// @flow import { Lbryio } from 'lbryinc'; import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser'; import * as RENDER_MODES from 'constants/file_render_modes'; import { SDK_API_PATH } from 'config'; // --- GA --- // - Events: 500 max (cannot be deleted). // - Dimensions: 25 max (cannot be deleted, but can be "archived"). Usually // tied to an event parameter for reporting purposes. // // Given the limitations above, we need to plan ahead before adding new Events // and Parameters. // // Events: // - Find a Recommended Event that is closest to what you need. // https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/9267735?hl=en // - If doesn't exist, use a Custom Event. // // Parameters: // - Custom parameters don't appear in automated reports until they are tied to // a Dimension. // - Add your entry to GA_DIMENSIONS below -- tt allows us to keep track so that // we don't exceed the limit. Re-use existing parameters if possible. // - Register the Dimension in GA Console to make it visible in reports. export const GA_DIMENSIONS = { TYPE: 'type', ACTION: 'action', VALUE: 'value', START_TIME_MS: 'start_time_ms', DURATION_MS: 'duration_ms', END_TIME_MS: 'end_time_ms', }; // import getConnectionSpeed from 'util/detect-user-bandwidth'; // let userDownloadBandwidthInBitsPerSecond; // async function getUserBandwidth() { // userDownloadBandwidthInBitsPerSecond = await getConnectionSpeed(); // } // get user bandwidth every minute, starting after an initial one minute wait // setInterval(getUserBandwidth, 1000 * 60); const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'; const devInternalApis = process.env.LBRY_API_URL && process.env.LBRY_API_URL.includes('dev'); export const SHARE_INTERNAL = 'shareInternal'; const WATCHMAN_BACKEND_ENDPOINT = 'https://watchman.na-backend.odysee.com/reports/playback'; const SEND_DATA_TO_WATCHMAN_INTERVAL = 10; // in seconds type Analytics = { appStartTime: number, eventStartTime: any, error: (string) => Promise<any>, sentryError: ({} | string, {}) => Promise<any>, setUser: (Object) => void, toggleInternal: (boolean, ?boolean) => void, apiLogView: (string, string, string, ?number, ?() => void) => Promise<any>, apiLogPublish: (ChannelClaim | StreamClaim) => void, tagFollowEvent: (string, boolean, ?string) => void, playerLoadedEvent: (string, ?boolean) => void, playerVideoStartedEvent: (?boolean) => void, videoStartEvent: (string, number, string, number, string, any, number) => void, videoIsPlaying: (boolean, any) => void, videoBufferEvent: ( StreamClaim, { timeAtBuffer: number, bufferDuration: number, bitRate: number, duration: number, userId: string, playerPoweredBy: string, readyState: number, } ) => Promise<any>, adsFetchedEvent: () => void, emailProvidedEvent: () => void, emailVerifiedEvent: () => void, rewardEligibleEvent: () => void, initAppStartTime: (startTime: number) => void, startupEvent: (time: number) => void, eventStarted: (name: string, time: number, id?: string) => void, eventCompleted: (name: string, time: number, id?: string) => void, purchaseEvent: (number) => void, openUrlEvent: (string) => void, reportEvent: (string, any) => void, }; type LogPublishParams = { uri: string, claim_id: string, outpoint: string, channel_claim_id?: string, }; let internalAnalyticsEnabled: boolean = IS_WEB || false; // let thirdPartyAnalyticsEnabled: boolean = IS_WEB || false; const isGaAllowed = internalAnalyticsEnabled && isProduction; /** * Determine the mobile device type viewing the data * This function returns one of 'and' (Android), 'ios', or 'web'. * * @returns {String} */ function getDeviceType() { // We may not care what the device is if it's in a web browser. Commenting out for now. // if (!IS_WEB) { // return 'elt'; // } // const userAgent = navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera; // // if (/android/i.test(userAgent)) { // return 'adr'; // } // // // iOS detection from: http://stackoverflow.com/a/9039885/177710 // if (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(userAgent) && !window.MSStream) { // return 'ios'; // } // default as web, this can be optimized if (!IS_WEB) { return 'dsk'; } return 'web'; } // variables initialized for watchman let amountOfBufferEvents = 0; let amountOfBufferTimeInMS = 0; let videoType, userId, claimUrl, playerPoweredBy, videoPlayer, bitrateAsBitsPerSecond; let lastSentTime; // calculate data for backend, send them, and reset buffer data for next interval async function sendAndResetWatchmanData() { if (!userId) { return 'Can only be used with a user id'; } if (!videoPlayer) { return 'Video player not initialized'; } let timeSinceLastIntervalSend = new Date() - lastSentTime; lastSentTime = new Date(); let protocol; if (videoType === 'application/x-mpegURL') { protocol = 'hls'; // get bandwidth if it exists from the texttrack (so it's accurate if user changes quality) // $FlowFixMe bitrateAsBitsPerSecond = videoPlayer.textTracks?.().tracks_[0]?.activeCues[0]?.value?.bandwidth; } else { protocol = 'stb'; } // current position in video in MS const positionInVideo = Math.round(videoPlayer.currentTime()) * 1000; // get the duration marking the time in the video for relative position calculation const totalDurationInSeconds = Math.round(videoPlayer.duration()); // build object for watchman backend const objectToSend = { rebuf_count: amountOfBufferEvents, rebuf_duration: amountOfBufferTimeInMS, url: claimUrl.replace('lbry://', ''), device: getDeviceType(), duration: timeSinceLastIntervalSend, protocol, player: playerPoweredBy, user_id: userId.toString(), position: Math.round(positionInVideo), rel_position: Math.round((positionInVideo / (totalDurationInSeconds * 1000)) * 100), bitrate: bitrateAsBitsPerSecond, bandwidth: undefined, // ...(userDownloadBandwidthInBitsPerSecond && {bandwidth: userDownloadBandwidthInBitsPerSecond}), // add bandwidth if populated }; // post to watchman await sendWatchmanData(objectToSend); // reset buffer data amountOfBufferEvents = 0; amountOfBufferTimeInMS = 0; } let watchmanInterval; // clear watchman interval and mark it as null (when video paused) function stopWatchmanInterval() { clearInterval(watchmanInterval); watchmanInterval = null; } // creates the setInterval that will run send to watchman on recurring basis function startWatchmanIntervalIfNotRunning() { if (!watchmanInterval) { // instantiate the first time to calculate duration from lastSentTime = new Date(); // only set an interval if analytics are enabled and is prod if (isProduction && IS_WEB) { watchmanInterval = setInterval(sendAndResetWatchmanData, 1000 * SEND_DATA_TO_WATCHMAN_INTERVAL); } } } // post data to the backend async function sendWatchmanData(body) { try { const response = await fetch(WATCHMAN_BACKEND_ENDPOINT, { method: 'POST', headers: { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify(body), }); return response; } catch (err) {} } const analytics: Analytics = { appStartTime: 0, eventStartTime: {}, // receive buffer events from tracking plugin and save buffer amounts and times for backend call videoBufferEvent: async (claim, data) => { amountOfBufferEvents = amountOfBufferEvents + 1; amountOfBufferTimeInMS = amountOfBufferTimeInMS + data.bufferDuration; }, onDispose: () => { stopWatchmanInterval(); }, /** * Is told whether video is being started or paused, and adjusts interval accordingly * @param {boolean} isPlaying - Whether video was started or paused * @param {object} passedPlayer - VideoJS Player object */ videoIsPlaying: (isPlaying, passedPlayer) => { let playerIsSeeking = false; // have to use this because videojs pauses/unpauses during seek // sometimes the seeking function isn't populated yet so check for it as well if (passedPlayer && passedPlayer.seeking) { playerIsSeeking = passedPlayer.seeking(); } // if being paused, and not seeking, send existing data and stop interval if (!isPlaying && !playerIsSeeking) { sendAndResetWatchmanData(); stopWatchmanInterval(); // if being told to pause, and seeking, send and restart interval } else if (!isPlaying && playerIsSeeking) { sendAndResetWatchmanData(); stopWatchmanInterval(); startWatchmanIntervalIfNotRunning(); // is being told to play, and seeking, don't do anything, // assume it's been started already from pause } else if (isPlaying && playerIsSeeking) { // start but not a seek, assuming a start from paused content } else if (isPlaying && !playerIsSeeking) { startWatchmanIntervalIfNotRunning(); } }, videoStartEvent: (claimId, timeToStartVideo, poweredBy, passedUserId, canonicalUrl, passedPlayer, videoBitrate) => { // populate values for watchman when video starts userId = passedUserId; claimUrl = canonicalUrl; playerPoweredBy = poweredBy; videoType = passedPlayer.currentSource().type; videoPlayer = passedPlayer; bitrateAsBitsPerSecond = videoBitrate; sendPromMetric('time_to_start', timeToStartVideo); }, error: (message) => { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (internalAnalyticsEnabled && isProduction) { return Lbryio.call('event', 'desktop_error', { error_message: message }).then(() => { resolve(true); }); } else { resolve(false); } }); }, sentryError: (error, errorInfo) => { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (internalAnalyticsEnabled && isProduction) { Sentry.withScope((scope) => { scope.setExtras(errorInfo); const eventId = Sentry.captureException(error); resolve(eventId); }); } else { resolve(null); } }); }, setUser: (userId) => { if (isGaAllowed && userId && window.gtag) { window.gtag('set', { user_id: userId }); } }, toggleInternal: (enabled: boolean): void => { // Always collect analytics on Odysee for now. }, toggleThirdParty: (enabled: boolean): void => { // Always collect analytics on Odysee for now. }, apiLogView: (uri, outpoint, claimId, timeToStart) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (internalAnalyticsEnabled && (isProduction || devInternalApis)) { const params: { uri: string, outpoint: string, claim_id: string, time_to_start?: number, } = { uri, outpoint, claim_id: claimId, }; // lbry.tv streams from AWS so we don't care about the time to start if (timeToStart && !IS_WEB) { params.time_to_start = timeToStart; } resolve(Lbryio.call('file', 'view', params)); } else { resolve(); } }); }, apiLogSearch: () => { if (internalAnalyticsEnabled && isProduction) { Lbryio.call('event', 'search'); } }, apiLogPublish: (claimResult: ChannelClaim | StreamClaim) => { // Don't check if this is production so channels created on localhost are still linked to user if (internalAnalyticsEnabled) { const { permanent_url: uri, claim_id: claimId, txid, nout, signing_channel: signingChannel } = claimResult; let channelClaimId; if (signingChannel) { channelClaimId = signingChannel.claim_id; } const outpoint = `${txid}:${nout}`; const params: LogPublishParams = { uri, claim_id: claimId, outpoint }; if (channelClaimId) { params['channel_claim_id'] = channelClaimId; } Lbryio.call('event', 'publish', params); } }, adsFetchedEvent: () => { sendGaEvent('ad_fetched'); }, playerLoadedEvent: (renderMode, embedded) => { const RENDER_MODE_TO_EVENT = (renderMode) => { switch (renderMode) { case RENDER_MODES.VIDEO: return 'loaded_video'; case RENDER_MODES.AUDIO: return 'loaded_audio'; case RENDER_MODES.MARKDOWN: return 'loaded_markdown'; case RENDER_MODES.IMAGE: return 'loaded_image'; case 'livestream': return 'loaded_livestream'; default: return 'loaded_misc'; } }; sendGaEvent('player', { [GA_DIMENSIONS.ACTION]: RENDER_MODE_TO_EVENT(renderMode), [GA_DIMENSIONS.TYPE]: embedded ? 'embedded' : 'onsite', }); }, playerVideoStartedEvent: (embedded) => { sendGaEvent('player', { [GA_DIMENSIONS.ACTION]: 'started_video', [GA_DIMENSIONS.TYPE]: embedded ? 'embedded' : 'onsite', }); }, tagFollowEvent: (tag, following) => { sendGaEvent('tags', { [GA_DIMENSIONS.ACTION]: following ? 'follow' : 'unfollow', [GA_DIMENSIONS.VALUE]: tag, }); }, emailProvidedEvent: () => { sendGaEvent('engagement', { [GA_DIMENSIONS.TYPE]: 'email_provided', }); }, emailVerifiedEvent: () => { sendGaEvent('engagement', { [GA_DIMENSIONS.TYPE]: 'email_verified', }); }, rewardEligibleEvent: () => { sendGaEvent('engagement', { [GA_DIMENSIONS.TYPE]: 'reward_eligible', }); }, openUrlEvent: (url: string) => { sendGaEvent('engagement', { [GA_DIMENSIONS.TYPE]: 'open_url', url, }); }, trendingAlgorithmEvent: (trendingAlgorithm: string) => { sendGaEvent('engagement', { [GA_DIMENSIONS.TYPE]: 'trending_algorithm', trending_algorithm: trendingAlgorithm, }); }, initAppStartTime: (startTime: number) => { analytics.appStartTime = startTime; }, startupEvent: (time: number) => { if (analytics.appStartTime !== 0) { sendGaEvent('diag_app_ready', { [GA_DIMENSIONS.DURATION_MS]: time - analytics.appStartTime, }); } }, eventStarted: (name: string, time: number, id?: string) => { const key = id || name; analytics.eventStartTime[key] = time; }, eventCompleted: (name: string, time: number, id?: string) => { const key = id || name; if (analytics.eventStartTime[key]) { sendGaEvent(name, { [GA_DIMENSIONS.START_TIME_MS]: analytics.eventStartTime[key] - analytics.appStartTime, [GA_DIMENSIONS.DURATION_MS]: time - analytics.eventStartTime[key], [GA_DIMENSIONS.END_TIME_MS]: time - analytics.appStartTime, }); delete analytics.eventStartTime[key]; } }, purchaseEvent: (purchaseInt: number) => { sendGaEvent('purchase', { // https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/reference/events#purchase [GA_DIMENSIONS.VALUE]: purchaseInt, }); }, reportEvent: (event: string, params?: { [string]: string | number }) => { sendGaEvent(event, params); }, }; function sendGaEvent(event: string, params?: { [string]: string | number }) { if (isGaAllowed && window.gtag) { window.gtag('event', event, params); } } function sendPromMetric(name: string, value?: number) { if (IS_WEB) { let url = new URL(SDK_API_PATH + '/metric/ui'); const params = { name: name, value: value ? value.toString() : '' }; url.search = new URLSearchParams(params).toString(); return fetch(url, { method: 'post' }).catch(function (error) {}); } } // Activate if (isGaAllowed && window.gtag) { window.gtag('consent', 'update', { ad_storage: 'granted', analytics_storage: 'granted', }); } export default analytics;