// @flow import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import React, { useState } from 'react'; import usePersistedState from 'effects/use-persisted-state'; import Button from 'component/button'; import ClaimList from 'component/claimList'; import Paginate from 'component/common/paginate'; import { PAGE_SIZE } from 'constants/claim'; import { Form } from 'component/common/form-components/form'; import Icon from 'component/common/icon'; import { FormField } from 'component/common/form-components/form-field'; import { withRouter } from 'react-router'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import Yrbl from 'component/yrbl'; import { PURCHASES_PAGE_SIZE } from 'page/library/view'; import Spinner from 'component/spinner'; type Props = { fetchingFileList: boolean, downloadedUrls: Array<string>, downloadedUrlsCount: ?number, history: { replace: (string) => void }, query: string, doPurchaseList: () => void, myDownloads: Array<string>, myPurchases: Array<string>, myPurchasesCount: ?number, fetchingMyPurchases: boolean, }; const VIEW_DOWNLOADS = 'view_download'; const VIEW_PURCHASES = 'view_purchases'; function FileListDownloaded(props: Props) { const { history, query, downloadedUrlsCount, myPurchasesCount, myPurchases, myDownloads, fetchingFileList, fetchingMyPurchases, } = props; const loading = fetchingFileList || fetchingMyPurchases; const [viewMode, setViewMode] = usePersistedState('library-view-mode', VIEW_PURCHASES); const [searchQuery, setSearchQuery] = useState(''); function handleInputChange(e) { const { value } = e.target; if (value !== searchQuery) { setSearchQuery(value); history.replace(`?query=${value}&page=1`); } } return ( <> <div className="section__header--actions"> <div className="section__actions--inline"> <Button icon={ICONS.LIBRARY} button="alt" label={__('Downloads')} className={classnames(`button-toggle`, { 'button-toggle--active': viewMode === VIEW_DOWNLOADS, })} onClick={() => setViewMode(VIEW_DOWNLOADS)} /> <Button icon={ICONS.PURCHASED} button="alt" label={__('Purchases')} className={classnames(`button-toggle`, { 'button-toggle--active': viewMode === VIEW_PURCHASES, })} onClick={() => setViewMode(VIEW_PURCHASES)} /> {loading && <Spinner type="small" />} </div> <Form onSubmit={() => {}} className="wunderbar--inline"> <Icon icon={ICONS.SEARCH} /> <FormField className="wunderbar__input--inline" onChange={handleInputChange} value={query} type="text" name="query" placeholder={__('Search')} /> </Form> </div> {IS_WEB && viewMode === VIEW_DOWNLOADS ? ( <div className="main--empty"> <Yrbl title={__('Try out the app!')} subtitle={ <p className="section__subtitle">{__("Download the app to track files you've viewed and downloaded.")}</p> } actions={ <div className="section__actions"> <Button button="primary" label={__('Get The App')} href="https://lbry.com/get" /> </div> } /> </div> ) : ( <div> <ClaimList renderProperties={() => null} empty={ viewMode === VIEW_PURCHASES && !query ? ( <div>{__('No purchases found.')}</div> ) : ( __('No results for %query%', { query }) ) } uris={viewMode === VIEW_PURCHASES ? myPurchases : myDownloads} loading={loading} /> {!query && ( <Paginate totalPages={Math.ceil( Number(viewMode === VIEW_PURCHASES ? myPurchasesCount : downloadedUrlsCount) / Number(viewMode === VIEW_PURCHASES ? PURCHASES_PAGE_SIZE : PAGE_SIZE) )} /> )} </div> )} </> ); } export default withRouter(FileListDownloaded);