import React from "react"; import FileSelector from "./file-selector.js"; import SimpleMDE from "react-simplemde-editor"; import style from "react-simplemde-editor/dist/simplemde.min.css"; let formFieldCounter = 0, formFieldFileSelectorTypes = ["file", "directory"], formFieldNestedLabelTypes = ["radio", "checkbox"]; function formFieldId() { return "form-field-" + ++formFieldCounter; } export class FormField extends React.PureComponent { static propTypes = { type: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, prefix: React.PropTypes.string, postfix: React.PropTypes.string, hasError: React.PropTypes.bool, }; constructor(props) { super(props); this._fieldRequiredText = __("This field is required"); this._type = null; this._element = null; this._extraElementProps = {}; this.state = { isError: null, errorMessage: null, }; } componentWillMount() { if (["text", "number", "radio", "checkbox"].includes(this.props.type)) { this._element = "input"; this._type = this.props.type; } else if (this.props.type == "text-number") { this._element = "input"; this._type = "text"; } else if (this.props.type == "SimpleMDE") { this._element = SimpleMDE; this._type = "textarea"; this._extraElementProps.options = { hideIcons: ["guide", "heading", "image", "fullscreen", "side-by-side"], }; } else if (formFieldFileSelectorTypes.includes(this.props.type)) { this._element = "input"; this._type = "hidden"; } else { // Non <input> field, e.g. <select>, <textarea> this._element = this.props.type; } } componentDidMount() { /** * We have to add the webkitdirectory attribute here because React doesn't allow it in JSX * */ if (this.props.type == "directory") { this.refs.field.webkitdirectory = true; } } handleFileChosen(path) { this.refs.field.value = path; if (this.props.onChange) { // Updating inputs programmatically doesn't generate an event, so we have to make our own const event = new Event("change", { bubbles: true }); this.refs.field.dispatchEvent(event); // This alone won't generate a React event, but we use it to attach the field as a target this.props.onChange(event); } } showError(text) { this.setState({ isError: true, errorMessage: text, }); } focus() { this.refs.field.focus(); } getValue() { if (this.props.type == "checkbox") { return this.refs.field.checked; } else if (this.props.type == "SimpleMDE") { return this.refs.field.simplemde.value(); } else { return this.refs.field.value; } } getSelectedElement() { return this.refs.field.options[this.refs.field.selectedIndex]; } getOptions() { return this.refs.field.options; } render() { // Pass all unhandled props to the field element const otherProps = Object.assign({}, this.props), isError = this.state.isError !== null ? this.state.isError : this.props.hasError, elementId = ? : formFieldId(), renderElementInsideLabel = this.props.label && formFieldNestedLabelTypes.includes(this.props.type); delete otherProps.type; delete otherProps.label; delete otherProps.hasError; delete otherProps.className; delete otherProps.postfix; delete otherProps.prefix; const element = ( <this._element id={elementId} type={this._type} name={} ref="field" placeholder={this.props.placeholder} className={ "form-field__input form-field__input-" + this.props.type + " " + (this.props.className || "") + (isError ? "form-field__input--error" : "") } {...otherProps} {...this._extraElementProps} > {this.props.children} </this._element> ); return ( <div className={"form-field form-field--" + this.props.type}> {this.props.prefix ? <span className="form-field__prefix">{this.props.prefix}</span> : ""} {renderElementInsideLabel ? <label htmlFor={elementId} className={ "form-field__label " + (isError ? "form-field__label--error" : "") } > {element} {this.props.label} </label> : element} {formFieldFileSelectorTypes.includes(this.props.type) ? <FileSelector type={this.props.type} onFileChosen={this.handleFileChosen.bind(this)} {...(this.props.defaultValue ? { initPath: this.props.defaultValue } : {})} /> : null} {this.props.postfix ? <span className="form-field__postfix">{this.props.postfix}</span> : ""} {isError && this.state.errorMessage ? <div className="form-field__error">{this.state.errorMessage}</div> : ""} </div> ); } } export class FormRow extends React.PureComponent { static propTypes = { label: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([ React.PropTypes.string, React.PropTypes.element, ]), errorMessage: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([ React.PropTypes.string, React.PropTypes.object, ]), // helper: React.PropTypes.html, }; constructor(props) { super(props); this._fieldRequiredText = __("This field is required"); this.state = this.getStateFromProps(props); } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { this.setState(this.getStateFromProps(nextProps)); } getStateFromProps(props) { return { isError: !!props.errorMessage, errorMessage: typeof props.errorMessage === "string" ? props.errorMessage : props.errorMessage instanceof Error ? props.errorMessage.toString() : "", }; } showError(text) { this.setState({ isError: true, errorMessage: text, }); } showRequiredError() { this.showError(this._fieldRequiredText); } clearError(text) { this.setState({ isError: false, errorMessage: "", }); } getValue() { return this.refs.field.getValue(); } getSelectedElement() { return this.refs.field.getSelectedElement(); } getOptions() { return this.refs.field.getOptions(); } focus() { this.refs.field.focus(); } render() { const fieldProps = Object.assign({}, this.props), elementId = formFieldId(), renderLabelInFormField = formFieldNestedLabelTypes.includes( this.props.type ); if (!renderLabelInFormField) { delete fieldProps.label; } delete fieldProps.helper; delete fieldProps.errorMessage; return ( <div className="form-row"> {this.props.label && !renderLabelInFormField ? <div className={ "form-row__label-row " + (this.props.labelPrefix ? "form-row__label-row--prefix" : "") } > <label htmlFor={elementId} className={ "form-field__label " + (this.state.isError ? "form-field__label--error" : "") } > {this.props.label} </label> </div> : ""} <FormField ref="field" hasError={this.state.isError} {...fieldProps} /> {!this.state.isError && this.props.helper ? <div className="form-field__helper">{this.props.helper}</div> : ""} {this.state.isError ? <div className="form-field__error">{this.state.errorMessage}</div> : ""} </div> ); } }