// @flow import { LIVESTREAM_LIVE_API, LIVESTREAM_KILL, LIVESTREAM_STARTS_SOON_BUFFER } from 'constants/livestream'; import { toHex } from 'util/hex'; import Lbry from 'lbry'; import moment from 'moment'; export const LiveStatus = Object.freeze({ LIVE: 'LIVE', NOT_LIVE: 'NOT_LIVE', UNKNOWN: 'UNKNOWN', }); type LiveStatusType = $Keys; type LiveChannelStatus = { channelStatus: LiveStatusType, channelData?: LivestreamInfo, }; type StreamData = { d: string, s: string, t: string, }; /** * Helper to extract livestream claim uris from the output of * `selectActiveLivestreams`. * * @param activeLivestreams Object obtained from `selectActiveLivestreams`. * @param channelIds List of channel IDs to filter the results with. * @returns {[]|Array<*>} */ export function getLivestreamUris(activeLivestreams: ?LivestreamInfo, channelIds: ?Array) { let values = (activeLivestreams && Object.values(activeLivestreams)) || []; if (channelIds && channelIds.length > 0) { // $FlowFixMe values = values.filter((v) => channelIds.includes(v.creatorId) && Boolean(v.claimUri)); } else { // $FlowFixMe values = values.filter((v) => Boolean(v.claimUri)); } // $FlowFixMe return values.map((v) => v.claimUri); } export function getTipValues(superChatsByAmount: Array) { let superChatsChannelUrls = []; let superChatsFiatAmount = 0; let superChatsLBCAmount = 0; if (superChatsByAmount) { superChatsByAmount.forEach((superChat) => { const { is_fiat: isFiat, support_amount: tipAmount, channel_url: uri } = superChat; if (isFiat) { superChatsFiatAmount = superChatsFiatAmount + tipAmount; } else { superChatsLBCAmount = superChatsLBCAmount + tipAmount; } superChatsChannelUrls.push(uri || '0'); }); } return { superChatsChannelUrls, superChatsFiatAmount, superChatsLBCAmount }; } const transformLivestreamData = (data: Array): LivestreamInfo => { return data.reduce((acc, curr) => { acc[curr.claimId] = { url: curr.url, type: curr.type, live: curr.live, viewCount: curr.viewCount, creatorId: curr.claimId, startedStreaming: moment(curr.timestamp), }; return acc; }, {}); }; export const fetchLiveChannels = async (): Promise => { const response = await fetch(LIVESTREAM_LIVE_API); const json = await response.json(); if (!json.data) throw new Error(); return transformLivestreamData(json.data); }; /** * Check whether or not the channel is used, used for long polling to display live status on claim viewing page * @param channelId * @returns {Promise<{channelStatus: string}|{channelData: LivestreamInfo, channelStatus: string}>} */ export const fetchLiveChannel = async (channelId: string): Promise => { const newApiEndpoint = LIVESTREAM_LIVE_API; const newApiResponse = await fetch(`${newApiEndpoint}/${channelId}`); const newApiData = (await newApiResponse.json()).data; const isLive = newApiData.live; // transform data to old API standard const translatedData = { url: newApiData.url, type: 'application/x-mpegurl', viewCount: newApiData.viewCount, claimId: newApiData.claimId, timestamp: newApiData.timestamp, }; try { if (isLive === false) { return { channelStatus: LiveStatus.NOT_LIVE }; } return { channelStatus: LiveStatus.LIVE, channelData: transformLivestreamData([translatedData]) }; } catch { return { channelStatus: LiveStatus.UNKNOWN }; } }; const getStreamData = async (channelId: string, channelName: string): Promise => { if (!channelId || !channelName) throw new Error('Invalid channel data provided.'); const channelNameHex = toHex(channelName); let channelSignature; try { channelSignature = await Lbry.channel_sign({ channel_id: channelId, hexdata: channelNameHex }); if (!channelSignature || !channelSignature.signature || !channelSignature.signing_ts) { throw new Error('Error getting channel signature.'); } } catch (e) { throw e; } return { d: channelNameHex, s: channelSignature.signature, t: channelSignature.signing_ts }; }; export const killStream = async (channelId: string, channelName: string) => { try { const streamData = await getStreamData(channelId, channelName); fetch(`${LIVESTREAM_KILL}/${channelId}`, { method: 'POST', mode: 'no-cors', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, body: new URLSearchParams(streamData), }).then((res) => { if (res.status !== 200) throw new Error('Kill stream API failed.'); }); } catch (e) { throw e; } }; const distanceFromStreamStart = (claimA: any, claimB: any, channelStartedStreaming) => { return [ Math.abs(moment.unix(claimA.stream.value.release_time).diff(channelStartedStreaming, 'minutes')), Math.abs(moment.unix(claimB.stream.value.release_time).diff(channelStartedStreaming, 'minutes')), ]; }; export const determineLiveClaim = (claims: any, activeLivestreams: any) => { const activeClaims = {}; Object.values(claims).forEach((claim: any) => { const channelID = claim.stream.signing_channel.claim_id; if (activeClaims[channelID]) { const [distanceA, distanceB] = distanceFromStreamStart( claim, activeClaims[channelID], activeLivestreams[channelID].startedStreaming ); if (distanceA < distanceB) { activeClaims[channelID] = claim; } } else { activeClaims[channelID] = claim; } }); return activeClaims; }; export const filterUpcomingLiveStreamClaims = (upcomingClaims: any) => { const startsSoonMoment = moment().startOf('minute').add(LIVESTREAM_STARTS_SOON_BUFFER, 'minutes'); const startingSoonClaims = {}; Object.keys(upcomingClaims).forEach((key) => { if (moment.unix(upcomingClaims[key].stream.value.release_time).isSameOrBefore(startsSoonMoment)) { startingSoonClaims[key] = upcomingClaims[key]; } }); return startingSoonClaims; };