// @flow import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; import { withRouter } from 'react-router'; import * as TXO from 'constants/txo_list'; import TransactionListTable from 'component/transactionListTable'; import Paginate from 'component/common/paginate'; import { FormField } from 'component/common/form-components/form-field'; import Button from 'component/button'; import Card from 'component/common/card'; import { toCapitalCase } from 'util/string'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import HelpLink from 'component/common/help-link'; import FileExporter from 'component/common/file-exporter'; type Props = { search: string, history: { action: string, push: (string) => void, replace: (string) => void }, txoPage: Array, txoPageNumber: string, txoItemCount: number, fetchTxoPage: () => void, fetchTransactions: () => void, isFetchingTransactions: boolean, transactionsFile: string, updateTxoPageParams: (any) => void, toast: (string, boolean) => void, }; type Delta = { changedParameterKey: string, value: string, }; function TxoList(props: Props) { const { search, txoPage, txoItemCount, fetchTxoPage, fetchTransactions, updateTxoPageParams, history, isFetchingTransactions, transactionsFile, } = props; const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(search); const page = urlParams.get(TXO.PAGE) || String(1); const pageSize = urlParams.get(TXO.PAGE_SIZE) || String(TXO.PAGE_SIZE_DEFAULT); const type = urlParams.get(TXO.TYPE) || TXO.ALL; const subtype = urlParams.get(TXO.SUB_TYPE); const active = urlParams.get(TXO.ACTIVE) || TXO.ALL; const currentUrlParams = { page, pageSize, active, type, subtype, }; const hideStatus = type === TXO.SENT || (currentUrlParams.type === TXO.RECEIVED && currentUrlParams.subtype !== TXO.TIP); // this is for sdk params const params = {}; if (currentUrlParams.type) { if (currentUrlParams.type === TXO.ALL) { params[TXO.EXCLUDE_INTERNAL_TRANSFERS] = true; params[TXO.IS_MY_INPUT_OR_OUTPUT] = true; } else if (currentUrlParams.type === TXO.SENT) { params[TXO.IS_MY_INPUT] = true; params[TXO.IS_NOT_MY_OUTPUT] = true; if (currentUrlParams.subtype === TXO.TIP) { params[TXO.TX_TYPE] = TXO.SUPPORT; } else if (currentUrlParams.subtype === TXO.PURCHASE) { params[TXO.TX_TYPE] = TXO.PURCHASE; } else if (currentUrlParams.subtype === TXO.PAYMENT) { params[TXO.TX_TYPE] = TXO.OTHER; } else { params[TXO.TX_TYPE] = [TXO.OTHER, TXO.PURCHASE, TXO.SUPPORT]; } } else if (currentUrlParams.type === TXO.RECEIVED) { params[TXO.IS_MY_OUTPUT] = true; params[TXO.IS_NOT_MY_INPUT] = true; if (currentUrlParams.subtype === TXO.TIP) { params[TXO.TX_TYPE] = TXO.SUPPORT; } else if (currentUrlParams.subtype === TXO.PURCHASE) { params[TXO.TX_TYPE] = TXO.PURCHASE; } else if (currentUrlParams.subtype === TXO.PAYMENT) { params[TXO.TX_TYPE] = TXO.OTHER; params[TXO.EXCLUDE_INTERNAL_TRANSFERS] = true; } else { params[TXO.TX_TYPE] = [TXO.OTHER, TXO.PURCHASE, TXO.SUPPORT]; } } else if (currentUrlParams.type === TXO.SUPPORT) { params[TXO.TX_TYPE] = TXO.SUPPORT; params[TXO.IS_MY_INPUT] = true; params[TXO.IS_MY_OUTPUT] = true; } else if (currentUrlParams.type === TXO.CHANNEL || currentUrlParams.type === TXO.REPOST) { params[TXO.TX_TYPE] = currentUrlParams.type; } else if (currentUrlParams.type === TXO.PUBLISH) { params[TXO.TX_TYPE] = TXO.STREAM; } else if (currentUrlParams.type === TXO.COLLECTION) { params[TXO.TX_TYPE] = currentUrlParams.type; } } if (currentUrlParams.active) { if (currentUrlParams.active === 'spent') { params[TXO.IS_SPENT] = true; } else if (currentUrlParams.active === 'active') { params[TXO.IS_NOT_SPENT] = true; } } if (currentUrlParams.page) params[TXO.PAGE] = Number(page); if (currentUrlParams.pageSize) params[TXO.PAGE_SIZE] = Number(pageSize); function handleChange(delta: Delta) { const url = updateUrl(delta); history.push(url); } function updateUrl(delta: Delta) { const newUrlParams = new URLSearchParams(); switch (delta.changedParameterKey) { case TXO.PAGE: if (currentUrlParams.type) { newUrlParams.set(TXO.TYPE, currentUrlParams.type); } if (currentUrlParams.subtype) { newUrlParams.set(TXO.SUB_TYPE, currentUrlParams.subtype); } if (currentUrlParams.active) { newUrlParams.set(TXO.ACTIVE, currentUrlParams.active); } newUrlParams.set(TXO.PAGE, delta.value); break; case TXO.TYPE: newUrlParams.set(TXO.TYPE, delta.value); if (delta.value === TXO.SENT || delta.value === TXO.RECEIVED) { newUrlParams.set(TXO.ACTIVE, 'all'); if (currentUrlParams.subtype) { newUrlParams.set(TXO.SUB_TYPE, currentUrlParams.subtype); } else { newUrlParams.set(TXO.SUB_TYPE, 'all'); } } if (currentUrlParams.active && !hideStatus) { newUrlParams.set(TXO.ACTIVE, currentUrlParams.active); } else { newUrlParams.set(TXO.ACTIVE, 'all'); } newUrlParams.set(TXO.PAGE, String(1)); newUrlParams.set(TXO.PAGE_SIZE, currentUrlParams.pageSize); break; case TXO.SUB_TYPE: if (currentUrlParams.type) { newUrlParams.set(TXO.TYPE, currentUrlParams.type); } newUrlParams.set(TXO.ACTIVE, 'all'); newUrlParams.set(TXO.SUB_TYPE, delta.value); newUrlParams.set(TXO.PAGE, String(1)); newUrlParams.set(TXO.PAGE_SIZE, currentUrlParams.pageSize); break; case TXO.ACTIVE: if (currentUrlParams.type) { newUrlParams.set(TXO.TYPE, currentUrlParams.type); } if (currentUrlParams.subtype) { newUrlParams.set(TXO.SUB_TYPE, currentUrlParams.subtype); } newUrlParams.set(TXO.ACTIVE, delta.value); newUrlParams.set(TXO.PAGE, String(1)); newUrlParams.set(TXO.PAGE_SIZE, currentUrlParams.pageSize); break; } return `?${newUrlParams.toString()}`; } const paramsString = JSON.stringify(params); useEffect(() => { if (paramsString && updateTxoPageParams) { const params = JSON.parse(paramsString); updateTxoPageParams(params); } }, [paramsString, updateTxoPageParams]); return (
} isBodyList body={
{/* LBC transactions section */}
{/* LBC transaction type dropdown */} {__('Type')} } value={type || 'all'} onChange={(e) => handleChange({ changedParameterKey: TXO.TYPE, value: e.target.value })} > {Object.values(TXO.DROPDOWN_TYPES).map((v) => { const stringV = String(v); return ( ); })}
{(type === TXO.SENT || type === TXO.RECEIVED) && (
handleChange({ changedParameterKey: TXO.SUB_TYPE, value: e.target.value })} > {Object.values(TXO.DROPDOWN_SUBTYPES).map((v) => { const stringV = String(v); return ( ); })}
)} {!hideStatus && (
{/* active transactions button */}
{/* export and refresh buttons */}
{!isFetchingTransactions && transactionsFile === null && ( )}
fetchTransactions()} progressMsg={isFetchingTransactions ? __('Fetching data') : ''} />
{/* listing of the lbc transactions */}
} /> ); } export default withRouter(TxoList);