const imageAddr = ''; const downloadSize = 2707459; // this must match with the image above let startTime, endTime; async function measureConnectionSpeed() { startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); const cacheBuster = '?nnn=' + startTime; const download = new Image(); download.src = imageAddr + cacheBuster; // this returns when the image is finished downloading await download.decode(); endTime = (new Date()).getTime(); const duration = (endTime - startTime) / 1000; const bitsLoaded = downloadSize * 8; const speedBps = (bitsLoaded / duration).toFixed(2); const speedKbps = (speedBps / 1024).toFixed(2); const speedMbps = (speedKbps / 1024).toFixed(2); return speedMbps; } module.exports = measureConnectionSpeed;