{__("LBRY credits, or")} {__("LBC")}.

{__( "This reward will show in your Wallet momentarily, shown in the top right, probably while you are reading this message." )}

{__( "LBC is used to compensate creators, to publish, and to have say in how the network works." )}

{__( "No need to understand it all just yet! Try watching or downloading something next." )}

{__( "Finally, pleaseh know that LBRY is an early beta and that it earns the name." )}

); } } export default ModalFirstReward;