// @if TARGET='app'
let fs = require('fs');
// @endif

const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';
let knownMessages = null;
let localStorageAvailable;
try {
  localStorageAvailable = Boolean(window.localStorage);
} catch (e) {
  localStorageAvailable = false;

window.i18n_messages = window.i18n_messages || {};

// @if TARGET='app'
function saveMessageDesktop(message) {
  const messagesFilePath = __static + '/app-strings.json';

  if (knownMessages === null) {
    try {
      knownMessages = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(messagesFilePath, 'utf-8'));
    } catch (err) {
      throw new Error('Error parsing i18n messages file: ' + messagesFilePath + ' err: ' + err);

  if (!knownMessages[message]) {
    const END = '--end--';
    delete knownMessages[END];
    knownMessages[message] = removeContextMetadata(message);
    knownMessages[END] = END;

    fs.writeFile(messagesFilePath, JSON.stringify(knownMessages, null, 2) + '\n', 'utf-8', (err) => {
      if (err) {
        throw err;
// @endif

 I dislike the below code (and note that it ships all the way to the distributed app),
 but this seems better than silently having this limitation and future devs not knowing.

function removeContextMetadata(message) {
  // Example string entries with context-metadata:
  //   "About --[About section in Help Page]--": "About",
  //   "About --[tab title in Channel Page]--": "About",
  const CONTEXT_BEGIN = '--[';
  const CONTEXT_FINAL = ']--';

  // If the resolved string still contains the context-metadata, then it's one of the following:
  // 1. In development mode, where 'en.json' in the server hasn't been updated with the string yet.
  // 2. Translator made a mistake of not ignoring the context string.
  // In either case, we'll revert to the English version.

  const begin = message.lastIndexOf(CONTEXT_BEGIN);
  if (begin > 0 && message.endsWith(CONTEXT_FINAL)) {
    // Strip away context:
    message = message.substring(0, begin);
    // No trailing spaces should be allowed in the string database anyway, because that is hard to translate
    // (can't see in Transifex; might not make sense in other languages; etc.).
    // With that, we can add a space before the context-metadata to make it neat, and trim both cases here:
    message = message.trimEnd();

  return message;

export function __(message, tokens) {
  if (!message) {
    return '';

  const language = localStorageAvailable
    ? window.localStorage.getItem('language') || 'en'
    : window.navigator.language.slice(0, 2) || 'en';
  if (!isProduction) {

  let translatedMessage = window.i18n_messages[language] ? window.i18n_messages[language][message] || message : message;
  translatedMessage = removeContextMetadata(translatedMessage);

  if (!tokens) {
    return translatedMessage;

  return translatedMessage.replace(/%([^%]+)%/g, function ($1, $2) {
    return tokens.hasOwnProperty($2) ? tokens[$2] : $2;