// @flow import { MAIN_CLASS } from 'component/page/view'; import type { Node } from 'react'; import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import ClaimPreview from 'component/claimPreview'; import Spinner from 'component/spinner'; import { FormField } from 'component/common/form'; import usePersistedState from 'effects/use-persisted-state'; import debounce from 'util/debounce'; import ClaimPreviewTile from 'component/claimPreviewTile'; const DEBOUNCE_SCROLL_HANDLER_MS = 150; const SORT_NEW = 'new'; const SORT_OLD = 'old'; type Props = { uris: Array<string>, header: Node | boolean, headerAltControls: Node, loading: boolean, type: string, empty?: string, defaultSort?: boolean, onScrollBottom?: (any) => void, page?: number, pageSize?: number, id?: string, // If using the default header, this is a unique ID needed to persist the state of the filter setting persistedStorageKey?: string, showHiddenByUser: boolean, showUnresolvedClaims?: boolean, renderProperties: ?(Claim) => Node, includeSupportAction?: boolean, injectedItem: ?Node, timedOutMessage?: Node, tileLayout?: boolean, renderActions?: (Claim) => ?Node, searchInLanguage: boolean, hideMenu?: boolean, }; export default function ClaimList(props: Props) { const { uris, headerAltControls, loading, persistedStorageKey, empty, defaultSort, type, header, onScrollBottom, pageSize, page, showHiddenByUser, showUnresolvedClaims, renderProperties, includeSupportAction, injectedItem, timedOutMessage, tileLayout = false, renderActions, searchInLanguage, hideMenu, } = props; const [currentSort, setCurrentSort] = usePersistedState(persistedStorageKey, SORT_NEW); const timedOut = uris === null; const urisLength = (uris && uris.length) || 0; const sortedUris = (urisLength > 0 && (currentSort === SORT_NEW ? uris : uris.slice().reverse())) || []; const noResultMsg = searchInLanguage ? __('No results. Contents may be hidden by the Language filter.') : __('No results'); function handleSortChange() { setCurrentSort(currentSort === SORT_NEW ? SORT_OLD : SORT_NEW); } useEffect(() => { const handleScroll = debounce((e) => { if (page && pageSize && onScrollBottom) { const mainEl = document.querySelector(`.${MAIN_CLASS}`); if (mainEl && !loading && urisLength >= pageSize) { const contentWrapperAtBottomOfPage = mainEl.getBoundingClientRect().bottom - 0.5 <= window.innerHeight; if (contentWrapperAtBottomOfPage) { onScrollBottom(); } } } }, DEBOUNCE_SCROLL_HANDLER_MS); if (onScrollBottom) { window.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll); return () => window.removeEventListener('scroll', handleScroll); } }, [loading, onScrollBottom, urisLength, pageSize, page]); return tileLayout && !header ? ( <section className="claim-grid"> {urisLength > 0 && uris.map((uri) => <ClaimPreviewTile key={uri} uri={uri} showHiddenByUser={showHiddenByUser} />)} {!timedOut && urisLength === 0 && !loading && <div className="empty main--empty">{empty || noResultMsg}</div>} {timedOut && timedOutMessage && <div className="empty main--empty">{timedOutMessage}</div>} </section> ) : ( <section className={classnames('claim-list', { 'claim-list--small': type === 'small', })} > {header !== false && ( <React.Fragment> {header && ( <div className={classnames('claim-list__header', { 'section__title--small': type === 'small' })}> {header} {loading && <Spinner type="small" />} {(headerAltControls || defaultSort) && ( <div className="claim-list__alt-controls"> {headerAltControls} {defaultSort && ( <FormField className="claim-list__dropdown" type="select" name="file_sort" value={currentSort} onChange={handleSortChange} > <option value={SORT_NEW}>{__('Newest First')}</option> <option value={SORT_OLD}>{__('Oldest First')}</option> </FormField> )} </div> )} </div> )} </React.Fragment> )} {urisLength > 0 && ( <ul className={classnames('ul--no-style', { card: !(tileLayout || type === 'small'), 'claim-list--card-body': tileLayout, })} > {sortedUris.map((uri, index) => ( <React.Fragment key={uri}> {injectedItem && index === 4 && <li>{injectedItem}</li>} <ClaimPreview uri={uri} type={type} hideMenu={hideMenu} includeSupportAction={includeSupportAction} showUnresolvedClaim={showUnresolvedClaims} properties={renderProperties || (type !== 'small' ? undefined : false)} renderActions={renderActions} showUserBlocked={showHiddenByUser} showHiddenByUser={showHiddenByUser} customShouldHide={(claim: StreamClaim) => { // Hack to hide spee.ch thumbnail publishes // If it meets these requirements, it was probably uploaded here: // https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-redux/blob/master/src/redux/actions/publish.js#L74-L79 if (claim.name.length === 24 && !claim.name.includes(' ') && claim.value.author === 'Spee.ch') { return true; } else { return false; } }} /> </React.Fragment> ))} </ul> )} {!timedOut && urisLength === 0 && !loading && <div className="empty empty--centered">{empty || noResultMsg}</div>} {!loading && timedOut && timedOutMessage && <div className="empty empty--centered">{timedOutMessage}</div>} </section> ); }