import React from 'react'; import lbry from '../lbry.js'; import {Link} from '../component/link.js'; import FormField from '../component/form.js'; import {FileTileStream} from '../component/file-tile.js'; import {BusyMessage, Thumbnail} from '../component/common.js'; export let FileListDownloaded = React.createClass({ _isMounted: false, getInitialState: function() { return { fileInfos: null, }; }, componentDidMount: function() { this._isMounted = true; document.title = "Downloaded Files"; let publishedFilesSdHashes = []; lbry.getMyClaims((claimInfos) => { if (!this._isMounted) { return; } for (let claimInfo of claimInfos) { let metadata = JSON.parse(claimInfo.value); publishedFilesSdHashes.push(metadata.sources.lbry_sd_hash); } lbry.getFilesInfo((fileInfos) => { if (!this._isMounted) { return; } this.setState({ fileInfos: fileInfos.filter(({sd_hash}) => { return publishedFilesSdHashes.indexOf(sd_hash) == -1; }) }); }); }); }, render: function() { if (this.state.fileInfos === null) { return (
); } else if (!this.state.fileInfos.length) { return (
You haven't downloaded anything from LBRY yet. Go !
); } else { return (
); } } }); export let FileListPublished = React.createClass({ _isMounted: false, getInitialState: function () { return { fileInfos: null, }; }, componentDidMount: function () { this._isMounted = true; document.title = "Published Files"; lbry.getMyClaims((claimInfos) => { /** * Build newFileInfos as a sparse array and drop elements in at the same position they * occur in claimInfos, so the order is preserved even if the API calls inside this loop * return out of order. */ let newFileInfos = Array(claimInfos.length), claimInfoProcessedCount = 0; for (let [i, claimInfo] of claimInfos.entries()) { let metadata = JSON.parse(claimInfo.value); lbry.getFileInfoBySdHash(metadata.sources.lbry_sd_hash, (fileInfo) => { claimInfoProcessedCount++; if (fileInfo !== false) { newFileInfos[i] = fileInfo; } if (claimInfoProcessedCount >= claimInfos.length) { /** * newfileInfos may have gaps from claims that don't have associated files in * lbrynet, so filter out any missing elements */ this.setState({ fileInfos: newFileInfos.filter(function () { return true }), }); } }); } }); }, render: function () { if (this.state.fileInfos === null) { return (
); } else if (!this.state.fileInfos.length) { return (
You haven't published anything to LBRY yet. Try !
); } else { return (
); } } }); export let FileList = React.createClass({ _sortFunctions: { date: function(fileInfos) { return fileInfos.reverse(); }, title: function(fileInfos) { return fileInfos.sort(function(a, b) { return ((a.metadata ? a.metadata.title.toLowerCase() : > (b.metadata ? b.metadata.title.toLowerCase() :; }); }, filename: function(fileInfos) { return fileInfos.sort(function(a, b) { return (a.file_name.toLowerCase() > b.file_name.toLowerCase()); }); }, }, propTypes: { fileInfos: React.PropTypes.array.isRequired, hidePrices: React.PropTypes.bool, }, getDefaultProps: function() { return { hidePrices: false, }; }, getInitialState: function() { return { sortBy: 'date', }; }, handleSortChanged: function(event) { this.setState({ sortBy:, }); }, render: function() { var content = [], seenUris = {}; const fileInfosSorted = this._sortFunctions[this.state.sortBy](this.props.fileInfos); for (let fileInfo of fileInfosSorted) { let {lbry_uri, sd_hash, metadata} = fileInfo; if (!metadata || seenUris[lbry_uri]) { continue; } seenUris[lbry_uri] = true; content.push(); } return (
Sort by { ' ' } {content}
); } });