// @flow import 'scss/component/_comment-create.scss'; import { buildValidSticker } from 'util/comments'; import { FF_MAX_CHARS_IN_COMMENT, FF_MAX_CHARS_IN_LIVESTREAM_COMMENT } from 'constants/form-field'; import { FormField, Form } from 'component/common/form'; import { getChannelIdFromClaim } from 'util/claim'; import { Lbryio } from 'lbryinc'; import { SIMPLE_SITE } from 'config'; import { useHistory } from 'react-router'; import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import * as KEYCODES from 'constants/keycodes'; import * as PAGES from 'constants/pages'; import * as MODALS from 'constants/modal_types'; import Button from 'component/button'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import CommentSelectors from './comment-selectors'; import Empty from 'component/common/empty'; import React from 'react'; import type { ElementRef } from 'react'; import usePersistedState from 'effects/use-persisted-state'; import WalletTipAmountSelector from 'component/walletTipAmountSelector'; import { useIsMobile } from 'effects/use-screensize'; import { StickerReviewBox, StickerActionButton } from './sticker-contents'; import { TipReviewBox, TipActionButton } from './tip-contents'; import { FormChannelSelector, HelpText } from './extra-contents'; import { getStripeEnvironment } from 'util/stripe'; const stripeEnvironment = getStripeEnvironment(); const TAB_FIAT = 'TabFiat'; const TAB_LBC = 'TabLBC'; type TipParams = { tipAmount: number, tipChannelName: string, channelClaimId: string }; type UserParams = { activeChannelName: ?string, activeChannelId: ?string }; type Props = { activeChannel: string, activeChannelClaim: ?ChannelClaim, bottom: boolean, hasChannels: boolean, claim: StreamClaim, claimIsMine: boolean, embed?: boolean, isFetchingChannels: boolean, isNested: boolean, isReply: boolean, isLivestream?: boolean, parentId: string, settingsByChannelId: { [channelId: string]: PerChannelSettings }, shouldFetchComment: boolean, supportDisabled: boolean, uri: string, disableInput?: boolean, onSlimInputClick?: () => void, createComment: (string, string, string, ?string, ?string, ?string, boolean) => Promise, doFetchCreatorSettings: (channelId: string) => Promise, doToast: ({ message: string }) => void, fetchComment: (commentId: string) => Promise, onCancelReplying?: () => void, onDoneReplying?: () => void, sendCashTip: (TipParams, UserParams, string, ?string, (any) => void) => string, sendTip: ({}, (any) => void, (any) => void) => void, setQuickReply: (any) => void, toast: (string) => void, doOpenModal: (id: string, any) => void, }; export function CommentCreate(props: Props) { const { activeChannelClaim, bottom, hasChannels, claim, claimIsMine, embed, isFetchingChannels, isNested, isReply, isLivestream, parentId, settingsByChannelId, shouldFetchComment, supportDisabled, uri, disableInput, onSlimInputClick, createComment, doFetchCreatorSettings, doToast, fetchComment, onCancelReplying, onDoneReplying, sendCashTip, sendTip, setQuickReply, doOpenModal, } = props; const isMobile = useIsMobile(); const formFieldRef: ElementRef = React.useRef(); const buttonRef: ElementRef = React.useRef(); const { push, location: { pathname }, } = useHistory(); const [isSubmitting, setSubmitting] = React.useState(false); const [commentFailure, setCommentFailure] = React.useState(false); const [successTip, setSuccessTip] = React.useState({ txid: undefined, tipAmount: undefined }); const [tipSelectorOpen, setTipSelector] = React.useState(); const [isReviewingSupportComment, setReviewingSupportComment] = React.useState(); const [isReviewingStickerComment, setReviewingStickerComment] = React.useState(); const [selectedSticker, setSelectedSticker] = React.useState(); const [tipAmount, setTipAmount] = React.useState(1); const [convertedAmount, setConvertedAmount] = React.useState(); const [commentValue, setCommentValue] = React.useState(''); const [advancedEditor, setAdvancedEditor] = usePersistedState('comment-editor-mode', false); const [activeTab, setActiveTab] = React.useState(); const [tipError, setTipError] = React.useState(); const [deletedComment, setDeletedComment] = React.useState(false); const [showSelectors, setShowSelectors] = React.useState(false); const [disableReviewButton, setDisableReviewButton] = React.useState(); const [exchangeRate, setExchangeRate] = React.useState(); const [canReceiveFiatTip, setCanReceiveFiatTip] = React.useState(undefined); const [tipModalOpen, setTipModalOpen] = React.useState(undefined); const claimId = claim && claim.claim_id; const charCount = commentValue ? commentValue.length : 0; const hasNothingToSumbit = !commentValue.length && !selectedSticker; const disabled = deletedComment || isSubmitting || isFetchingChannels || hasNothingToSumbit || disableInput; const channelId = getChannelIdFromClaim(claim); const channelSettings = channelId ? settingsByChannelId[channelId] : undefined; const minSuper = (channelSettings && channelSettings.min_tip_amount_super_chat) || 0; const minTip = (channelSettings && channelSettings.min_tip_amount_comment) || 0; const minAmount = minTip || minSuper || 0; const minAmountMet = minAmount === 0 || tipAmount >= minAmount; const stickerPrice = selectedSticker && selectedSticker.price; const tipSelectorError = tipError || disableReviewButton; const minAmountRef = React.useRef(minAmount); minAmountRef.current = minAmount; // ************************************************************************** // Functions // ************************************************************************** function addEmoteToComment(emote: string) { setCommentValue( commentValue + (commentValue && commentValue.charAt(commentValue.length - 1) !== ' ' ? ` ${emote} ` : `${emote} `) ); const inputRef = formFieldRef && formFieldRef.current && formFieldRef.current.input && formFieldRef.current.input; if (inputRef && inputRef.current) inputRef.current.focus(); } function handleSelectTipComment(tab: string) { setActiveTab(tab); setTipSelector(true); } function handleStickerComment() { if (selectedSticker) setReviewingStickerComment(false); setTipSelector(false); setShowSelectors(!showSelectors); } function handleSelectSticker(sticker: any) { // $FlowFixMe setSelectedSticker(sticker); setReviewingStickerComment(true); setTipAmount(sticker.price || 0); setShowSelectors(false); if (sticker.price && sticker.price > 0) { setActiveTab(canReceiveFiatTip ? TAB_FIAT : TAB_LBC); setTipSelector(true); } } function handleCancelSticker() { setReviewingStickerComment(false); setSelectedSticker(null); } function handleCancelSupport() { if (!isReviewingSupportComment) setTipSelector(false); setReviewingSupportComment(false); if (stickerPrice) { setReviewingStickerComment(false); setShowSelectors(false); setSelectedSticker(null); } } function handleSupportComment() { if (!activeChannelClaim) return; if (!channelId) { doToast({ message: __('Unable to verify channel settings. Try refreshing the page.'), isError: true, }); return; } // if comment post didn't work, but tip was already made, try again to create comment if (commentFailure && tipAmount === successTip.tipAmount) { handleCreateComment(successTip.txid); return; } else { setSuccessTip({ txid: undefined, tipAmount: undefined }); } // !! Beware of stale closure when editing the then-block, including doSubmitTip(). doFetchCreatorSettings(channelId).then(() => { const lockedMinAmount = minAmount; // value during closure. const currentMinAmount = minAmountRef.current; // value from latest doFetchCreatorSettings(). if (lockedMinAmount !== currentMinAmount) { doToast({ message: __('The creator just updated the minimum setting. Please revise or double-check your tip amount.'), isError: true, }); setReviewingSupportComment(false); return; } doSubmitTip(); }); } function doSubmitTip() { if (!activeChannelClaim || isSubmitting) return; setSubmitting(true); const params = { amount: tipAmount, claim_id: claimId, channel_id: activeChannelClaim.claim_id }; const activeChannelName = activeChannelClaim && activeChannelClaim.name; const activeChannelId = activeChannelClaim && activeChannelClaim.claim_id; // setup variables for tip API const channelClaimId = claim.signing_channel ? claim.signing_channel.claim_id : claim.claim_id; const tipChannelName = claim.signing_channel ? claim.signing_channel.name : claim.name; if (activeTab === TAB_LBC) { // call sendTip and then run the callback from the response // second parameter is callback sendTip( params, (response) => { const { txid } = response; // todo: why the setTimeout? setTimeout(() => { handleCreateComment(txid); }, 1500); doToast({ message: __("You sent %tipAmount% Credits as a tip to %tipChannelName%, I'm sure they appreciate it!", { tipAmount: tipAmount, // force show decimal places tipChannelName, }), }); setSuccessTip({ txid, tipAmount }); }, () => { // reset the frontend so people can send a new comment setSubmitting(false); } ); } else { const tipParams: TipParams = { tipAmount: Math.round(tipAmount * 100) / 100, tipChannelName, channelClaimId }; const userParams: UserParams = { activeChannelName, activeChannelId }; sendCashTip(tipParams, userParams, claim.claim_id, stripeEnvironment, (customerTipResponse) => { const { payment_intent_id } = customerTipResponse; handleCreateComment(null, payment_intent_id, stripeEnvironment); setCommentValue(''); setReviewingSupportComment(false); setTipSelector(false); setCommentFailure(false); setSubmitting(false); }); } } /** * * @param {string} [txid] Optional transaction id generated by * @param {string} [payment_intent_id] Optional payment_intent_id from Stripe payment * @param {string} [environment] Optional environment for Stripe (test|live) */ function handleCreateComment(txid, payment_intent_id, environment) { if (isSubmitting || disableInput) return; setSubmitting(true); const stickerValue = selectedSticker && buildValidSticker(selectedSticker.name); createComment(stickerValue || commentValue, claimId, parentId, txid, payment_intent_id, environment, !!stickerValue) .then((res) => { setSubmitting(false); if (setQuickReply) setQuickReply(res); if (res && res.signature) { if (!stickerValue) setCommentValue(''); setReviewingSupportComment(false); setTipSelector(false); setCommentFailure(false); if (onDoneReplying) { onDoneReplying(); } } }) .catch(() => { setSubmitting(false); setCommentFailure(true); if (channelId) { // It could be that the creator added a minimum tip setting. // Manually update for now until a websocket msg is available. doFetchCreatorSettings(channelId); } }); } function handleSubmitSticker() { if (isReviewingSupportComment) { handleSupportComment(); } else { handleCreateComment(); } setSelectedSticker(null); setReviewingStickerComment(false); setShowSelectors(false); setTipSelector(false); } // ************************************************************************** // Effects // ************************************************************************** // Fetch channel constraints if not already. React.useEffect(() => { if (!channelSettings && channelId) { doFetchCreatorSettings(channelId); } }, []); // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps // Notifications: Fetch top-level comments to identify if it has been deleted and can reply to it React.useEffect(() => { if (shouldFetchComment && fetchComment) { fetchComment(parentId).then((result) => { setDeletedComment(String(result).includes('Error')); }); } }, [fetchComment, shouldFetchComment, parentId]); // Stickers: Get LBC-USD exchange rate if hasn't yet and selected a paid sticker React.useEffect(() => { if (stickerPrice && !exchangeRate) Lbryio.getExchangeRates().then(({ LBC_USD }) => setExchangeRate(LBC_USD)); }, [exchangeRate, stickerPrice]); // Stickers: Check if creator has a tip account saved (on selector so that if a paid sticker is selected, // it defaults to LBC tip instead of USD) React.useEffect(() => { if (!stripeEnvironment || !showSelectors || canReceiveFiatTip !== undefined) return; const channelClaimId = claim.signing_channel ? claim.signing_channel.claim_id : claim.claim_id; const tipChannelName = claim.signing_channel ? claim.signing_channel.name : claim.name; Lbryio.call( 'account', 'check', { channel_claim_id: channelClaimId, channel_name: tipChannelName, environment: stripeEnvironment, }, 'post' ) .then((accountCheckResponse) => { if (accountCheckResponse === true && canReceiveFiatTip !== true) { setCanReceiveFiatTip(true); } else { setCanReceiveFiatTip(false); } }) .catch(() => {}); }, [canReceiveFiatTip, claim.claim_id, claim.name, claim.signing_channel, showSelectors]); // Handle keyboard shortcut comment creation React.useEffect(() => { function altEnterListener(e: SyntheticKeyboardEvent<*>) { const inputRef = formFieldRef && formFieldRef.current && formFieldRef.current.input; if (inputRef && inputRef.current === document.activeElement) { // $FlowFixMe const isTyping = Boolean(e.target.attributes['typing-term']); if (((isLivestream && !isTyping) || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && e.keyCode === KEYCODES.ENTER) { e.preventDefault(); buttonRef.current.click(); } if (isLivestream && isTyping && e.keyCode === KEYCODES.ENTER) { inputRef.current.removeAttribute('typing-term'); } } } window.addEventListener('keydown', altEnterListener); // removes the listener so it doesn't cause problems elsewhere in the app return () => { window.removeEventListener('keydown', altEnterListener); }; }, [isLivestream]); // ************************************************************************** // Render // ************************************************************************** if (channelSettings && !channelSettings.comments_enabled) { return ; } if (!isFetchingChannels && !hasChannels) { return (
{ if (embed) { window.open(`https://odysee.com/$/${PAGES.AUTH}?redirect=/$/${PAGES.LIVESTREAM}`); return; } const pathPlusRedirect = `/$/${PAGES.CHANNEL_NEW}?redirect=${pathname}`; if (isLivestream) { window.open(pathPlusRedirect); } else { push(pathPlusRedirect); } }} >
); } const commentSelectorsProps = { claimIsMine, addEmoteToComment, handleSelectSticker }; const submitButtonProps = { button: 'primary', type: 'submit', requiresAuth: true }; const actionButtonProps = { button: 'alt', isReviewingStickerComment }; const tipButtonProps = { ...actionButtonProps, disabled: !commentValue.length && !selectedSticker, tipSelectorOpen, activeTab, onClick: handleSelectTipComment, }; const cancelButtonProps = { button: 'link', label: __('Cancel') }; return (
{}} className={classnames('commentCreate', { 'commentCreate--reply': isReply, 'commentCreate--nestedReply': isNested, 'commentCreate--bottom': bottom, })} > {selectedSticker ? ( activeChannelClaim && ( ) ) : isReviewingSupportComment ? ( activeChannelClaim && activeTab && ( ) ) : ( <> {!isMobile && showSelectors && ( setShowSelectors(false)} /> )} } name={isReply ? 'create__reply' : 'create__comment'} onChange={(e) => setCommentValue(SIMPLE_SITE || !advancedEditor || isReply ? e.target.value : e)} handleTip={(isLBC) => { setActiveTab(isLBC ? TAB_LBC : TAB_FIAT); setTipModalOpen(true); doOpenModal(MODALS.SEND_TIP, { uri, isTipOnly: true, hasSelectedTab: isLBC ? TAB_LBC : TAB_FIAT, customText: __('Preview Comment Tip'), setAmount: (amount) => { setTipAmount(amount); setReviewingSupportComment(true); }, }); }} handleSubmit={handleCreateComment} slimInput={isMobile} onSlimInputClick={onSlimInputClick} commentSelectorsProps={commentSelectorsProps} submitButtonRef={buttonRef} setShowSelectors={setShowSelectors} showSelectors={showSelectors} tipModalOpen={tipModalOpen} placeholder={__('Say something about this...')} quickActionHandler={!SIMPLE_SITE ? () => setAdvancedEditor(!advancedEditor) : undefined} quickActionLabel={ !SIMPLE_SITE && (isReply ? undefined : advancedEditor ? __('Simple Editor') : __('Advanced Editor')) } ref={formFieldRef} textAreaMaxLength={isLivestream ? FF_MAX_CHARS_IN_LIVESTREAM_COMMENT : FF_MAX_CHARS_IN_COMMENT} type={!SIMPLE_SITE && advancedEditor && !isReply ? 'markdown' : 'textarea'} value={commentValue} uri={uri} /> )} {(!isMobile || isReviewingStickerComment) && (tipSelectorOpen || (isReviewingStickerComment && stickerPrice)) && ( setTipAmount(amount)} setConvertedAmount={setConvertedAmount} setDisableSubmitButton={setDisableReviewButton} setTipError={setTipError} tipError={tipError} /> )} {(!isMobile || !isLivestream || isReviewingStickerComment || isReviewingSupportComment) && (
{/* Submit Button */} {isReviewingSupportComment ? (
)} ); }