// @flow import { DOMAIN, SHOW_ADS } from 'config'; import * as PAGES from 'constants/pages'; import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; import { withRouter } from 'react-router'; import I18nMessage from 'component/i18nMessage'; import Button from 'component/button'; import classnames from 'classnames'; const ADS_URL = 'https://cdn.vidcrunch.com/integrations/618bb4d28aac298191eec411/Lbry_Odysee.com_Responsive_Floating_DFP_Rev70_1011.js'; const ADS_TAG = 'vidcrunchJS537102317'; const IOS_ADS_URL = 'https://cdn.vidcrunch.com/integrations/618bb4d28aac298191eec411/Lbry_Odysee.com_Mobile_Floating_DFP_Rev70_1611.js'; const IOS_ADS_TAG = 'vidcrunchJS199212779'; const HOMEPAGE_ADS_URL = 'https://cdn.vidcrunch.com/integrations/618bb4d28aac298191eec411/Lbry_Odysee.com_Responsive_Floating_300x169_DFP_Rev70_1211.js'; const HOMEPAGE_ADS_TAG = 'vidcrunchJS330442776'; const IS_IOS = (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform) || // for iOS 13+ , platform is MacIntel, so use this to test (navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1)) && !window.MSStream; type Props = { location: { pathname: string }, type: string, small: boolean, claim: Claim, isMature: boolean, }; function Ads(props: Props) { const { location: { pathname }, type = 'video', small, } = props; // load ad and tags here let scriptUrlToUse; let tagNameToUse; if (type === 'video') { if (IS_IOS) { tagNameToUse = IOS_ADS_TAG; scriptUrlToUse = IOS_ADS_URL; } else { tagNameToUse = ADS_TAG; scriptUrlToUse = ADS_URL; } } else if (type === 'homepage') { tagNameToUse = HOMEPAGE_ADS_TAG; scriptUrlToUse = HOMEPAGE_ADS_URL; } // add script to DOM useEffect(() => { if (SHOW_ADS) { let script; try { let fjs = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = scriptUrlToUse; // $FlowFixMe fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(script, fjs); return () => { // $FlowFixMe document.head.removeChild(script); }; } catch (e) {} } // TODO: remove the script when it exists? }, [type]); // display to say "sign up to not see these" const adsSignInDriver = ( ), }} > Hate these? %log_in_to_domain% for an ad free experience. ); // ad shown in the related videos area const videoAd = (


); // homepage ad in a card const homepageCardAd = (
); if (!SHOW_ADS) { return false; } if (type === 'video') { return videoAd; } if (type === 'homepage') { return homepageCardAd; } } export default withRouter(Ads);