// @flow import * as PAGES from 'constants/pages'; import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import analytics from 'analytics'; import { buildURI, parseURI, TX_LIST } from 'lbry-redux'; import Router from 'component/router/index'; import ModalRouter from 'modal/modalRouter'; import ReactModal from 'react-modal'; import { openContextMenu } from 'util/context-menu'; import useKonamiListener from 'util/enhanced-layout'; import Yrbl from 'component/yrbl'; import FloatingViewer from 'component/floatingViewer'; import { withRouter } from 'react-router'; import usePrevious from 'effects/use-previous'; import Nag from 'component/common/nag'; import { rewards as REWARDS } from 'lbryinc'; // @if TARGET='web' import OpenInAppLink from 'component/openInAppLink'; import YoutubeWelcome from 'component/youtubeWelcome'; // @endif export const MAIN_WRAPPER_CLASS = 'main-wrapper'; // @if TARGET='app' export const IS_MAC = process.platform === 'darwin'; // @endif const SYNC_INTERVAL = 1000 * 60 * 5; // 5 minutes type Props = { alertError: (string | {}) => void, pageTitle: ?string, language: string, languages: Array, theme: string, user: ?{ id: string, has_verified_email: boolean, is_reward_approved: boolean }, location: { pathname: string, hash: string, search: string }, history: { push: string => void }, fetchRewards: () => void, fetchTransactions: (number, number) => void, fetchAccessToken: () => void, fetchChannelListMine: () => void, signIn: () => void, requestDownloadUpgrade: () => void, onSignedIn: () => void, setLanguage: string => void, isUpgradeAvailable: boolean, autoUpdateDownloaded: boolean, checkSync: () => void, updatePreferences: () => void, syncEnabled: boolean, uploadCount: number, balance: ?number, syncError: ?string, rewards: Array, setReferrer: (string, boolean) => void, }; function App(props: Props) { const { theme, fetchRewards, fetchTransactions, user, fetchAccessToken, fetchChannelListMine, signIn, autoUpdateDownloaded, isUpgradeAvailable, requestDownloadUpgrade, syncEnabled, checkSync, uploadCount, history, syncError, language, languages, setLanguage, updatePreferences, rewards, setReferrer, } = props; const appRef = useRef(); const isEnhancedLayout = useKonamiListener(); const [hasSignedIn, setHasSignedIn] = useState(false); const userId = user && user.id; const hasVerifiedEmail = user && user.has_verified_email; const isRewardApproved = user && user.is_reward_approved; const previousUserId = usePrevious(userId); const previousHasVerifiedEmail = usePrevious(hasVerifiedEmail); const previousRewardApproved = usePrevious(isRewardApproved); const { pathname, hash, search } = props.location; const showUpgradeButton = autoUpdateDownloaded || (process.platform === 'linux' && isUpgradeAvailable); // referral claiming const referredRewardAvailable = rewards && rewards.some(reward => reward.reward_type === REWARDS.TYPE_REFEREE); const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(search); const rawReferrerParam = urlParams.get('r'); const sanitizedReferrerParam = rawReferrerParam && rawReferrerParam.replace(':', '#'); const wrapperElement = appRef.current; let uri; try { const newpath = buildURI(parseURI(pathname.slice(1).replace(/:/g, '#'))); uri = newpath + hash; } catch (e) {} useEffect(() => { if (!uploadCount) return; const handleBeforeUnload = event => { event.preventDefault(); event.returnValue = 'magic'; // without setting this to something it doesn't work }; window.addEventListener('beforeunload', handleBeforeUnload); return () => window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', handleBeforeUnload); }, [uploadCount]); useEffect(() => { if (referredRewardAvailable && sanitizedReferrerParam && isRewardApproved) { setReferrer(sanitizedReferrerParam, true); } else if (referredRewardAvailable && sanitizedReferrerParam) { setReferrer(sanitizedReferrerParam, false); } }, [sanitizedReferrerParam, isRewardApproved, referredRewardAvailable]); useEffect(() => { if (wrapperElement) { ReactModal.setAppElement(wrapperElement); } fetchAccessToken(); // @if TARGET='app' fetchRewards(); fetchTransactions(1, TX_LIST.LATEST_PAGE_SIZE); fetchChannelListMine(); // This needs to be done for web too... // @endif }, [fetchRewards, fetchTransactions, fetchAccessToken, fetchChannelListMine, wrapperElement]); useEffect(() => { // $FlowFixMe document.documentElement.setAttribute('theme', theme); }, [theme]); useEffect(() => { if (!languages.includes(language)) { setLanguage(language); } }, [language, languages]); useEffect(() => { if (previousUserId === undefined && userId) { analytics.setUser(userId); } }, [previousUserId, userId]); useEffect(() => { // Check that previousHasVerifiedEmail was not undefined instead of just not truthy // This ensures we don't fire the emailVerified event on the initial user fetch if (previousHasVerifiedEmail === false && hasVerifiedEmail) { analytics.emailVerifiedEvent(); } }, [previousHasVerifiedEmail, hasVerifiedEmail, signIn]); useEffect(() => { if (previousRewardApproved === false && isRewardApproved) { analytics.rewardEligibleEvent(); } }, [previousRewardApproved, isRewardApproved]); // Keep this at the end to ensure initial setup effects are run first useEffect(() => { // Wait for balance to be populated on desktop so we know when we can begin syncing if (!hasSignedIn && hasVerifiedEmail) { signIn(); setHasSignedIn(true); } }, [hasVerifiedEmail, signIn, hasSignedIn]); // @if TARGET='app' useEffect(() => { updatePreferences(); }, []); // @endif useEffect(() => { if (hasVerifiedEmail && syncEnabled) { checkSync(); let syncInterval = setInterval(() => { checkSync(); }, SYNC_INTERVAL); return () => { clearInterval(syncInterval); }; } }, [hasVerifiedEmail, syncEnabled, checkSync]); useEffect(() => { if (syncError) { history.push(`/$/${PAGES.AUTH}?redirect=${pathname}`); } }, [syncError, pathname]); // @if TARGET='web' // Require an internal-api user on lbry.tv // This also prevents the site from loading in the un-authed state while we wait for internal-apis to return for the first time // It's not needed on desktop since there is no un-authed state if (!user) { return null; } // @endif return (
openContextMenu(e)} > {/* @if TARGET='web' */} {/* @endif */} {/* @if TARGET='app' */} {showUpgradeButton && ( )} {/* @endif */} {isEnhancedLayout && }
); } export default withRouter(App);