// @flow import { SITE_NAME } from 'config'; import * as PAGES from 'constants/pages'; import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; import Button from 'component/button'; import ClaimPreview from 'component/claimPreview'; import Card from 'component/common/card'; import { buildURI, parseURI } from 'lbry-redux'; import { ERRORS } from 'lbryinc'; import REWARDS from 'rewards'; import { formatLbryUrlForWeb } from 'util/url'; import ChannelContent from 'component/channelContent'; import I18nMessage from 'component/i18nMessage'; type Props = { user: any, claimReward: () => void, setReferrer: string => void, referrerSetPending: boolean, referrerSetError: string, channelSubscribe: (sub: Subscription) => void, history: { push: string => void }, rewards: Array<Reward>, referrer: string, fullUri: string, isSubscribed: boolean, }; function Invited(props: Props) { const { user, claimReward, setReferrer, referrerSetPending, referrerSetError, channelSubscribe, history, rewards, fullUri, referrer, isSubscribed, } = props; const refUri = referrer && 'lbry://' + referrer.replace(':', '#'); const { isChannel: referrerIsChannel, claimName: referrerChannelName, channelClaimId: referrerChannelClaimId, } = parseURI(refUri); const channelUri = referrerIsChannel && formatLbryUrlForWeb(buildURI({ channelName: referrerChannelName, channelClaimId: referrerChannelClaimId })); const rewardsApproved = user && user.is_reward_approved; const hasVerifiedEmail = user && user.has_verified_email; const referredRewardAvailable = rewards && rewards.some(reward => reward.reward_type === REWARDS.TYPE_REFEREE); const redirect = channelUri || `/`; // always follow if it's a channel useEffect(() => { if (fullUri && !isSubscribed) { channelSubscribe({ channelName: parseURI(fullUri).claimName, uri: fullUri, }); } }, [fullUri, isSubscribed, channelSubscribe]); useEffect(() => { if (!referrerSetPending && hasVerifiedEmail) { claimReward(); } }, [referrerSetPending, hasVerifiedEmail, claimReward]); useEffect(() => { if (referrer) { setReferrer(referrer.replace(':', '#')); } }, [referrer, setReferrer]); function handleDone() { history.push(redirect); } if (referrerSetError === ERRORS.ALREADY_CLAIMED) { return ( <Card title={__(`Whoa`)} subtitle={ referrerIsChannel ? __(`You've already claimed your referrer, but we've followed this channel for you.`) : __(`You've already claimed your referrer.`) } body={ referrerIsChannel && ( <div className="claim-preview--channel"> <ClaimPreview key={refUri} uri={refUri} actions={''} type={'small'} /> </div> ) } actions={ <div className="card__actions"> <Button button="primary" label={__('Done!')} onClick={handleDone} /> </div> } /> ); } if (referrerSetError && referredRewardAvailable) { return ( <Card title={__(`Welcome!`)} subtitle={__( `Something went wrong with your invite link. You can set and claim your invite reward after signing in.` )} actions={ <> <p className="error__text">{__('Not a valid invite')}</p> <div className="card__actions"> <Button button="primary" label={hasVerifiedEmail ? __('Verify') : __('Create Account')} navigate={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH}?redirect=/$/${PAGES.REWARDS}`} /> <Button button="link" label={__('Explore')} onClick={handleDone} /> </div> </> } /> ); } if (!rewardsApproved) { const signUpButton = ( <Button button="link" label={hasVerifiedEmail ? __(`Finish verification `) : __(`Create an account `)} navigate={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH}?redirect=/$/${PAGES.INVITE}/${referrer}`} /> ); return ( <Card title={ referrerIsChannel ? __('%channel_name% invites you to the party!', { channel_name: referrerChannelName }) : __(`You're invited!`) } subtitle={ <p> {referrerIsChannel ? ( <I18nMessage tokens={{ channel_name: referrerChannelName, signup_link: signUpButton, SITE_NAME, }} > %channel_name% is waiting for you on %SITE_NAME%. Create your account now. </I18nMessage> ) : ( <I18nMessage tokens={{ signup_link: signUpButton, }} > Content freedom and a present are waiting for you. %signup_link% to claim it. </I18nMessage> )} </p> } body={ referrerIsChannel && ( <div className="claim-preview--channel"> <div className="section"> <ClaimPreview key={refUri} uri={refUri} actions={''} type={'small'} /> </div> <div className="section"> <ChannelContent uri={fullUri} defaultPageSize={3} defaultInfiniteScroll={false} /> </div> </div> ) } actions={ <div className="section__actions"> <Button button="primary" label={hasVerifiedEmail ? __('Finish Account') : __('Create Account')} navigate={`/$/${PAGES.AUTH}?redirect=/$/${PAGES.INVITE}/${referrer}`} /> <Button button="link" label={__('Skip')} onClick={handleDone} /> </div> } /> ); } return ( <Card title={__(`Welcome!`)} subtitle={referrerIsChannel ? __(`We've followed your invitee for you. Check them out!`) : __(`Congrats!`)} body={ referrerIsChannel && ( <div className="claim-preview--channel"> <ClaimPreview key={refUri} uri={refUri} actions={''} type={'small'} /> </div> ) } actions={ <div className="section__actions"> <Button button="primary" label={__('Done')} onClick={handleDone} /> </div> } /> ); } export default Invited;