import React from 'react'; import lbry from '../lbry.js'; import LoadScreen from './load_screen.js'; var SplashScreen = React.createClass({ propTypes: { message: React.PropTypes.string, onLoadDone: React.PropTypes.func, }, getInitialState: function() { return { details: 'Starting daemon', isLagging: false, } }, updateStatus: function() { lbry.status().then(this._updateStatusCallback); }, _updateStatusCallback: function(status) { const startupStatus = status.startup_status if (startupStatus.code == 'started') { // Wait until we are able to resolve a name before declaring // that we are done. // TODO: This is a hack, and the logic should live in the daemon // to give us a better sense of when we are actually started this.setState({ details: 'Waiting for name resolution', isLagging: false }); lbry.resolve({uri: 'lbry://one'}).then(() => { this.props.onLoadDone(); }); return; } this.setState({ details: startupStatus.message + (startupStatus.is_lagging ? '' : '...'), isLagging: startupStatus.is_lagging, }); setTimeout(() => { this.updateStatus(); }, 500); }, componentDidMount: function() { lbry.connect().then((isConnected) => { if (isConnected) { this.updateStatus(); } else { this.setState({ isLagging: true, message: "Failed to connect to LBRY", details: "LBRY was unable to start and connect properly." }) } }) }, render: function() { return } }); export default SplashScreen;