const { generateStreamUrl } = require('../../ui/util/web'); const { lbryProxy: Lbry } = require('../lbry'); const { URL, SITE_NAME, PROXY_URL } = require('../../config.js'); const Mime = require('mime-types'); const Rss = require('rss'); Lbry.setDaemonConnectionString(PROXY_URL); const NUM_ENTRIES = 500; // **************************************************************************** // Fetch claim info // **************************************************************************** async function doClaimSearch(options) { let results; try { results = await Lbry.claim_search(options); } catch {} return results ? results.items : undefined; } async function getChannelClaim(name, claimId) { let claim; let error; try { const url = `lbry://${name}#${claimId}`; const response = await Lbry.resolve({ urls: [url] }); if (response && response[url] && !response[url].error) { claim = response && response[url]; } } catch {} if (!claim) { error = 'The RSS URL is invalid or is not associated with any channel.'; } return { claim, error }; } async function getClaimsFromChannel(claimId, count) { const options = { channel_ids: [claimId], page_size: count, has_source: true, claim_type: 'stream', order_by: ['release_time'], no_totals: true, }; return await doClaimSearch(options); } // **************************************************************************** // Helpers // **************************************************************************** function encodeWithSpecialCharEncode(string) { // encodeURIComponent doesn't encode `'` and others // which other services may not like return encodeURIComponent(string).replace(/'/g, '%27').replace(/\(/g, '%28').replace(/\)/g, '%29'); } const generateEnclosureForClaimContent = (claim) => { const value = claim.value; if (!value || !value.stream_type) { return undefined; } const fileExt = value.source && value.source.media_type && '.' + Mime.extension(value.source.media_type); switch (value.stream_type) { case 'video': return { url: generateStreamUrl(, claim.claim_id) + (fileExt || '.mp4'), type: (value.source && value.source.media_type) || 'video/mp4', size: (value.source && value.source.size) || 0, // Per spec, 0 is a valid fallback. }; case 'audio': return { url: generateStreamUrl(, claim.claim_id) + ((fileExt === '.mpga' ? '.mp3' : fileExt) || '.mp3'), type: (value.source && value.source.media_type) || 'audio/mpeg', size: (value.source && value.source.size) || 0, // Per spec, 0 is a valid fallback. }; case 'image': return { url: generateStreamUrl(, claim.claim_id) + (fileExt || '.jpeg'), type: (value.source && value.source.media_type) || 'image/jpeg', size: (value.source && value.source.size) || 0, // Per spec, 0 is a valid fallback. }; case 'document': case 'software': return { url: generateStreamUrl(, claim.claim_id), type: (value.source && value.source.media_type) || undefined, size: (value.source && value.source.size) || 0, // Per spec, 0 is a valid fallback. }; default: return undefined; } }; const getLanguageValue = (claim) => { const { value: { languages }, } = claim; return languages && languages.length > 0 ? languages[0] : 'en'; }; const replaceLineFeeds = (str) => str.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '
'); const isEmailRoughlyValid = (email) => /^\S+@\S+$/.test(email); /** * 'itunes:owner' is required by castfeedvalidator (w3c allows omission), and * both name and email must be defined. The email must also be a "valid" one. * * Use a fallback email when the creator did not specify one. The email will not * be shown to the user; it is just used for administrative purposes. * * @param claim * @returns any */ const generateItunesOwnerElement = (claim) => { let email = ''; const { value } = claim; const name = (value && value.title) ||; if (isEmailRoughlyValid( { email =; } return { 'itunes:owner': [{ 'itunes:name': name }, { 'itunes:email': email }], }; }; const generateItunesExplicitElement = (claim) => { const tags = (claim && claim.value && claim.value.tags) || []; return { 'itunes:explicit': tags.includes('mature') ? 'yes' : 'no' }; }; const getItunesCategory = (claim) => { const itunesCategories = [ 'Arts', 'Business', 'Comedy', 'Education', 'Fiction', 'Government', 'History', 'Health & Fitness', 'Kids & Family', 'Leisure', 'Music', 'News', 'Religion & Spirituality', 'Science', 'Society & Culture', 'Sports', 'Technology', 'True Crime', 'TV & Film', ]; const tags = (claim && claim.value && claim.value.tags) || []; for (let i = 0; i < itunesCategories.length; ++i) { const itunesCategory = itunesCategories[i]; if (tags.includes(itunesCategory.toLowerCase())) { // "Note: Although you can specify more than one category and subcategory // in your RSS feed, Apple Podcasts only recognizes the first category and // subcategory." // --> The only parse the first found tag. return itunesCategory.replace('&', '&'); } } // itunes will not accept any other categories, and the element is required // to pass castfeedvalidator. So, fallback to 'Leisure' (closes to "General") // if the creator did not specify a tag. return 'Leisure'; }; const generateItunesDurationElement = (claim) => { let duration; if (claim && claim.value) { if ( { duration =; } else if ( { duration =; } } if (duration) { return { 'itunes:duration': `${duration}` }; } }; const generateItunesImageElement = (claim) => { const thumbnailUrl = (claim && claim.value && claim.value.thumbnail && claim.value.thumbnail.url) || ''; if (thumbnailUrl) { return { 'itunes:image': { _attr: { href: thumbnailUrl } }, }; } }; const getFormattedDescription = (claim) => replaceLineFeeds(claim.value.description || ''); // **************************************************************************** // Generate // **************************************************************************** function generateFeed(feedLink, channelClaim, claimsInChannel) { // --- Channel --- let channelTitle = (channelClaim.value && channelClaim.value.title) ||; let channelURL = URL + '/' + channelClaim.canonical_url.replace('lbry://', '').replace(/#/g, ':'); const feed = new Rss({ title: channelTitle + ' on ' + SITE_NAME, description: getFormattedDescription(channelClaim), feed_url: feedLink, site_url: (channelClaim.value && channelClaim.value.website_url) || channelURL, image_url: (channelClaim.value && channelClaim.value.thumbnail && channelClaim.value.thumbnail.url) || undefined, language: getLanguageValue(channelClaim), custom_namespaces: { itunes: '' }, custom_elements: [ { 'itunes:author': channelTitle }, { 'itunes:category': [ { _attr: { text: getItunesCategory(channelClaim), }, }, ], }, generateItunesImageElement(channelClaim), generateItunesOwnerElement(channelClaim), generateItunesExplicitElement(channelClaim), ], }); // --- Content --- claimsInChannel.forEach((c) => { const title = (c.value && c.value.title) ||; const thumbnailUrl = (c.value && c.value.thumbnail && c.value.thumbnail.url) || ''; const thumbnailHtml = thumbnailUrl ? `


` : ''; const description = thumbnailHtml + getFormattedDescription(c); const url = `${URL}/${encodeWithSpecialCharEncode(}:${c.claim_id}`; const date = c.value && c.value.release_time ? c.value.release_time * 1000 : c.meta && c.meta.creation_timestamp * 1000; feed.item({ title: title, description: description, url: url, guid: undefined, // defaults to 'url' author: undefined, // defaults feed author property date: new Date(date), enclosure: generateEnclosureForClaimContent(c), custom_elements: [ { 'itunes:title': title }, { 'itunes:author': channelTitle }, generateItunesImageElement(c), generateItunesDurationElement(c), generateItunesExplicitElement(c), ], }); }); return feed; } async function getRss(ctx) { if (!ctx.params.claimName || !ctx.params.claimId) { return 'Invalid URL'; } const { claim: channelClaim, error } = await getChannelClaim(ctx.params.claimName, ctx.params.claimId); if (error) { return error; } const latestClaimsInChannel = await getClaimsFromChannel(channelClaim.claim_id, NUM_ENTRIES); const feed = generateFeed(`${URL}${ctx.request.url}`, channelClaim, latestClaimsInChannel); return feed.xml(); } module.exports = { getRss };