// @flow import React from 'react'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import Spinner from 'component/spinner'; import CommentCreate from 'component/commentCreate'; import LivestreamComment from 'component/livestreamComment'; import Button from 'component/button'; import UriIndicator from 'component/uriIndicator'; import CreditAmount from 'component/common/credit-amount'; import ChannelThumbnail from 'component/channelThumbnail'; import Tooltip from 'component/common/tooltip'; import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import OptimizedImage from 'component/optimizedImage'; import { parseSticker } from 'util/comments'; type Props = { uri: string, claim: ?StreamClaim, embed?: boolean, doCommentList: (string, string, number, number) => void, comments: Array, pinnedComments: Array, fetchingComments: boolean, doSuperChatList: (string) => void, superChats: Array, doResolveUris: (Array, boolean) => void, }; const VIEW_MODES = { CHAT: 'chat', SUPERCHAT: 'sc', }; const COMMENT_SCROLL_TIMEOUT = 25; const LARGE_SUPER_CHAT_LIST_THRESHOLD = 20; export default function LivestreamComments(props: Props) { const { claim, uri, embed, comments: commentsByChronologicalOrder, pinnedComments, doCommentList, fetchingComments, doSuperChatList, superChats: superChatsByAmount, doResolveUris, } = props; let superChatsFiatAmount, superChatsLBCAmount, superChatsTotalAmount, hasSuperChats; const commentsRef = React.createRef(); const [viewMode, setViewMode] = React.useState(VIEW_MODES.CHAT); const [scrollPos, setScrollPos] = React.useState(0); const [showPinned, setShowPinned] = React.useState(true); const [resolvingSuperChat, setResolvingSuperChat] = React.useState(false); const claimId = claim && claim.claim_id; const commentsLength = commentsByChronologicalOrder && commentsByChronologicalOrder.length; const commentsToDisplay = viewMode === VIEW_MODES.CHAT ? commentsByChronologicalOrder : superChatsByAmount; const stickerSuperChats = superChatsByAmount && superChatsByAmount.filter(({ comment }) => !!parseSticker(comment)); const discussionElement = document.querySelector('.livestream__comments'); const pinnedComment = pinnedComments.length > 0 ? pinnedComments[0] : null; const restoreScrollPos = React.useCallback(() => { if (discussionElement) { discussionElement.scrollTop = 0; } }, [discussionElement]); const superChatTopTen = React.useMemo(() => { return superChatsByAmount ? superChatsByAmount.slice(0, 10) : superChatsByAmount; }, [superChatsByAmount]); const showMoreSuperChatsButton = superChatTopTen && superChatsByAmount && superChatTopTen.length < superChatsByAmount.length; function resolveSuperChat() { if (superChatsByAmount && superChatsByAmount.length > 0) { doResolveUris( superChatsByAmount.map((comment) => comment.channel_url || '0'), true ); if (superChatsByAmount.length > LARGE_SUPER_CHAT_LIST_THRESHOLD) { setResolvingSuperChat(true); } } } React.useEffect(() => { if (claimId) { doCommentList(uri, '', 1, 75); doSuperChatList(uri); } }, [claimId, uri, doCommentList, doSuperChatList]); // Register scroll handler (TODO: Should throttle/debounce) React.useEffect(() => { function handleScroll() { if (discussionElement && viewMode === VIEW_MODES.CHAT) { const scrollTop = discussionElement.scrollTop; if (scrollTop !== scrollPos) { setScrollPos(scrollTop); } } } if (discussionElement && viewMode === VIEW_MODES.CHAT) { discussionElement.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll); return () => discussionElement.removeEventListener('scroll', handleScroll); } }, [discussionElement, scrollPos, viewMode]); // Retain scrollPos=0 when receiving new messages. React.useEffect(() => { if (discussionElement && commentsLength > 0) { // Only update comment scroll if the user hasn't scrolled up to view old comments if (scrollPos >= 0) { // +ve scrollPos: not scrolled (Usually, there'll be a few pixels beyond 0). // -ve scrollPos: user scrolled. const timer = setTimeout(() => { // Use a timer here to ensure we reset after the new comment has been rendered. discussionElement.scrollTop = 0; }, COMMENT_SCROLL_TIMEOUT); return () => clearTimeout(timer); } } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [commentsLength]); // (Just respond to 'commentsLength' updates and nothing else) // Stop spinner for resolving superchats React.useEffect(() => { if (resolvingSuperChat) { // The real solution to the sluggishness is to fix the claim store/selectors // and to paginate the long superchat list. This serves as a band-aid, // showing a spinner while we batch-resolve. The duration is just a rough // estimate -- the lag will handle the remaining time. const timer = setTimeout(() => { setResolvingSuperChat(false); // Scroll to the top: const livestreamCommentsDiv = document.getElementsByClassName('livestream__comments')[0]; const divHeight = livestreamCommentsDiv.scrollHeight; livestreamCommentsDiv.scrollTop = divHeight * -1; }, 1000); return () => clearTimeout(timer); } }, [resolvingSuperChat]); // sum total amounts for fiat tips and lbc tips if (superChatsByAmount) { let fiatAmount = 0; let LBCAmount = 0; for (const superChat of superChatsByAmount) { if (superChat.is_fiat) { fiatAmount = fiatAmount + superChat.support_amount; } else { LBCAmount = LBCAmount + superChat.support_amount; } } superChatsFiatAmount = fiatAmount; superChatsLBCAmount = LBCAmount; superChatsTotalAmount = superChatsFiatAmount + superChatsLBCAmount; hasSuperChats = (superChatsTotalAmount || 0) > 0; } let superChatsReversed; // array of superchats organized by fiat or not first, then support amount if (superChatsByAmount) { const clonedSuperchats = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(superChatsByAmount)); // for top to bottom display, oldest superchat on top most recent on bottom superChatsReversed = clonedSuperchats.sort((a, b) => { return b.timestamp - a.timestamp; }); } if (!claim) { return null; } function getStickerUrl(comment: string) { const stickerFromComment = parseSticker(comment); return stickerFromComment && stickerFromComment.url; } return (
{__('Live discussion')}
{hasSuperChats && (
{/* the superchats in chronological order button */}
<> {fetchingComments && !commentsByChronologicalOrder && (
{viewMode === VIEW_MODES.CHAT && superChatsByAmount && hasSuperChats && (
{superChatTopTen.map((superChat: Comment) => { const { comment, comment_id, channel_url, support_amount, is_fiat } = superChat; const isSticker = stickerSuperChats && stickerSuperChats.includes(superChat); const stickerImg = ; return (
{isSticker &&
); })} {showMoreSuperChatsButton && (
)} {pinnedComment && showPinned && viewMode === VIEW_MODES.CHAT && (
)} {/* top to bottom comment display */} {!fetchingComments && commentsByChronologicalOrder.length > 0 ? (
{viewMode === VIEW_MODES.CHAT && commentsToDisplay.map((comment) => ( ))} {viewMode === VIEW_MODES.SUPERCHAT && resolvingSuperChat && (
)} {viewMode === VIEW_MODES.SUPERCHAT && !resolvingSuperChat && superChatsReversed && superChatsReversed.map((comment) => ( ))}
) : (
)} {scrollPos < 0 && viewMode === VIEW_MODES.CHAT && (
); }