// @flow import type { ElementRef, Node } from 'react'; import React from 'react'; import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server'; import SimpleMDE from 'react-simplemde-editor'; import MarkdownPreview from 'component/common/markdown-preview'; import { openEditorMenu, stopContextMenu } from 'util/context-menu'; import { FF_MAX_CHARS_DEFAULT } from 'constants/form-field'; import 'easymde/dist/easymde.min.css'; import Button from 'component/button'; import emoji from 'emoji-dictionary'; const QUICK_EMOJIS = [ emoji.getUnicode('rocket'), emoji.getUnicode('jeans'), emoji.getUnicode('fire'), emoji.getUnicode('heart'), emoji.getUnicode('open_mouth'), ]; type Props = { name: string, label?: string | Node, render?: () => React$Node, prefix?: string, postfix?: string, error?: string | boolean, helper?: string | React$Node, type?: string, onChange?: (any) => any, defaultValue?: string | number, placeholder?: string | number, children?: React$Node, stretch?: boolean, affixClass?: string, // class applied to prefix/postfix label autoFocus?: boolean, labelOnLeft: boolean, inputButton?: React$Node, blockWrap: boolean, charCount?: number, textAreaMaxLength?: number, range?: number, min?: number, max?: number, quickActionLabel?: string, quickActionHandler?: (any) => any, disabled?: boolean, onChange: (any) => void, value?: string | number, noEmojis?: boolean, }; export class FormField extends React.PureComponent { static defaultProps = { labelOnLeft: false, blockWrap: true, }; input: { current: ElementRef }; constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.input = React.createRef(); } componentDidMount() { const { autoFocus } = this.props; const input = this.input.current; if (input && autoFocus) { input.focus(); } } render() { const { render, label, prefix, postfix, error, helper, name, type, children, stretch, affixClass, autoFocus, inputButton, labelOnLeft, blockWrap, charCount, textAreaMaxLength, quickActionLabel, quickActionHandler, noEmojis, ...inputProps } = this.props; const errorMessage = typeof error === 'object' ? error.message : error; const Wrapper = blockWrap ? ({ children: innerChildren }) => {innerChildren} : ({ children: innerChildren }) => {innerChildren}; const quickAction = quickActionLabel && quickActionHandler ? (
) : null; let input; if (type) { if (type === 'radio') { input = ( ); } else if (type === 'checkbox') { input = (
); } else if (type === 'range') { input = (
); } else if (type === 'select') { input = ( {(label || errorMessage) && ( )} ); } else if (type === 'select-tiny') { input = ( {(label || errorMessage) && ( )} ); } else if (type === 'markdown') { const handleEvents = { contextmenu: openEditorMenu, }; const getInstance = (editor) => { // SimpleMDE max char check editor.codemirror.on('beforeChange', (instance, changes) => { if (textAreaMaxLength && changes.update) { var str = changes.text.join('\n'); var delta = str.length - (instance.indexFromPos(changes.to) - instance.indexFromPos(changes.from)); if (delta <= 0) { return; } delta = instance.getValue().length + delta - textAreaMaxLength; if (delta > 0) { str = str.substr(0, str.length - delta); changes.update(changes.from, changes.to, str.split('\n')); } } }); // "Create Link (Ctrl-K)": highlight URL instead of label: editor.codemirror.on('changes', (instance, changes) => { try { // Grab the last change from the buffered list. I assume the // buffered one ('changes', instead of 'change') is more efficient, // and that "Create Link" will always end up last in the list. const lastChange = changes[changes.length - 1]; if (lastChange.origin === '+input') { // https://github.com/Ionaru/easy-markdown-editor/blob/8fa54c496f98621d5f45f57577ce630bee8c41ee/src/js/easymde.js#L765 const EASYMDE_URL_PLACEHOLDER = '(https://)'; // The URL placeholder is always placed last, so just look at the // last text in the array to also cover the multi-line case: const urlLineText = lastChange.text[lastChange.text.length - 1]; if (urlLineText.endsWith(EASYMDE_URL_PLACEHOLDER) && urlLineText !== '[]' + EASYMDE_URL_PLACEHOLDER) { const from = lastChange.from; const to = lastChange.to; const isSelectionMultiline = lastChange.text.length > 1; const baseIndex = isSelectionMultiline ? 0 : from.ch; // Everything works fine for the [Ctrl-K] case, but for the // [Button] case, this handler happens before the original // code, thus our change got wiped out. // Add a small delay to handle that case. setTimeout(() => { instance.setSelection( { line: to.line, ch: baseIndex + urlLineText.lastIndexOf('(') + 1 }, { line: to.line, ch: baseIndex + urlLineText.lastIndexOf(')') } ); }, 25); } } } catch (err) { // Do nothing (revert to original behavior) } }); }; // Ideally, the character count should (and can) be appended to the // SimpleMDE's "options::status" bar. However, I couldn't figure out how // to pass the current value to it's callback, nor query the current // text length from the callback. So, we'll use our own widget. const hasCharCount = charCount !== undefined && charCount >= 0; const countInfo = hasCharCount && textAreaMaxLength !== undefined && ( {`${charCount || '0'}/${textAreaMaxLength}`} ); input = (
; return ReactDOMServer.renderToString(preview); }, }} /> {countInfo}
); } else if (type === 'textarea') { const hasCharCount = charCount !== undefined && charCount >= 0; const countInfo = hasCharCount && textAreaMaxLength !== undefined && ( {`${charCount || '0'}/${textAreaMaxLength}`} ); input = ( {(label || quickAction) && (