import * as ACTIONS from 'constants/action_types'; import * as MODALS from 'constants/modal_types'; import * as SETTINGS from 'constants/settings'; import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron'; import Lbry from 'lbry'; import Lbryio from 'lbryio'; import { normalizeURI, buildURI } from 'lbryURI'; import { doAlertError, doOpenModal } from 'redux/actions/app'; import { doClaimEligiblePurchaseRewards } from 'redux/actions/rewards'; import { setSubscriptionLatest } from 'redux/actions/subscriptions'; import { selectBadgeNumber } from 'redux/selectors/app'; import { selectMyClaimsRaw } from 'redux/selectors/claims'; import { selectResolvingUris } from 'redux/selectors/content'; import { makeSelectCostInfoForUri } from 'redux/selectors/cost_info'; import { makeSelectFileInfoForUri, selectDownloadingByOutpoint, selectTotalDownloadProgress, } from 'redux/selectors/file_info'; import { makeSelectClientSetting } from 'redux/selectors/settings'; import { selectBalance } from 'redux/selectors/wallet'; import batchActions from 'util/batchActions'; import setBadge from 'util/setBadge'; import setProgressBar from 'util/setProgressBar'; const DOWNLOAD_POLL_INTERVAL = 250; export function doResolveUris(uris) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const normalizedUris =; const state = getState(); // Filter out URIs that are already resolving const resolvingUris = selectResolvingUris(state); const urisToResolve = normalizedUris.filter(uri => !resolvingUris.includes(uri)); if (urisToResolve.length === 0) { return; } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.RESOLVE_URIS_STARTED, data: { uris: normalizedUris }, }); const resolveInfo = {}; Lbry.resolve({ uris: urisToResolve }).then(result => { Object.entries(result).forEach(([uri, uriResolveInfo]) => { const fallbackResolveInfo = { claim: null, claimsInChannel: null, certificate: null, }; const { claim, certificate, claims_in_channel: claimsInChannel } = uriResolveInfo && !uriResolveInfo.error ? uriResolveInfo : fallbackResolveInfo; resolveInfo[uri] = { claim, certificate, claimsInChannel }; }); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.RESOLVE_URIS_COMPLETED, data: { resolveInfo }, }); }); }; } export function doResolveUri(uri) { return doResolveUris([uri]); } export function doFetchFeaturedUris() { return dispatch => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_FEATURED_CONTENT_STARTED, }); const success = ({ Uris }) => { let urisToResolve = []; Object.keys(Uris).forEach(category => { urisToResolve = [...urisToResolve, ...Uris[category]]; }); const actions = [ doResolveUris(urisToResolve), { type: ACTIONS.FETCH_FEATURED_CONTENT_COMPLETED, data: { uris: Uris, success: true, }, }, ]; dispatch(batchActions(...actions)); }; const failure = () => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_FEATURED_CONTENT_COMPLETED, data: { uris: {}, }, }); };'file', 'list_homepage').then(success, failure); }; } export function doFetchRewardedContent() { return dispatch => { const success = nameToClaimId => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_REWARD_CONTENT_COMPLETED, data: { claimIds: Object.values(nameToClaimId), success: true, }, }); }; const failure = () => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_REWARD_CONTENT_COMPLETED, data: { claimIds: [], success: false, }, }); };'reward', 'list_featured').then(success, failure); }; } export function doUpdateLoadStatus(uri, outpoint) { return (dispatch, getState) => { Lbry.file_list({ outpoint, full_status: true, }).then(([fileInfo]) => { if (!fileInfo || fileInfo.written_bytes === 0) { // download hasn't started yet setTimeout(() => { dispatch(doUpdateLoadStatus(uri, outpoint)); }, DOWNLOAD_POLL_INTERVAL); } else if (fileInfo.completed) { // TODO this isn't going to get called if they reload the client before // the download finished dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.DOWNLOADING_COMPLETED, data: { uri, outpoint, fileInfo, }, }); const badgeNumber = selectBadgeNumber(getState()); setBadge(badgeNumber === 0 ? '' : `${badgeNumber}`); const totalProgress = selectTotalDownloadProgress(getState()); setProgressBar(totalProgress); const notif = new window.Notification('LBRY Download Complete', { body:, silent: false, }); notif.onclick = () => { ipcRenderer.send('focusWindow', 'main'); }; } else { // ready to play const { total_bytes: totalBytes, written_bytes: writtenBytes } = fileInfo; const progress = writtenBytes / totalBytes * 100; dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.DOWNLOADING_PROGRESSED, data: { uri, outpoint, fileInfo, progress, }, }); const totalProgress = selectTotalDownloadProgress(getState()); setProgressBar(totalProgress); setTimeout(() => { dispatch(doUpdateLoadStatus(uri, outpoint)); }, DOWNLOAD_POLL_INTERVAL); } }); }; } export function doStartDownload(uri, outpoint) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); if (!outpoint) { throw new Error('outpoint is required to begin a download'); } const { downloadingByOutpoint = {} } = state.fileInfo; if (downloadingByOutpoint[outpoint]) return; Lbry.file_list({ outpoint, full_status: true }).then(([fileInfo]) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.DOWNLOADING_STARTED, data: { uri, outpoint, fileInfo, }, }); dispatch(doUpdateLoadStatus(uri, outpoint)); }); }; } export function doDownloadFile(uri, streamInfo) { return dispatch => { dispatch(doStartDownload(uri, streamInfo.outpoint));'file', 'view', { uri, outpoint: streamInfo.outpoint, claim_id: streamInfo.claim_id, }).catch(() => {}); dispatch(doClaimEligiblePurchaseRewards()); }; } export function doSetPlayingUri(uri) { return dispatch => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_PLAYING_URI, data: { uri }, }); }; } export function doLoadVideo(uri) { return dispatch => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.LOADING_VIDEO_STARTED, data: { uri, }, }); Lbry.get({ uri }) .then(streamInfo => { const timeout = streamInfo === null || typeof streamInfo !== 'object' || streamInfo.error === 'Timeout'; if (timeout) { dispatch(doSetPlayingUri(null)); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.LOADING_VIDEO_FAILED, data: { uri }, }); dispatch(doOpenModal(MODALS.FILE_TIMEOUT, { uri })); } else { dispatch(doDownloadFile(uri, streamInfo)); } }) .catch(() => { dispatch(doSetPlayingUri(null)); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.LOADING_VIDEO_FAILED, data: { uri }, }); dispatch( doAlertError( `Failed to download ${ uri }, please try again. If this problem persists, visit for support.` ) ); }); }; } export function doPurchaseUri(uri, specificCostInfo) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const balance = selectBalance(state); const fileInfo = makeSelectFileInfoForUri(uri)(state); const downloadingByOutpoint = selectDownloadingByOutpoint(state); const alreadyDownloading = fileInfo && !!downloadingByOutpoint[fileInfo.outpoint]; function attemptPlay(cost, instantPurchaseMax = null) { if (cost > 0 && (!instantPurchaseMax || cost > instantPurchaseMax)) { dispatch(doOpenModal(MODALS.AFFIRM_PURCHASE, { uri })); } else { dispatch(doLoadVideo(uri)); } } // we already fully downloaded the file. if (fileInfo && fileInfo.completed) { // If written_bytes is false that means the user has deleted/moved the // file manually on their file system, so we need to dispatch a // doLoadVideo action to reconstruct the file from the blobs if (!fileInfo.written_bytes) dispatch(doLoadVideo(uri)); Promise.resolve(); return; } // we are already downloading the file if (alreadyDownloading) { Promise.resolve(); return; } const costInfo = makeSelectCostInfoForUri(uri)(state) || specificCostInfo; const { cost } = costInfo; if (cost > balance) { dispatch(doSetPlayingUri(null)); dispatch(doOpenModal(MODALS.INSUFFICIENT_CREDITS)); Promise.resolve(); return; } if (cost === 0 || !makeSelectClientSetting(SETTINGS.INSTANT_PURCHASE_ENABLED)(state)) { attemptPlay(cost); } else { const instantPurchaseMax = makeSelectClientSetting(SETTINGS.INSTANT_PURCHASE_MAX)(state); if (instantPurchaseMax.currency === 'LBC') { attemptPlay(cost, instantPurchaseMax.amount); } else { // Need to convert currency of instant purchase maximum before trying to play Lbryio.getExchangeRates().then(({ LBC_USD }) => { attemptPlay(cost, instantPurchaseMax.amount / LBC_USD); }); } } }; } export function doFetchClaimsByChannel(uri, page) { return dispatch => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_CHANNEL_CLAIMS_STARTED, data: { uri, page }, }); Lbry.claim_list_by_channel({ uri, page: page || 1 }).then(result => { const claimResult = result[uri] || {}; const { claims_in_channel: claimsInChannel, returned_page: returnedPage } = claimResult; if(claimsInChannel && claimsInChannel.length) { let latest = claimsInChannel[0]; dispatch(setSubscriptionLatest({ channelName: latest.channel_name, uri: `${latest.channel_name}#${latest.value.publisherSignature.certificateId}` }, `${}#${latest.claim_id}`)); } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_CHANNEL_CLAIMS_COMPLETED, data: { uri, claims: claimsInChannel || [], page: returnedPage || undefined, }, }); }); }; } export function doFetchClaimCountByChannel(uri) { return dispatch => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_CHANNEL_CLAIM_COUNT_STARTED, data: { uri }, }); Lbry.claim_list_by_channel({ uri }).then(result => { const claimResult = result[uri]; const totalClaims = claimResult ? claimResult.claims_in_channel : 0; dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_CHANNEL_CLAIM_COUNT_COMPLETED, data: { uri, totalClaims, }, }); }); }; } export function doFetchClaimListMine() { return dispatch => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_CLAIM_LIST_MINE_STARTED, }); Lbry.claim_list_mine().then(claims => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_CLAIM_LIST_MINE_COMPLETED, data: { claims, }, }); }); }; } export function doPlayUri(uri) { return dispatch => { dispatch(doSetPlayingUri(uri)); dispatch(doPurchaseUri(uri)); }; } export function doFetchChannelListMine() { return dispatch => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_CHANNEL_LIST_MINE_STARTED, }); const callback = channels => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.FETCH_CHANNEL_LIST_MINE_COMPLETED, data: { claims: channels }, }); }; Lbry.channel_list_mine().then(callback); }; } export function doCreateChannel(name, amount) { return dispatch => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.CREATE_CHANNEL_STARTED, }); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { Lbry.channel_new({ channel_name: name, amount: parseFloat(amount), }).then( newChannelClaim => { const channelClaim = newChannelClaim; = name; dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.CREATE_CHANNEL_COMPLETED, data: { channelClaim }, }); resolve(channelClaim); }, error => { reject(error); } ); }); }; } export function doPublish(params) { return dispatch => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const success = claim => { resolve(claim); if (claim === true) dispatch(doFetchClaimListMine()); else setTimeout(() => dispatch(doFetchClaimListMine()), 20000, { once: true, }); }; const failure = err => reject(err); Lbry.publishDeprecated(params, null, success, failure); }); } export function doAbandonClaim(txid, nout) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const myClaims = selectMyClaimsRaw(state); const { claim_id: claimId, name } = myClaims.find( claim => claim.txid === txid && claim.nout === nout ); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.ABANDON_CLAIM_STARTED, data: { claimId, }, }); const errorCallback = () => { dispatch(doOpenModal(MODALS.TRANSACTION_FAILED)); }; const successCallback = results => { if (results.txid) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.ABANDON_CLAIM_SUCCEEDED, data: { claimId, }, }); dispatch(doResolveUri(buildURI({ name, claimId }))); dispatch(doFetchClaimListMine()); } else { dispatch(doOpenModal(MODALS.TRANSACTION_FAILED)); } }; Lbry.claim_abandon({ txid, nout, }).then(successCallback, errorCallback); }; }