// @flow import * as PAGES from 'constants/pages'; import * as MODALS from 'constants/modal_types'; import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import * as React from 'react'; import { SETTINGS } from 'lbry-redux'; import { FormField } from 'component/common/form'; import Button from 'component/button'; import Page from 'component/page'; import SettingLanguage from 'component/settingLanguage'; import FileSelector from 'component/common/file-selector'; import SyncToggle from 'component/syncToggle'; import Card from 'component/common/card'; import SettingAccountPassword from 'component/settingAccountPassword'; import { getPasswordFromCookie } from 'util/saved-passwords'; import { Lbryio } from 'lbryinc'; type Price = { currency: string, amount: number, }; type SetDaemonSettingArg = boolean | string | number; type DarkModeTimes = { from: { hour: string, min: string, formattedTime: string }, to: { hour: string, min: string, formattedTime: string }, }; type OptionTimes = { fromTo: string, time: string, }; type DaemonSettings = { download_dir: string, share_usage_data: boolean, }; type Props = { setDaemonSetting: (string, ?SetDaemonSettingArg) => void, clearDaemonSetting: string => void, setClientSetting: (string, SetDaemonSettingArg) => void, toggle3PAnalytics: boolean => void, clearCache: () => Promise<any>, daemonSettings: DaemonSettings, allowAnalytics: boolean, showNsfw: boolean, isAuthenticated: boolean, instantPurchaseEnabled: boolean, instantPurchaseMax: Price, currentTheme: string, themes: Array<string>, automaticDarkModeEnabled: boolean, autoplay: boolean, updateWalletStatus: () => void, walletEncrypted: boolean, userBlockedChannelsCount?: number, confirmForgetPassword: ({}) => void, floatingPlayer: boolean, hideReposts: ?boolean, clearPlayingUri: () => void, darkModeTimes: DarkModeTimes, setDarkTime: (string, {}) => void, openModal: string => void, language?: string, enterSettings: () => void, exitSettings: () => void, }; type State = { clearingCache: boolean, storedPassword: boolean, }; class SettingsPage extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> { constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = { clearingCache: false, storedPassword: false, }; (this: any).onThemeChange = this.onThemeChange.bind(this); (this: any).onAutomaticDarkModeChange = this.onAutomaticDarkModeChange.bind(this); (this: any).onChangeTime = this.onChangeTime.bind(this); (this: any).onConfirmForgetPassword = this.onConfirmForgetPassword.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { const { isAuthenticated, enterSettings } = this.props; if (isAuthenticated || !IS_WEB) { this.props.updateWalletStatus(); getPasswordFromCookie().then(p => { if (typeof p === 'string') { this.setState({ storedPassword: true }); } }); } enterSettings(); } componentWillUnmount() { const { exitSettings } = this.props; exitSettings(); } onThemeChange(event: SyntheticInputEvent<*>) { const { value } = event.target; if (value === 'dark') { this.onAutomaticDarkModeChange(false); } this.props.setClientSetting(SETTINGS.THEME, value); } onAutomaticDarkModeChange(value: boolean) { this.props.setClientSetting(SETTINGS.AUTOMATIC_DARK_MODE_ENABLED, value); } onConfirmForgetPassword() { const { confirmForgetPassword } = this.props; confirmForgetPassword({ callback: () => { this.setState({ storedPassword: false }); }, }); } onChangeTime(event: SyntheticInputEvent<*>, options: OptionTimes) { const { value } = event.target; this.props.setDarkTime(value, options); } to12Hour(time: string) { const now = new Date(0, 0, 0, Number(time)); const hour = now.toLocaleTimeString('en-US', { hour12: true, hour: '2-digit' }); return hour; } setDaemonSetting(name: string, value: ?SetDaemonSettingArg): void { this.props.setDaemonSetting(name, value); } clearDaemonSetting(name: string): void { this.props.clearDaemonSetting(name); } render() { const { daemonSettings, allowAnalytics, showNsfw, isAuthenticated, currentTheme, themes, automaticDarkModeEnabled, autoplay, walletEncrypted, // autoDownload, setDaemonSetting, setClientSetting, toggle3PAnalytics, userBlockedChannelsCount, floatingPlayer, hideReposts, clearPlayingUri, darkModeTimes, clearCache, openModal, } = this.props; const { storedPassword } = this.state; const noDaemonSettings = !daemonSettings || Object.keys(daemonSettings).length === 0; const startHours = ['18', '19', '20', '21']; const endHours = ['5', '6', '7', '8']; return ( <Page noFooter noSideNavigation backout={{ title: __('Settings'), backLabel: __('Done'), }} className="card-stack" > {!IS_WEB && noDaemonSettings ? ( <section className="card card--section"> <div className="card__title card__title--deprecated">{__('Failed to load settings.')}</div> </section> ) : ( <div> <Card title={__('Language')} actions={<SettingLanguage />} /> {isAuthenticated && <SettingAccountPassword />} {/* @if TARGET='app' */} <Card title={__('Download directory')} actions={ <React.Fragment> <FileSelector type="openDirectory" currentPath={daemonSettings.download_dir} onFileChosen={(newDirectory: WebFile) => { setDaemonSetting('download_dir', newDirectory.path); }} /> <p className="help">{__('LBRY downloads will be saved here.')}</p> </React.Fragment> } /> <Card title={__('Sync')} subtitle={ walletEncrypted && !storedPassword && storedPassword !== '' ? __("To enable Sync, close LBRY completely and check 'Remember Password' during wallet unlock.") : null } actions={<SyncToggle disabled={walletEncrypted && !storedPassword && storedPassword !== ''} />} /> {/* @endif */} <Card title={__('Content settings')} actions={ <React.Fragment> <FormField type="checkbox" name="floating_player" onChange={() => { setClientSetting(SETTINGS.FLOATING_PLAYER, !floatingPlayer); clearPlayingUri(); }} checked={floatingPlayer} label={__('Floating video player')} helper={__('Keep content playing in the corner when navigating to a different page.')} /> <FormField type="checkbox" name="autoplay" onChange={() => setClientSetting(SETTINGS.AUTOPLAY, !autoplay)} checked={autoplay} label={__('Autoplay media files')} helper={__( 'Autoplay video and audio files when navigating to a file, as well as the next related item when a file finishes playing.' )} /> <FormField type="checkbox" name="hide_reposts" onChange={e => { if (isAuthenticated) { let param = e.target.checked ? { add: 'noreposts' } : { remove: 'noreposts' }; Lbryio.call('user_tag', 'edit', param); } setClientSetting(SETTINGS.HIDE_REPOSTS, !hideReposts); }} checked={hideReposts} label={__('Hide reposts')} helper={__('You will not see reposts by people you follow or receive email notifying about them.')} /> {/* <FormField type="checkbox" name="show_anonymous" onChange={() => setClientSetting(SETTINGS.SHOW_ANONYMOUS, !showAnonymous)} checked={showAnonymous} label={__('Show anonymous content')} helper={__('Anonymous content is published without a channel.')} /> */} <FormField type="checkbox" name="show_nsfw" onChange={() => !IS_WEB || showNsfw ? setClientSetting(SETTINGS.SHOW_MATURE, !showNsfw) : openModal(MODALS.CONFIRM_AGE) } checked={showNsfw} label={__('Show mature content')} helper={__( 'Mature content may include nudity, intense sexuality, profanity, or other adult content. By displaying mature content, you are affirming you are of legal age to view mature content in your country or jurisdiction. ' )} /> </React.Fragment> } /> <Card title={__('Appearance')} actions={ <React.Fragment> <fieldset-section> <FormField name="theme_select" type="select" label={__('Theme')} onChange={this.onThemeChange} value={currentTheme} disabled={automaticDarkModeEnabled} > {themes.map(theme => ( <option key={theme} value={theme}> {theme === 'light' ? __('Light') : __('Dark')} </option> ))} </FormField> </fieldset-section> <fieldset-section> <FormField type="checkbox" name="automatic_dark_mode" onChange={() => this.onAutomaticDarkModeChange(!automaticDarkModeEnabled)} checked={automaticDarkModeEnabled} label={__('Automatic dark mode')} /> {automaticDarkModeEnabled && ( <fieldset-group class="fieldset-group--smushed"> <FormField type="select" name="automatic_dark_mode_range" onChange={value => this.onChangeTime(value, { fromTo: 'from', time: 'hour' })} value={darkModeTimes.from.hour} label={__('From --[initial time]--')} > {startHours.map(time => ( <option key={time} value={time}> {this.to12Hour(time)} </option> ))} </FormField> <FormField type="select" name="automatic_dark_mode_range" label={__('To --[final time]--')} onChange={value => this.onChangeTime(value, { fromTo: 'to', time: 'hour' })} value={darkModeTimes.to.hour} > {endHours.map(time => ( <option key={time} value={time}> {this.to12Hour(time)} </option> ))} </FormField> </fieldset-group> )} </fieldset-section> </React.Fragment> } /> {/* @if TARGET='app' */} <Card title={__('Share usage and diagnostic data')} subtitle={ <React.Fragment> {__( `This is information like error logging, performance tracking, and usage statistics. It includes your IP address and basic system details, but no other identifying information (unless you sign in to lbry.tv)` )}{' '} <Button button="link" label={__('Learn more')} href="https://lbry.com/privacypolicy" /> </React.Fragment> } actions={ <> <FormField type="checkbox" name="share_internal" onChange={() => setDaemonSetting('share_usage_data', !daemonSettings.share_usage_data)} checked={daemonSettings.share_usage_data} label={<React.Fragment>{__('Allow the app to share data to LBRY.inc')}</React.Fragment>} helper={ isAuthenticated ? __('Internal sharing is required while signed in.') : __('Internal sharing is required to participate in rewards programs.') } disabled={isAuthenticated && daemonSettings.share_usage_data} /> <FormField type="checkbox" name="share_third_party" onChange={e => toggle3PAnalytics(e.target.checked)} checked={allowAnalytics} label={__('Allow the app to access third party analytics platforms')} helper={__('We use detailed analytics to improve all aspects of the LBRY experience.')} /> </> } /> {/* @endif */} {(isAuthenticated || !IS_WEB) && ( <> <Card title={__('Notifications')} actions={ <div className="section__actions"> <Button button="secondary" label={__('Manage')} icon={ICONS.SETTINGS} navigate={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_NOTIFICATIONS}`} /> </div> } /> <Card title={__('Blocked channels')} subtitle={ userBlockedChannelsCount === 0 ? __("You don't have blocked channels.") : userBlockedChannelsCount === 1 ? __('You have one blocked channel.') : __('You have %channels% blocked channels.', { channels: userBlockedChannelsCount }) } actions={ <div className="section__actions"> <Button button="secondary" label={__('Manage')} icon={ICONS.SETTINGS} navigate={`/$/${PAGES.BLOCKED}`} /> </div> } /> <Card title={__('Advanced settings')} actions={ <div className="section__actions"> <Button button="secondary" label={__('Manage')} icon={ICONS.SETTINGS} navigate={`/$/${PAGES.SETTINGS_ADVANCED}`} /> </div> } /> </> )} <Card title={__('Application cache')} subtitle={ <p className="section__subtitle"> {__( 'This will clear the application cache, and might fix issues you are having. Your wallet will not be affected. ' )} </p> } actions={ <Button button="secondary" icon={ICONS.ALERT} label={this.state.clearingCache ? __('Clearing') : __('Clear Cache')} onClick={clearCache} disabled={this.state.clearingCache} /> } /> </div> )} </Page> ); } } export default SettingsPage;