import { execSync } from 'child_process'; import isDev from 'electron-is-dev'; import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron'; import * as remote from '@electron/remote'; import * as ACTIONS from 'constants/action_types'; import * as MODALS from 'constants/modal_types'; import * as SETTINGS from 'constants/settings'; import * as DAEMON_SETTINGS from 'constants/daemon_settings'; import * as SHARED_PREFERENCES from 'constants/shared_preferences'; import { DOMAIN } from 'config'; import Lbry from 'lbry'; import { doFetchChannelListMine, doFetchCollectionListMine, doCheckPendingClaims } from 'redux/actions/claims'; import { selectClaimForUri, selectClaimIsMineForUri, selectMyChannelClaims } from 'redux/selectors/claims'; import { doFetchFileInfos } from 'redux/actions/file_info'; import { doClearSupport, doBalanceSubscribe } from 'redux/actions/wallet'; import { doClearPublish } from 'redux/actions/publish'; import { Lbryio } from 'lbryinc'; import { selectFollowedTagsList } from 'redux/selectors/tags'; import { doToast, doError, doNotificationList } from 'redux/actions/notifications'; import { doFetchDaemonSettings, doSetAutoLaunch, doSetDaemonSetting, doFindFFmpeg, doGetDaemonStatus, } from 'redux/actions/settings'; import { selectIsUpgradeSkipped, selectUpdateUrl, selectUpgradeDownloadPath, selectAutoUpdateDeclined, selectRemoteVersion, selectUpgradeTimer, selectModal, selectAllowAnalytics, } from 'redux/selectors/app'; import { selectDaemonSettings, makeSelectClientSetting, selectDisableAutoUpdates } from 'redux/selectors/settings'; import { selectUser } from 'redux/selectors/user'; import { doSyncLoop, doSetPrefsReady, doPreferenceGet, doPopulateSharedUserState } from 'redux/actions/sync'; import { doAuthenticate } from 'redux/actions/user'; import { lbrySettings as config, version as appVersion } from 'package.json'; import analytics, { SHARE_INTERNAL } from 'analytics'; import { doSignOutCleanup } from 'util/saved-passwords'; import { doNotificationSocketConnect } from 'redux/actions/websocket'; import { stringifyServerParam, shouldSetSetting } from 'util/sync-settings'; const CHECK_UPGRADE_INTERVAL = 10 * 60 * 1000; export function doOpenModal(id, modalProps = {}) { return { type: ACTIONS.SHOW_MODAL, data: { id, modalProps, }, }; } export function doHideModal() { return { type: ACTIONS.HIDE_MODAL, }; } export function doUpdateDownloadProgress(percent) { return { type: ACTIONS.UPGRADE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESSED, data: { percent, }, }; } export function doSkipUpgrade() { return { type: ACTIONS.SKIP_UPGRADE, }; } export function doStartUpgrade() { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const upgradeDownloadPath = selectUpgradeDownloadPath(state); ipcRenderer.send('upgrade', upgradeDownloadPath); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.UPGRADE_INIT_INSTALL, }); }; } export function doShowUpgradeInstallationError() { return { type: ACTIONS.UPGRADE_INSTALL_ERROR, }; } export function doDownloadUpgrade() { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const url = selectUpdateUrl(state); ipcRenderer.send('download-upgrade', { url, options: {} }); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.UPGRADE_DOWNLOAD_STARTED, }); dispatch(doHideModal()); dispatch(doOpenModal(MODALS.DOWNLOADING)); }; } export function doDownloadUpgradeRequested() { // This means the user requested an upgrade by clicking the "upgrade" button in the navbar. // If on Mac and Windows, we do some new behavior for the auto-update system. // This will probably be reorganized once we get auto-update going on Linux and remove // the old logic. return (dispatch) => { if (['win32', 'darwin'].includes(process.platform) || !!process.env.APPIMAGE) { // electron-updater behavior dispatch(doOpenModal(MODALS.AUTO_UPDATE_DOWNLOADED)); } else { // Old behavior for Linux dispatch(doDownloadUpgrade()); } }; } export function doClearUpgradeTimer() { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); if (selectUpgradeTimer(state)) { clearInterval(selectUpgradeTimer(state)); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.CLEAR_UPGRADE_TIMER, }); } }; } export function doAutoUpdate() { return (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.AUTO_UPDATE_DOWNLOADED, }); dispatch(doOpenModal(MODALS.AUTO_UPDATE_DOWNLOADED)); dispatch(doClearUpgradeTimer()); }; } export function doAutoUpdateDeclined() { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(doClearUpgradeTimer()); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.AUTO_UPDATE_DECLINED, }); }; } export function doCancelUpgrade() { ipcRenderer.send('cancel-download-upgrade'); return { type: ACTIONS.UPGRADE_CANCELLED }; } export function doCheckUpgradeAvailable() { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.CHECK_UPGRADE_START, }); const autoUpdateSupported = ['win32', 'darwin'].includes(process.platform) || !!process.env.APPIMAGE; const autoUpdateDeclined = selectAutoUpdateDeclined(state); // If auto update isn't supported (Linux using .deb packages) // don't perform any download, just get the upgrade info // (release notes and version) const disableAutoUpdate = !autoUpdateSupported || selectDisableAutoUpdates(state); if (autoUpdateDeclined || isDev) { return; } ipcRenderer.send('check-for-updates', !disableAutoUpdate); }; } export function doNotifyUpdateAvailable(e) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const remoteVersion = e.releaseName || e.version; const state = getState(); const noModalBeingDisplayed = !selectModal(state); const isUpgradeSkipped = selectIsUpgradeSkipped(state); const isRemoteVersionDiff = remoteVersion !== selectRemoteVersion(state); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.CHECK_UPGRADE_SUCCESS, data: { upgradeAvailable: true, remoteVersion, releaseNotes: e.releaseNotes, }, }); const autoUpdateSupported = ['win32', 'darwin'].includes(process.platform) || !!process.env.APPIMAGE; if (autoUpdateSupported) { return; } if (noModalBeingDisplayed && !isUpgradeSkipped && isRemoteVersionDiff) { dispatch(doOpenModal(MODALS.UPGRADE)); } }; } export function doAutoUpdateDownloading() { return { type: ACTIONS.AUTO_UPDATE_DOWNLOADING, }; } export function doAutoUpdateReset() { return { type: ACTIONS.AUTO_UPDATE_RESET, }; } export function doAutoUpdateFail() { return { type: ACTIONS.AUTO_UPDATE_FAILED, }; } /* Initiate a timer that will check for an app upgrade every 10 minutes. */ export function doCheckUpgradeSubscribe() { return (dispatch) => { const checkUpgradeTimer = setInterval(() => dispatch(doCheckUpgradeAvailable()), CHECK_UPGRADE_INTERVAL); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.CHECK_UPGRADE_SUBSCRIBE, data: { checkUpgradeTimer }, }); }; } export function doCheckDaemonVersion() { return (dispatch) => { // @if TARGET='app' Lbry.version().then(({ lbrynet_version: lbrynetVersion }) => { // Avoid the incompatible daemon modal if running in dev mode // Lets you run a different daemon than the one specified in package.json if (config.lbrynetDaemonVersion === lbrynetVersion || process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { return dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.DAEMON_VERSION_MATCH, }); } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.DAEMON_VERSION_MISMATCH, }); if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { return dispatch(doOpenModal(MODALS.INCOMPATIBLE_DAEMON)); } }); // @endif // @if TARGET='web' dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.DAEMON_VERSION_MATCH, }); // @endif }; } export function doNotifyEncryptWallet() { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(doOpenModal(MODALS.WALLET_ENCRYPT)); }; } export function doNotifyDecryptWallet() { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(doOpenModal(MODALS.WALLET_DECRYPT)); }; } export function doNotifyUnlockWallet() { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(doOpenModal(MODALS.WALLET_UNLOCK)); }; } export function doNotifyForgetPassword(props) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(doOpenModal(MODALS.WALLET_PASSWORD_UNSAVE, props)); }; } export function doAlertError(errorList) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(doError(errorList)); }; } export function doAlertWaitingForSync() { return (dispatch) => { dispatch( doToast({ message: __('Please wait a bit, we are still getting your account ready.'), isError: false, }) ); }; } export function doDaemonReady() { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); // TODO: call doFetchDaemonSettings, then get usage data, and call doAuthenticate once they are loaded into the store const shareUsageData = window.localStorage.getItem(SHARE_INTERNAL) === 'true'; dispatch( doAuthenticate( appVersion, undefined, undefined, shareUsageData, (status) => { const trendingAlgorithm = status && status.wallet && status.wallet.connected_features && status.wallet.connected_features.trending_algorithm; if (trendingAlgorithm) { analytics.trendingAlgorithmEvent(trendingAlgorithm); } }, undefined, DOMAIN ) ); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.DAEMON_READY }); dispatch(doBalanceSubscribe()); dispatch(doSetAutoLaunch()); dispatch(doFindFFmpeg()); dispatch(doGetDaemonStatus()); dispatch(doFetchDaemonSettings()); dispatch(doFetchFileInfos()); if (!selectIsUpgradeSkipped(state)) { dispatch(doCheckUpgradeAvailable()); } dispatch(doCheckUpgradeSubscribe()); ipcRenderer.send('get-disk-space'); }; } export function doClearCache() { return (dispatch) => { // Need to update this to work with new version of redux-persist // Leaving for now // const reducersToClear = whiteListedReducers.filter(reducerKey => reducerKey !== 'tags'); // window.cacheStore.purge(reducersToClear); window.sessionStorage.clear(); dispatch(doClearSupport()); window.location.reload(); return dispatch(doClearPublish()); }; } export function doQuit() { return () => { // @if TARGET='app'; // @endif }; } export function doQuitAnyDaemon() { return (dispatch) => { // @if TARGET='app' Lbry.stop() .catch(() => { try { if (process.platform === 'win32') { execSync('taskkill /im lbrynet.exe /t /f'); } else { execSync('pkill lbrynet'); } } catch (error) { dispatch(doAlertError(`Quitting daemon failed due to: ${error.message}`)); } }) .finally(() => { dispatch(doQuit()); }); // @endif }; } export function doChangeVolume(volume) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.VOLUME_CHANGED, data: { volume, }, }); }; } export function doChangeMute(muted) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.VOLUME_MUTED, data: { muted, }, }); }; } export function doClickCommentButton() { return { type: ACTIONS.ADD_COMMENT, }; } export function doToggleSearchExpanded() { return { type: ACTIONS.TOGGLE_SEARCH_EXPANDED, }; } export function doAnalyticsView(uri, timeToStart) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const claim = selectClaimForUri(state, uri); const { txid, nout, claim_id: claimId } = claim; const claimIsMine = selectClaimIsMineForUri(state, claim); const outpoint = `${txid}:${nout}`; if (claimIsMine) { return Promise.resolve(); } return analytics.apiLogView(uri, outpoint, claimId, timeToStart); }; } export function doAnalyticsBuffer(uri, bufferData) { return () => { // return (dispatch, getState) => { // const state = getState(); // const claim = selectClaimForUri(state, uri); // const user = selectUser(state); // const { // value: { video, audio, source }, // } = claim; // const timeAtBuffer = parseInt(bufferData.currentTime ? bufferData.currentTime * 1000 : 0); // const bufferDuration = parseInt(bufferData.secondsToLoad ? bufferData.secondsToLoad * 1000 : 0); // const fileDurationInSeconds = (video && video.duration) || (audio && audio.duration); // const fileSize = source.size; // size in bytes // const fileSizeInBits = fileSize * 8; // const bitRate = parseInt(fileSizeInBits / fileDurationInSeconds); // const userId = user &&; // if there's a logged in user, send buffer event data to watchman // if (<condition>) { // STUB: any buffer events here // analytics.videoBufferEvent(claim, { // timeAtBuffer, // bufferDuration, // bitRate, // userId, // duration: fileDurationInSeconds, // playerPoweredBy: bufferData.playerPoweredBy, // readyState: bufferData.readyState, // }); // } }; } export function doAnalyticsTagSync() { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const tags = selectFollowedTagsList(state); const stringOfTags = tags.join(','); if (stringOfTags) { analytics.apiSyncTags({ content_tags: stringOfTags }); } }; } export function doAnaltyicsPurchaseEvent(fileInfo) { return () => { let purchasePrice = fileInfo.purchase_receipt && fileInfo.purchase_receipt.amount; if (purchasePrice) { const purchaseInt = Number(Number(purchasePrice).toFixed(0)); analytics.purchaseEvent(purchaseInt); } }; } export function doSignIn() { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const user = selectUser(state); const notificationsEnabled = user.experimental_ui; dispatch(doNotificationSocketConnect(notificationsEnabled)); if (notificationsEnabled) { dispatch(doNotificationList()); } dispatch(doCheckPendingClaims()); // @if TARGET='web' dispatch(doBalanceSubscribe()); dispatch(doFetchChannelListMine()); dispatch(doFetchCollectionListMine()); // @endif }; } export function doSignOut() { return () => {'user', 'signout') .then(doSignOutCleanup) .then(() => { // @if TARGET='web' window.persistor.purge(); // @endif }) .then(() => { setTimeout(() => { location.reload(); }); }) .catch(() => location.reload()); }; } export function doSetWelcomeVersion(version) { return { type: ACTIONS.SET_WELCOME_VERSION, data: version, }; } export function doSetHasNavigated() { return { type: ACTIONS.SET_HAS_NAVIGATED, data: true, }; } export function doToggle3PAnalytics(allowParam, doNotDispatch) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const allowState = selectAllowAnalytics(state); const allow = allowParam !== undefined && allowParam !== null ? allowParam : allowState; analytics.toggleThirdParty(allow); if (!doNotDispatch) { return dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_ALLOW_ANALYTICS, data: allow, }); } }; } export function doGetAndPopulatePreferences() { const { SDK_SYNC_KEYS } = SHARED_PREFERENCES; return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const syncEnabled = makeSelectClientSetting(SETTINGS.ENABLE_SYNC)(state); const hasVerifiedEmail = state.user && state.user.user && state.user.user.has_verified_email; let preferenceKey; preferenceKey = syncEnabled && hasVerifiedEmail ? 'shared' : 'local'; function successCb(savedPreferences) { const successState = getState(); const daemonSettings = selectDaemonSettings(successState); if (savedPreferences !== null) { dispatch(doPopulateSharedUserState(savedPreferences)); const { settings } = savedPreferences.value; if (settings) { Object.entries(settings).forEach(([key, val]) => { if (SDK_SYNC_KEYS.includes(key)) { if (shouldSetSetting(key, val, daemonSettings[key])) { if (key === DAEMON_SETTINGS.LBRYUM_SERVERS) { const servers = stringifyServerParam(val); dispatch(doSetDaemonSetting(key, servers, true)); } else { dispatch(doSetDaemonSetting(key, val, true)); } } } // probably set commentServer here instead of in doPopulateSharedUserState() }); } } else { dispatch(doSetPrefsReady()); } return true; } function failCb(er) { dispatch( doToast({ isError: true, message: __('Unable to load your saved preferences.'), }) ); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SYNC_FATAL_ERROR, error: er, }); return false; } return dispatch(doPreferenceGet(preferenceKey, successCb, failCb)); }; } export function doHandleSyncComplete(error, hasNewData) { return (dispatch) => { if (!error) { if (hasNewData) { dispatch(doGetAndPopulatePreferences()); // we just got sync data, better update our channels dispatch(doFetchChannelListMine()); } } else { console.error('Error in doHandleSyncComplete', error); } }; } export function doSyncWithPreferences() { return (dispatch) => dispatch(doSyncLoop()); } export function doToggleInterestedInYoutubeSync() { return { type: ACTIONS.TOGGLE_YOUTUBE_SYNC_INTEREST, }; } export function doToggleSplashAnimation() { return { type: ACTIONS.TOGGLE_SPLASH_ANIMATION, }; } export function doSetActiveChannel(claimId) { return (dispatch, getState) => { if (claimId) { return dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_ACTIVE_CHANNEL, data: { claimId, }, }); } // If no claimId is passed, set the active channel to the one with the highest effective_amount const state = getState(); const myChannelClaims = selectMyChannelClaims(state); if (!myChannelClaims || !myChannelClaims.length) { return; } const myChannelClaimsByEffectiveAmount = myChannelClaims.slice().sort((a, b) => { const effectiveAmountA = (a.meta && Number(a.meta.effective_amount)) || 0; const effectiveAmountB = (b.meta && Number(b.meta.effective_amount)) || 0; if (effectiveAmountA === effectiveAmountB) { return 0; } else if (effectiveAmountA > effectiveAmountB) { return -1; } else { return 1; } }); const newActiveChannelClaim = myChannelClaimsByEffectiveAmount[0]; dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_ACTIVE_CHANNEL, data: { claimId: newActiveChannelClaim.claim_id, }, }); }; } export function doSetIncognito(incognitoEnabled) { return { type: ACTIONS.SET_INCOGNITO, data: { enabled: incognitoEnabled, }, }; }