// @flow import React from 'react'; import { withRouter } from 'react-router'; import UserEmailNew from 'component/userEmailNew'; import UserEmailVerify from 'component/userEmailVerify'; import UserFirstChannel from 'component/userFirstChannel'; import { DEFAULT_BID_FOR_FIRST_CHANNEL } from 'component/userFirstChannel/view'; import { rewards as REWARDS } from 'lbryinc'; import usePrevious from 'util/use-previous'; import UserVerify from 'component/userVerify'; import Spinner from 'component/spinner'; import YoutubeTransferWelcome from 'component/youtubeTransferWelcome'; import SyncPassword from 'component/syncPassword'; /* - Brand new user - Brand new user, not auto approved - Second device (first time user), first device has a password + rewards not approved - Second device (first time user), first device has a password + rewards approved */ type Props = { user: ?User, emailToVerify: ?string, channels: ?Array, balance: ?number, fetchingChannels: boolean, claimingReward: boolean, claimReward: () => void, fetchUser: () => void, claimedRewards: Array, history: { replace: string => void }, location: { search: string }, youtubeChannels: Array, syncIsPending: boolean, getSyncError: ?string, hasSyncedSuccessfully: boolean, }; function useFetched(fetching) { const wasFetching = usePrevious(fetching); const [fetched, setFetched] = React.useState(false); React.useEffect(() => { if (wasFetching && !fetching) { setFetched(true); } }, [wasFetching, fetching, setFetched]); return fetched; } function UserSignIn(props: Props) { const { emailToVerify, user, claimingReward, claimedRewards, channels, claimReward, balance, history, location, fetchUser, youtubeChannels, syncEnabled, syncIsPending, getSyncError, syncHash, fetchingChannels, } = props; const { search } = location; const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(search); const redirect = urlParams.get('redirect'); const hasVerifiedEmail = user && user.has_verified_email; const rewardsApproved = user && user.is_reward_approved; const hasFetchedReward = useFetched(claimingReward); // const hasFetchedSync = useFetched(syncIsPending); // const hasTriedSyncForReal = syncEnabled && hasFetchedSync; const channelCount = channels ? channels.length : 0; const hasClaimedEmailAward = claimedRewards.some(reward => reward.reward_type === REWARDS.TYPE_CONFIRM_EMAIL); const hasYoutubeChannels = youtubeChannels && youtubeChannels.length; const hasTransferrableYoutubeChannels = hasYoutubeChannels && youtubeChannels.some(channel => channel.transferable); const hasPendingYoutubeTransfer = hasYoutubeChannels && youtubeChannels.some(channel => channel.transfer_state === 'pending_transfer'); React.useEffect(() => { if ( hasVerifiedEmail && balance !== undefined && !hasClaimedEmailAward && !hasFetchedReward && (!syncEnabled || (syncEnabled && syncHash)) ) { claimReward(); } }, [hasVerifiedEmail, claimReward, balance, hasClaimedEmailAward, hasFetchedReward, syncEnabled, syncHash]); React.useEffect(() => { fetchUser(); }, [fetchUser]); const SIGN_IN_FLOW = [ !emailToVerify && !hasVerifiedEmail && , emailToVerify && !hasVerifiedEmail && , hasVerifiedEmail && !rewardsApproved && , getSyncError && !syncHash && , hasVerifiedEmail && balance > DEFAULT_BID_FOR_FIRST_CHANNEL && channelCount === 0 && !hasYoutubeChannels && ( ), hasVerifiedEmail && hasYoutubeChannels && (hasTransferrableYoutubeChannels || hasPendingYoutubeTransfer) && ( ), hasVerifiedEmail && balance === 0 && !getSyncError && (fetchingChannels || !hasFetchedReward || claimingReward || syncIsPending || (syncEnabled && !syncHash) || // Just claimed the email award, wait until the balance updates to move forward (balance === 0 && hasFetchedReward && hasClaimedEmailAward)) && (
), ]; let componentToRender; for (var i = SIGN_IN_FLOW.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { const Component = SIGN_IN_FLOW[i]; if (Component) { componentToRender = Component; break; } } if (!componentToRender) { history.replace(redirect || '/'); } return
; } export default withRouter(UserSignIn);