// @flow import { platform } from 'util/platform'; const REQUIRED_DELAY_FOR_IOS_MS = 10; const MIN_SECONDS_BETWEEN_CHAPTERS = 10; const MIN_CHAPTERS = 3; type TimestampData = Array<{ seconds: number, label: string }>; function isValidTimestamp(str: string) { let isValidTimestamp; switch (str.length) { case 4: // "9:59" isValidTimestamp = /^[0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/.test(str); break; case 5: // "59:59" isValidTimestamp = /^[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/.test(str); break; case 7: // "9:59:59" isValidTimestamp = /^[0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/.test(str); break; case 8: // "99:59:59" isValidTimestamp = /^[0-9][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/.test(str); break; default: // Reject isValidTimestamp = false; break; } return isValidTimestamp; } function timestampStrToSeconds(ts: string) { const parts = ts.split(':').reverse(); let seconds = 0; for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) { const part = parts[i]; const parsed = parseInt(part); if (!isNaN(parsed)) { seconds += parsed * Math.pow(60, i); } } return seconds; } function parse(claim: StreamClaim) { // - Must have at least 3 timestamps. // - First one must be 0:00. // - Chapters must be at least 10 seconds apart. // - Format: one per line, "0:00 Blah..." const description = claim?.value?.description; if (!description) { return null; } const lines = description.split('\n'); const timestamps = []; lines.forEach((line) => { if (line.length > 0) { const splitIndex = line.indexOf(' '); if (splitIndex >= 0 && splitIndex < line.length - 2) { const ts = line.substring(0, splitIndex); const label = line.substring(splitIndex + 1); if (ts && label && isValidTimestamp(ts)) { const seconds = timestampStrToSeconds(ts); if (timestamps.length !== 0) { const prevSeconds = timestamps[timestamps.length - 1].seconds; if (seconds - prevSeconds < MIN_SECONDS_BETWEEN_CHAPTERS) { return null; } } else { if (seconds !== 0) { return null; } } timestamps.push({ seconds, label }); } } } }); return timestamps.length >= MIN_CHAPTERS ? timestamps : null; } function overrideHoverTooltip(player: any, tsData: TimestampData, duration: number) { try { const timeTooltip = player .getChild('controlBar') .getChild('progressControl') .getChild('seekBar') .getChild('mouseTimeDisplay') .getChild('timeTooltip'); // sometimes old 'right' rule is persisted and messes up styling timeTooltip.el().style.removeProperty('right'); timeTooltip.update = function (seekBarRect, seekBarPoint, time) { const values = Object.values(tsData); // $FlowIssue: mixed const seconds = values.map((v) => v.seconds); const curSeconds = timestampStrToSeconds(time); let i = 0; for (; i < seconds.length; ++i) { const s0 = seconds[i]; const s1 = i === seconds.length - 1 ? duration : seconds[i + 1]; if (curSeconds >= s0 && curSeconds < s1) { break; } } if (i < seconds.length) { // $FlowIssue: mixed this.write(`${time} - ${values[i].label}`); } else { console.error('Chapters: oob ' + player?.claim?.name); this.write(time); } }; } catch {} } function load(player: any, timestampData: TimestampData, duration: number) { player.one('loadedmetadata', () => { const textTrack = player.addTextTrack('chapters', __('Chapters'), 'en'); setTimeout(() => { const values = Object.values(timestampData); values.forEach((ts, index) => { // $FlowIssue: mixed const start = ts.seconds; // $FlowIssue: mixed const end = index === values.length - 1 ? duration : values[index + 1].seconds; // $FlowIssue: mixed textTrack.addCue(new window.VTTCue(start, end, ts.label)); }); addMarkersOnProgressBar( // $FlowIssue: mixed values.map((v) => v.seconds), duration ); const chaptersButton = player?.controlBar?.chaptersButton; if (chaptersButton) { chaptersButton.update(); } }, REQUIRED_DELAY_FOR_IOS_MS); }); } function deleteHoverInformation(player) { try { const timeTooltip = player .getChild('controlBar') .getChild('progressControl') .getChild('seekBar') .getChild('mouseTimeDisplay') .getChild('timeTooltip'); delete timeTooltip.update; } catch {} } export function parseAndLoad(player: any, claim: StreamClaim) { console.assert(claim, 'null claim'); if (platform.isMobile()) { return; } const tsData = parse(claim); const duration = claim?.value?.video?.duration || claim?.value?.audio?.duration; if (tsData && duration) { load(player, tsData, duration); overrideHoverTooltip(player, tsData, duration); } else { deleteHoverInformation(player); // $FlowIssue player?.controlBar?.getChild('ChaptersButton')?.hide(); } } function addMarkersOnProgressBar(chapterStartTimes: Array, videoDuration: number) { const progressControl = document.getElementsByClassName('vjs-progress-holder vjs-slider vjs-slider-horizontal')[0]; if (!progressControl) { console.error('Failed to find progress-control'); return; } for (let i = 0; i < chapterStartTimes.length; ++i) { const elem = document.createElement('div'); // $FlowIssue elem['className'] = 'vjs-chapter-marker'; // $FlowIssue elem['id'] = 'chapter' + i; elem.style.left = `${(chapterStartTimes[i] / videoDuration) * 100}%`; progressControl.appendChild(elem); } }