// @flow import * as ACTIONS from 'constants/action_types'; import { buildURI, doResolveUri, batchActions } from 'lbry-redux'; import { makeSelectSearchUris, selectSuggestions, makeSelectQueryWithOptions, selectSearchValue, } from 'redux/selectors/search'; import debounce from 'util/debounce'; import handleFetchResponse from 'util/handle-fetch'; const DEBOUNCED_SEARCH_SUGGESTION_MS = 300; type Dispatch = (action: any) => any; type GetState = () => { search: SearchState }; type SearchOptions = { size?: number, from?: number, related_to?: string, nsfw?: boolean, isBackgroundSearch?: boolean, resolveResults?: boolean, }; // We can't use env's because they aren't passed into node_modules let CONNECTION_STRING = 'https://lighthouse.lbry.com/'; export const setSearchApi = (endpoint: string) => { CONNECTION_STRING = endpoint.replace(/\/*$/, '/'); // exactly one slash at the end; }; export const getSearchSuggestions = (value: string) => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => { const query = value.trim(); // strip out any basic stuff for more accurate search results let searchValue = query.replace(/lbry:\/\//g, '').replace(/-/g, ' '); if (searchValue.includes('#')) { // This should probably be more robust, but I think it's fine for now // Remove everything after # to get rid of the claim id searchValue = searchValue.substring(0, searchValue.indexOf('#')); } const suggestions = selectSuggestions(getState()); if (suggestions[searchValue]) { return; } fetch(`${CONNECTION_STRING}autocomplete?s=${searchValue}`) .then(handleFetchResponse) .then(apiSuggestions => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.UPDATE_SEARCH_SUGGESTIONS, data: { query: searchValue, suggestions: apiSuggestions, }, }); }) .catch(() => { // If the fetch fails, do nothing // Basic search suggestions are already populated at this point }); }; const throttledSearchSuggestions = debounce((dispatch, query) => { dispatch(getSearchSuggestions(query)); }, DEBOUNCED_SEARCH_SUGGESTION_MS); export const doUpdateSearchQuery = (query: string, shouldSkipSuggestions: ?boolean) => (dispatch: Dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.UPDATE_SEARCH_QUERY, data: { query }, }); // Don't fetch new suggestions if the user just added a space if (!query.endsWith(' ') || !shouldSkipSuggestions) { throttledSearchSuggestions(dispatch, query); } }; export const doSearch = (rawQuery: string, searchOptions: SearchOptions) => ( dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState ) => { const query = rawQuery.replace(/^lbry:\/\//i, '').replace(/\//, ' '); const resolveResults = searchOptions && searchOptions.resolveResults; const isBackgroundSearch = (searchOptions && searchOptions.isBackgroundSearch) || false; if (!query) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SEARCH_FAIL, }); return; } const state = getState(); let queryWithOptions = makeSelectQueryWithOptions(query, searchOptions)(state); // If we have already searched for something, we don't need to do anything const urisForQuery = makeSelectSearchUris(queryWithOptions)(state); if (urisForQuery && !!urisForQuery.length) { return; } dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SEARCH_START, }); // If the user is on the file page with a pre-populated uri and they select // the search option without typing anything, searchQuery will be empty // We need to populate it so the input is filled on the search page // isBackgroundSearch means the search is happening in the background, don't update the search query if (!state.search.searchQuery && !isBackgroundSearch) { dispatch(doUpdateSearchQuery(query)); } fetch(`${CONNECTION_STRING}search?${queryWithOptions}`) .then(handleFetchResponse) .then((data: Array<{ name: string, claimId: string }>) => { const uris = []; const actions = []; data.forEach(result => { if (result) { const { name, claimId } = result; const urlObj: LbryUrlObj = {}; if (name.startsWith('@')) { urlObj.channelName = name; urlObj.channelClaimId = claimId; } else { urlObj.streamName = name; urlObj.streamClaimId = claimId; } const url = buildURI(urlObj); if (resolveResults) { actions.push(doResolveUri(url)); } uris.push(url); } }); actions.push({ type: ACTIONS.SEARCH_SUCCESS, data: { query: queryWithOptions, uris, }, }); dispatch(batchActions(...actions)); }) .catch(e => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SEARCH_FAIL, }); }); }; export const doFocusSearchInput = () => (dispatch: Dispatch) => dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SEARCH_FOCUS, }); export const doBlurSearchInput = () => (dispatch: Dispatch) => dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SEARCH_BLUR, }); export const doUpdateSearchOptions = (newOptions: SearchOptions, additionalOptions: SearchOptions) => ( dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState ) => { const state = getState(); const searchValue = selectSearchValue(state); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.UPDATE_SEARCH_OPTIONS, data: newOptions, }); if (searchValue) { // After updating, perform a search with the new options dispatch(doSearch(searchValue, additionalOptions)); } };