// @flow import React from 'react'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import parseDuration from 'parse-duration'; import Button from 'component/button'; import ChannelThumbnail from 'component/channelThumbnail'; import ClaimPreview from 'component/claimPreview'; import Card from 'component/common/card'; import { FormField } from 'component/common/form'; import Icon from 'component/common/icon'; import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import usePersistedState from 'effects/use-persisted-state'; import { Modal } from 'modal/modal'; import { getChannelFromClaim } from 'util/claim'; const TAB = { PERSONAL: 'personal', MODERATOR: 'moderator', ADMIN: 'admin', }; const BLOCK = { PERMANENT: 'permanent', TIMEOUT: 'timeout', }; type Props = { contentUri: string, commenterUri: string, // --- select --- activeChannelClaim: ?ChannelClaim, contentClaim: ?Claim, moderationDelegatorsById: { [string]: { global: boolean, delegators: { name: string, claimId: string } } }, // --- perform --- closeModal: () => void, commentModBlock: (commenterUri: string, timeoutSec: ?number) => void, commentModBlockAsAdmin: (commenterUri: string, blockerId: string, timeoutSec: ?number) => void, commentModBlockAsModerator: ( commenterUri: string, creatorUri: string, blockerId: string, timeoutSec: ?number ) => void, }; export default function ModalBlockChannel(props: Props) { const { commenterUri, activeChannelClaim, contentClaim, moderationDelegatorsById, closeModal, commentModBlock, commentModBlockAsAdmin, commentModBlockAsModerator, } = props; const contentChannelClaim = getChannelFromClaim(contentClaim); const activeModeratorInfo = activeChannelClaim && moderationDelegatorsById[activeChannelClaim.claim_id]; const activeChannelIsAdmin = activeChannelClaim && activeModeratorInfo && activeModeratorInfo.global; const activeChannelIsModerator = activeChannelClaim && contentChannelClaim && activeModeratorInfo && Object.values(activeModeratorInfo.delegators).includes(contentChannelClaim.claim_id); const [tab, setTab] = usePersistedState('ModalBlockChannel:tab', TAB.PERSONAL); const [blockType, setBlockType] = usePersistedState('ModalBlockChannel:blockType', BLOCK.PERMANENT); const [timeoutInput, setTimeoutInput] = usePersistedState('ModalBlockChannel:timeoutInput', '10m'); const [timeoutInputErr, setTimeoutInputErr] = React.useState(''); const [timeoutSec, setTimeoutSec] = React.useState(-1); const isPersonalTheOnlyTab = !activeChannelIsModerator && !activeChannelIsAdmin; const isTimeoutAvail = (contentClaim && contentClaim.is_my_output) || activeChannelIsModerator; const blockButtonDisabled = blockType === BLOCK.TIMEOUT && timeoutSec < 1; // ************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************** // Check settings validity on mount. React.useEffect(() => { if ( isPersonalTheOnlyTab || (tab === TAB.MODERATOR && !activeChannelIsModerator) || (tab === TAB.ADMIN && !activeChannelIsAdmin) ) { setTab(TAB.PERSONAL); } if (!isTimeoutAvail && blockType === BLOCK.TIMEOUT) { setBlockType(BLOCK.PERMANENT); } }, []); // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps // 'timeoutInput' to 'timeoutSec' conversion. React.useEffect(() => { const handleInvalidInput = (errMsg: string) => { if (timeoutSec !== -1) { setTimeoutSec(-1); } if (timeoutInputErr !== errMsg) { setTimeoutInputErr(errMsg); } }; const handleValidInput = (seconds) => { if (seconds !== timeoutSec) { setTimeoutSec(seconds); } if (timeoutInputErr) { setTimeoutInputErr(''); } }; if (!timeoutInput) { handleValidInput(-1); // Reset return; } const ONE_HUNDRED_YEARS_IN_SECONDS = 3154000000; const seconds = parseDuration(timeoutInput, 's'); if (Number.isInteger(seconds) && seconds > 0) { if (seconds > ONE_HUNDRED_YEARS_IN_SECONDS) { handleInvalidInput(__('Wow, banned for more than 100 years?')); } else { handleValidInput(seconds); } } else { handleInvalidInput(__('Invalid duration.')); } }, [timeoutInput, timeoutInputErr, timeoutSec]); // ************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************** function getTabElem(value, label) { return ( <Button key={value} label={__(label)} button="alt" onClick={() => setTab(value)} className={classnames('button-toggle', { 'button-toggle--active': tab === value })} /> ); } function getTabHelperElem(tab) { switch (tab) { case TAB.PERSONAL: return null; case TAB.MODERATOR: return ( <p className="help"> {contentChannelClaim ? __('Block this channel on behalf of %creator%.', { creator: contentChannelClaim.name }) : __('Block this channel on behalf of the creator.')} </p> ); case TAB.ADMIN: return null; } } function getBlockTypeElem(value, label, disabled = false, disabledLabel = '') { return ( <FormField type="radio" name={value} key={value} label={disabled && disabledLabel ? __(disabledLabel) : __(label)} disabled={disabled} checked={blockType === value} onChange={() => setBlockType(value)} /> ); } function getTimeoutDurationElem() { const examples = '\n- 30s\n- 10m\n- 1h\n- 2d\n- 3mo\n- 1y'; return ( <FormField name="time_out" label={ <> {__('Duration')} <Icon customTooltipText={__('Enter the timeout duration. Examples: %examples%', { examples })} className="icon--help" icon={ICONS.HELP} tooltip size={16} /> </> } type="text" placeholder="30s, 10m, 1h, 2d, 3mo, 1y" value={timeoutInput} onChange={(e) => setTimeoutInput(e.target.value)} error={timeoutInputErr} /> ); } function getCommenterPreview(uri) { return ( <div className="content__non-clickable"> <ClaimPreview uri={uri} hideMenu hideActions type="small" /> </div> ); } function getActiveChannelElem() { return activeChannelClaim ? ( <div className="block-modal--active-channel"> <ChannelThumbnail xsmall noLazyLoad uri={activeChannelClaim.permanent_url} /> <div className="block-modal--active-channel-label"> {__('Interacting as %channelName%', { channelName: activeChannelClaim.name })} </div> </div> ) : null; } function handleBlock() { const duration = blockType === BLOCK.TIMEOUT && timeoutSec > 0 ? timeoutSec : undefined; switch (tab) { case TAB.PERSONAL: commentModBlock(commenterUri, duration); break; case TAB.MODERATOR: if (activeChannelClaim && contentChannelClaim) { commentModBlockAsModerator( commenterUri, contentChannelClaim.permanent_url, activeChannelClaim.claim_id, duration ); } break; case TAB.ADMIN: if (activeChannelClaim) { commentModBlockAsAdmin(commenterUri, activeChannelClaim.claim_id, duration); } break; } closeModal(); } // ************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************** if (isPersonalTheOnlyTab && !isTimeoutAvail) { // There's only 1 option. Just execute it and don't show the modal. commentModBlock(commenterUri); closeModal(); return null; } return ( <Modal isOpen type="card" onAborted={closeModal}> <Card title={__('Block Channel')} subtitle={getCommenterPreview(commenterUri)} actions={ <> {!isPersonalTheOnlyTab && ( <div className="section__actions"> <div className="section"> <label>{__('Block list')}</label> <div className="block-modal--values"> {getTabElem(TAB.PERSONAL, 'Personal')} {activeChannelIsModerator && getTabElem(TAB.MODERATOR, 'Moderator')} {activeChannelIsAdmin && getTabElem(TAB.ADMIN, 'Global Admin')} {getTabHelperElem(tab)} </div> </div> </div> )} <div className="section section--vertical-compact"> <label>{__('Duration')}</label> <div className="block-modal--values"> <fieldset> {getBlockTypeElem(BLOCK.PERMANENT, 'Permanent')} {getBlockTypeElem( BLOCK.TIMEOUT, 'Timeout --[time-based ban instead of permanent]--', !isTimeoutAvail, 'Timeout (only available on content that you own)' )} </fieldset> {blockType === BLOCK.TIMEOUT && getTimeoutDurationElem()} </div> </div> <div className="block-modal--finalize"> <div className="section__actions"> <Button button="primary" label={__('Block')} onClick={handleBlock} disabled={blockButtonDisabled} /> <Button button="link" label={__('Cancel')} onClick={closeModal} /> {getActiveChannelElem()} </div> </div> </> } /> </Modal> ); }