// @flow import 'videojs-contrib-ads'; // must be loaded in this order import 'videojs-ima'; // loads directly after contrib-ads import 'video.js/dist/alt/video-js-cdn.min.css'; import './plugins/videojs-mobile-ui/plugin'; import '@silvermine/videojs-chromecast/dist/silvermine-videojs-chromecast.css'; import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import * as OVERLAY from './overlays'; import Button from 'component/button'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import events from './videojs-events'; import eventTracking from 'videojs-event-tracking'; import functions from './videojs-functions'; import hlsQualitySelector from './plugins/videojs-hls-quality-selector/plugin'; import keyboardShorcuts from './videojs-keyboard-shortcuts'; import LbryVolumeBarClass from './lbry-volume-bar'; import Chromecast from './chromecast'; import playerjs from 'player.js'; import qualityLevels from 'videojs-contrib-quality-levels'; import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import recsys from './plugins/videojs-recsys/plugin'; // import runAds from './ads'; import videojs from 'video.js'; require('@silvermine/videojs-chromecast')(videojs); export type Player = { controlBar: { addChild: (string, any) => void }, loadingSpinner: any, autoplay: (any) => boolean, chromecast: (any) => void, currentTime: (?number) => number, dispose: () => void, ended: () => boolean, error: () => any, exitFullscreen: () => boolean, getChild: (string) => any, isFullscreen: () => boolean, mobileUi: (any) => void, muted: (?boolean) => boolean, on: (string, (any) => void) => void, one: (string, (any) => void) => void, overlay: (any) => void, play: () => Promise, playbackRate: (?number) => number, readyState: () => number, requestFullscreen: () => boolean, userActive: (?boolean) => boolean, volume: (?number) => number, }; type Props = { adUrl: ?string, allowPreRoll: ?boolean, autoplay: boolean, autoplaySetting: boolean, claimId: ?string, title: ?string, channelName: ?string, embedded: boolean, internalFeatureEnabled: ?boolean, isAudio: boolean, poster: ?string, replay: boolean, shareTelemetry: boolean, source: string, sourceType: string, startMuted: boolean, userId: ?number, videoTheaterMode: boolean, onPlayerReady: (Player, any) => void, playNext: () => void, playPrevious: () => void, toggleVideoTheaterMode: () => void, }; const videoPlaybackRates = [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2]; const IS_IOS = (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform) || // for iOS 13+ , platform is MacIntel, so use this to test (navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1)) && !window.MSStream; const VIDEO_JS_OPTIONS = { preload: 'auto', playbackRates: videoPlaybackRates, responsive: true, controls: true, html5: { vhs: { overrideNative: !videojs.browser.IS_ANY_SAFARI, }, }, }; if (!Object.keys(videojs.getPlugins()).includes('eventTracking')) { videojs.registerPlugin('eventTracking', eventTracking); } if (!Object.keys(videojs.getPlugins()).includes('hlsQualitySelector')) { videojs.registerPlugin('hlsQualitySelector', hlsQualitySelector); } if (!Object.keys(videojs.getPlugins()).includes('qualityLevels')) { videojs.registerPlugin('qualityLevels', qualityLevels); } if (!Object.keys(videojs.getPlugins()).includes('recsys')) { videojs.registerPlugin('recsys', recsys); } // **************************************************************************** // VideoJs // **************************************************************************** /* properties for this component should be kept to ONLY those that if changed should REQUIRE an entirely new videojs element */ export default React.memo(function VideoJs(props: Props) { const { // adUrl, // TODO: this ad functionality isn't used, can be pulled out // allowPreRoll, autoplay, autoplaySetting, claimId, title, channelName, embedded, // internalFeatureEnabled, // for people on the team to test new features internally isAudio, poster, replay, shareTelemetry, source, sourceType, startMuted, userId, videoTheaterMode, onPlayerReady, playNext, playPrevious, toggleVideoTheaterMode, } = props; // will later store the videojs player const playerRef = useRef(); const containerRef = useRef(); const tapToUnmuteRef = useRef(); const tapToRetryRef = useRef(); // initiate keyboard shortcuts const { curried_function } = keyboardShorcuts({ toggleVideoTheaterMode, playNext, playPrevious }); const [reload, setReload] = useState('initial'); const videoJsOptions = { ...VIDEO_JS_OPTIONS, autoplay: autoplay, muted: startMuted, sources: [{ src: source, type: sourceType }], poster: poster, // thumb looks bad in app, and if autoplay, flashing poster is annoying plugins: { eventTracking: true, overlay: OVERLAY.OVERLAY_DATA }, // fixes problem of errant CC button showing up on iOS // the true fix here is to fix the m3u8 file, see: https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-desktop/pull/6315 controlBar: { subsCapsButton: false }, techOrder: ['chromecast', 'html5'], chromecast: { requestTitleFn: (src) => title || '', requestSubtitleFn: (src) => channelName || '', }, }; const { detectFileType, createVideoPlayerDOM } = functions({ source, sourceType, videoJsOptions, isAudio }); const { unmuteAndHideHint, retryVideoAfterFailure, initializeEvents } = events({ tapToUnmuteRef, tapToRetryRef, setReload, videoTheaterMode, playerRef, autoplaySetting, replay, }); // Initialize video.js function initializeVideoPlayer(el) { if (!el) return; const vjs = videojs(el, videoJsOptions, () => { const player = playerRef.current; const adapter = new playerjs.VideoJSAdapter(player); // this seems like a weird thing to have to check for here if (!player) return; // runAds(internalFeatureEnabled, allowPreRoll, player, embedded); initializeEvents(); // Replace volume bar with custom LBRY volume bar LbryVolumeBarClass.replaceExisting(player); // Add reloadSourceOnError plugin player.reloadSourceOnError({ errorInterval: 10 }); // Initialize mobile UI. player.mobileUi(); Chromecast.initialize(player); // Add quality selector to player player.hlsQualitySelector({ displayCurrentQuality: true, }); // Add recsys plugin if (shareTelemetry) { player.recsys({ videoId: claimId, userId: userId, embedded: embedded, }); } // set playsinline for mobile player.children_[0].setAttribute('playsinline', ''); // I think this is a callback function const videoNode = containerRef.current && containerRef.current.querySelector('video, audio'); onPlayerReady(player, videoNode); adapter.ready(); }); // fixes #3498 (https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-desktop/issues/3498) // summary: on firefox the focus would stick to the fullscreen button which caused buggy behavior with spacebar vjs.on('fullscreenchange', () => document.activeElement && document.activeElement.blur()); return vjs; } /** instantiate videoJS and dispose of it when done with code **/ // This lifecycle hook is only called once (on mount), or when `isAudio` or `source` changes. useEffect(() => { const vjsElement = createVideoPlayerDOM(containerRef.current); // Detect source file type via pre-fetch (async) detectFileType().then(() => { // Initialize Video.js const vjsPlayer = initializeVideoPlayer(vjsElement); // Add reference to player to global scope window.player = vjsPlayer; // Set reference in component state playerRef.current = vjsPlayer; window.addEventListener('keydown', curried_function(playerRef, containerRef)); }); // Cleanup return () => { window.removeEventListener('keydown', curried_function); const player = playerRef.current; if (player) { try { window.cast.framework.CastContext.getInstance().getCurrentSession().endSession(false); } catch {} player.dispose(); window.player = undefined; } }; }, [isAudio, source]); // Update video player and reload when source URL changes useEffect(() => { // For some reason the video player is responsible for detecting content type this way fetch(source, { method: 'HEAD', cache: 'no-store' }).then((response) => { let finalType = sourceType; let finalSource = source; // override type if we receive an .m3u8 (transcoded mp4) // do we need to check if explicitly redirected // or is checking extension only a safer method if (response && response.redirected && response.url && response.url.endsWith('m3u8')) { finalType = 'application/x-mpegURL'; finalSource = response.url; } // Modify video source in options videoJsOptions.sources = [ { src: finalSource, type: finalType, }, ]; // Update player source const player = playerRef.current; if (!player) return; // PR #5570: Temp workaround to avoid double Play button until the next re-architecture. if (!player.paused()) { player.bigPlayButton.hide(); } }); }, [source, reload]); return (
); });