// @flow import React from 'react'; import { Modal } from 'modal/modal'; type Props = { onCommentAcknowledge: () => void, closeModal: () => void, }; class ModalCommentAcknowledgement extends React.PureComponent<Props> { render() { const { closeModal, onCommentAcknowledge } = this.props; function onAbortedOrConfirmed() { onCommentAcknowledge(); closeModal(); } return ( <Modal isOpen onAborted={onAbortedOrConfirmed} title={__('Comment Acknowledgement')} onConfirmed={onAbortedOrConfirmed} > <p>{__('A few things to know before making your comment:')}</p> <ul> <li> {__( 'Commenting is in alpha. During the alpha, all comments are sent to a LBRY, Inc. server, not the LBRY network itself.' )} </li> <li> {__('Deleting or editing comments is not currently possible. Please be mindful of this when posting.')} </li> <li>{__('When the alpha ends, we will attempt to transition comments, but do not promise to do so.')}</li> </ul> </Modal> ); } } export default ModalCommentAcknowledgement;