// @flow import { Lbryio } from 'lbryinc'; import ReactGA from 'react-ga'; import { history } from './store'; // @if TARGET='app' import Native from 'native'; import ElectronCookies from '@exponent/electron-cookies'; // @endif const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'; const devInternalApis = process.env.LBRY_API_URL; const LBRY_TV_MINUS_PIRATE_BAY_UA_ID = 'UA-60403362-16'; const LBRY_TV_UA_ID = 'UA-60403362-12'; const DESKTOP_UA_ID = 'UA-60403362-13'; const SECOND_TRACKER_NAME = 'tracker2'; // @if TARGET='app' ElectronCookies.enable({ origin: 'https://lbry.tv', }); // @endif type Analytics = { error: string => void, pageView: string => void, setUser: Object => void, toggle: (boolean, ?boolean) => void, apiLogView: (string, string, string, ?number, ?() => void) => Promise<any>, apiLogPublish: (ChannelClaim | StreamClaim) => void, tagFollowEvent: (string, boolean, string) => void, emailProvidedEvent: () => void, emailVerifiedEvent: () => void, rewardEligibleEvent: () => void, startupEvent: () => void, readyEvent: number => void, openUrlEvent: string => void, }; type LogPublishParams = { uri: string, claim_id: string, outpoint: string, channel_claim_id?: string, }; let analyticsEnabled: boolean = true; const analytics: Analytics = { error: message => { if (analyticsEnabled) { Lbryio.call('event', 'desktop_error', { error_message: message }); } }, pageView: path => { if (analyticsEnabled) { ReactGA.pageview(path, [SECOND_TRACKER_NAME]); } }, setUser: userId => { if (analyticsEnabled && userId) { ReactGA.set({ userId, }); // @if TARGET='app' Native.getAppVersionInfo().then(({ localVersion }) => { sendGaEvent('Desktop-Version', localVersion); }); // @endif } }, toggle: (enabled: boolean): void => { // Always collect analytics on lbry.tv // @if TARGET='app' analyticsEnabled = enabled; // @endif }, apiLogView: (uri, outpoint, claimId, timeToStart) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (analyticsEnabled && (isProduction || devInternalApis)) { const params: { uri: string, outpoint: string, claim_id: string, time_to_start?: number, } = { uri, outpoint, claim_id: claimId, }; // lbry.tv streams from AWS so we don't care about the time to start if (timeToStart && !IS_WEB) { params.time_to_start = timeToStart; } resolve(Lbryio.call('file', 'view', params)); } else { resolve(); } }); }, apiLogSearch: () => { if (analyticsEnabled && isProduction) { Lbryio.call('event', 'search'); } }, apiLogPublish: (claimResult: ChannelClaim | StreamClaim) => { if (analyticsEnabled && isProduction) { const { permanent_url: uri, claim_id: claimId, txid, nout, signing_channel: signingChannel } = claimResult; let channelClaimId; if (signingChannel) { channelClaimId = signingChannel.claim_id; } const outpoint = `${txid}:${nout}`; const params: LogPublishParams = { uri, claim_id: claimId, outpoint }; if (channelClaimId) { params['channel_claim_id'] = channelClaimId; } Lbryio.call('event', 'publish', params); } }, apiSearchFeedback: (query, vote) => { if (isProduction) { // We don't need to worry about analytics enabled here because users manually click on the button to provide feedback Lbryio.call('feedback', 'search', { query, vote }); } }, tagFollowEvent: (tag, following, location) => { sendGaEvent(following ? 'Tag-Follow' : 'Tag-Unfollow', tag); }, channelBlockEvent: (uri, blocked, location) => { sendGaEvent(blocked ? 'Channel-Hidden' : 'Channel-Unhidden', uri); }, emailProvidedEvent: () => { sendGaEvent('Engagement', 'Email-Provided'); }, emailVerifiedEvent: () => { sendGaEvent('Engagement', 'Email-Verified'); }, rewardEligibleEvent: () => { sendGaEvent('Engagement', 'Reward-Eligible'); }, openUrlEvent: (url: string) => { sendGaEvent('Engagement', 'Open-Url', url); }, startupEvent: () => { sendGaEvent('Startup', 'Startup'); }, readyEvent: (timeToReady: number) => { sendGaEvent('Startup', 'App-Ready'); sendGaTimingEvent('Startup', 'App-Ready', timeToReady); }, }; function sendGaEvent(category, action, label) { if (analyticsEnabled && isProduction) { ReactGA.event( { category, action, ...(label ? { label } : {}), }, [SECOND_TRACKER_NAME] ); } } function sendGaTimingEvent(category: string, action: string, timeInMs: number) { if (analyticsEnabled && isProduction) { ReactGA.timing( { category, variable: action, value: timeInMs, }, [SECOND_TRACKER_NAME] ); } } let gaTrackers = []; if (!IS_WEB) { gaTrackers.push({ trackingId: DESKTOP_UA_ID, }); } else { gaTrackers.push({ trackingId: LBRY_TV_UA_ID, }); const { search } = window.location; const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(search); const isPirateBayUser = urlParams.get('utm_source') === 'PB'; if (!isPirateBayUser) { gaTrackers.push({ trackingId: LBRY_TV_MINUS_PIRATE_BAY_UA_ID, gaOptions: { name: SECOND_TRACKER_NAME, }, }); } } ReactGA.initialize(gaTrackers, { testMode: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production', cookieDomain: 'auto', siteSpeedSampleRate: 100, // un-comment to see events as they are sent to google // debug: true, }); // Manually call the first page view // React Router doesn't include this on `history.listen` // @if TARGET='web' analytics.pageView(window.location.pathname + window.location.search); // @endif // @if TARGET='app' ReactGA.set({ checkProtocolTask: null }); ReactGA.set({ location: 'https://lbry.tv' }); analytics.pageView(window.location.pathname.split('.html')[1] + window.location.search || '/'); // @endif; // Listen for url changes and report // This will include search queries history.listen(location => { const { pathname, search } = location; const page = `${pathname}${search}`; analytics.pageView(page); }); export default analytics;