// @flow import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { Modal } from 'modal/modal'; import { FormField } from 'component/common/form'; import * as txnTypes from 'constants/transaction_types'; import Card from 'component/common/card'; import Button from 'component/button'; import I18nMessage from 'component/i18nMessage'; import LbcSymbol from 'component/common/lbc-symbol'; import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import { Lbryio } from 'lbryinc'; import { STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY } from 'config'; let stripeEnvironment = 'test'; // if the key contains pk_live it's a live key // update the environment for the calls to the backend to indicate which environment to hit if (STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY.indexOf('pk_live') > -1) { stripeEnvironment = 'live'; } type Props = { closeModal: () => void, abandonTxo: (Txo, () => void) => void, abandonClaim: (string, number, ?() => void) => void, tx: Txo, claim: GenericClaim, cb: () => void, doResolveUri: (string) => void, uri: string, paymentMethodId: string, setAsConfirmingCard: () => void, }; export default function ModalRevokeClaim(props: Props) { var that = this; console.log(that); console.log(props); const { closeModal, uri, paymentMethodId, setAsConfirmingCard } = props; console.log(uri); console.log(setAsConfirmingCard) function removeCard(){ console.log(paymentMethodId); Lbryio.call( 'customer', 'detach', { environment: stripeEnvironment, payment_method_id: paymentMethodId }, 'post' ).then((removeCardResponse) => { console.log(removeCardResponse) //TODO: add toast here // closeModal(); location.reload(); }); } return (