// @flow import React, { Fragment } from 'react'; import ClaimList from 'component/claimList'; import HiddenNsfwClaims from 'component/hiddenNsfwClaims'; import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; import Paginate from 'component/common/paginate'; import Spinner from 'component/spinner'; import Button from 'component/button'; type Props = { uri: string, totalPages: number, fetching: boolean, params: { page: number }, pageOfClaimsInChannel: Array<StreamClaim>, channelIsBlocked: boolean, channelIsMine: boolean, fetchClaims: (string, number) => void, channelIsBlackListed: boolean, }; function ChannelContent(props: Props) { const { uri, fetching, pageOfClaimsInChannel, totalPages, channelIsMine, channelIsBlocked, fetchClaims, channelIsBlackListed, } = props; const hasContent = Boolean(pageOfClaimsInChannel && pageOfClaimsInChannel.length); return ( <Fragment> {fetching && !hasContent && ( <section className="main--empty"> <Spinner delayed /> </section> )} {!fetching && !hasContent && !channelIsBlocked && !channelIsBlackListed && ( <div className="card--section"> <h2 className="section__subtitle">{__("This channel hasn't uploaded anything.")}</h2> </div> )} {!fetching && channelIsBlackListed && ( <section className="card card--section"> <p> {__( 'In response to a complaint we received under the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act, we have blocked access to this channel from our applications.' )} </p> <div className="card__actions"> <Button button="link" href="https://lbry.com/faq/dmca" label={__('Read More')} /> </div> </section> )} {!fetching && channelIsBlocked && ( <div className="card--section"> <h2 className="help">{__('You have blocked this channel content.')}</h2> </div> )} {!channelIsMine && <HiddenNsfwClaims uri={uri} />} {hasContent && !channelIsBlocked && !channelIsBlackListed && ( <ClaimList header={false} uris={pageOfClaimsInChannel.map(claim => claim && claim.canonical_url)} /> )} {!channelIsBlocked && !channelIsBlackListed && ( <Paginate key={uri} onPageChange={page => fetchClaims(uri, page)} totalPages={totalPages} loading={fetching && !hasContent} /> )} </Fragment> ); } export default withRouter(ChannelContent);