// @flow import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import * as PAGES from 'constants/pages'; import React from 'react'; import { Lbryio } from 'lbryinc'; import ClaimPreview from 'component/claimPreview'; import Card from 'component/common/card'; import Spinner from 'component/spinner'; import Icon from 'component/common/icon'; import Button from 'component/button'; import Yrbl from 'component/yrbl'; import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom'; import analytics from 'analytics'; type Props = { claim: ?ChannelClaim, fetchingChannels: boolean, }; const UNAUTHENTICATED_ERROR = 'unauthenticated'; const GENERIC_ERROR = 'error'; export default function CreatorAnalytics(props: Props) { const { claim } = props; const history = useHistory(); const [stats, setStats] = React.useState(); const [error, setError] = React.useState(); const [fetchingStats, setFetchingStats] = React.useState(false); const claimId = claim && claim.claim_id; // TODO: put this back when hubs are fixed // const channelHasClaims = claim && claim.meta && claim.meta.claims_in_channel && claim.meta.claims_in_channel > 0 || true; const channelHasClaims = true; React.useEffect(() => { setStats(null); }, [claimId]); const channelForEffect = JSON.stringify(claim); React.useEffect(() => { if (claimId && channelForEffect && channelHasClaims) { setFetchingStats(true); Lbryio.call('channel', 'stats', { claim_id: claimId }) .then((res) => { setFetchingStats(false); setStats(res); }) .catch((error) => { if (error.response.status === 401) { setError(UNAUTHENTICATED_ERROR); const channelToSend = JSON.parse(channelForEffect); analytics.apiLogPublish(channelToSend); } else { setError(GENERIC_ERROR); } setFetchingStats(false); }); } }, [claimId, channelForEffect, channelHasClaims, setFetchingStats, setStats]); return ( <React.Fragment> {!stats && ( <div className="main--empty"> {fetchingStats ? ( <Spinner delayed /> ) : ( <div> {error && ( <Yrbl type="sad" title={error === GENERIC_ERROR ? __('No stats found') : __('Error fetching stats')} subtitle={ error === GENERIC_ERROR ? __( 'There are no stats for this channel yet, it will take a few views. Make sure you are signed in with the correct email and have data sharing turned on.' ) : __( "You are not able to see this channel's stats. Make sure you are signed in with the correct email and have data sharing turned on." ) } /> )} {!error && !channelHasClaims ? ( <Yrbl type="sad" title={__("You haven't uploaded anything")} subtitle={__('Upload something to start tracking your stats!')} actions={ <div className="section__actions"> <Button button="primary" label={__('Upload Something')} onClick={() => { history.push(`/$/${PAGES.UPLOAD}`); }} /> </div> } /> ) : ( <Yrbl title={ channelHasClaims ? __('No recent uploads') : __("You haven't uploaded anything with this channel yet!") } actions={ <div className="section__actions"> <Button button="primary" label={__('Upload Something')} onClick={() => history.push(`/$/${PAGES.UPLOAD}`)} /> </div> } /> )} </div> )} </div> )} {stats && ( <div className="section"> <div className="columns"> <Card iconColor title={<span>{__('%follower_count% followers', { follower_count: stats.ChannelSubs })}</span>} icon={ICONS.SUBSCRIBE} subtitle={ <div className="card__data-subtitle"> <span> {0 > -1 && '+'}{' '} {__('%follower_count_weekly_change% this week', { follower_count_weekly_change: stats.ChannelSubChange || 0, })} </span> {stats.ChannelSubChange > 0 && <Icon icon={ICONS.TRENDING} iconColor="green" size={18} />} </div> } /> <Card icon={ICONS.EYE} title={<span>{__('%all_content_views% views', { all_content_views: stats.AllContentViews })}</span>} subtitle={ <div className="card__data-subtitle"> <span> {__('+ %all_content_views_weekly_change% this week', { all_content_views_weekly_change: stats.AllContentViewChange || 0, })} </span> {stats.AllContentViewChange > 0 && <Icon icon={ICONS.TRENDING} iconColor="green" size={18} />} </div> } /> </div> {/* <Card iconColor className="section" title={<span>{__('%lbc_received% LBRY Credits Earned', { lbc_received: stats.AllLBCReceived })}</span>} icon={ICONS.REWARDS} subtitle={ <React.Fragment> <div className="card__data-subtitle"> <span> {'+'}{' '} {__('%lbc_received_changed% this week', { lbc_received_changed: stats.LBCReceivedChange || 0, })} </span> {stats.LBCReceivedChange > 0 && <Icon icon={ICONS.TRENDING} iconColor="green" size={18} />} </div> <p className="help"> {__( "Earnings may also include any LBC you've sent yourself or added as support. We are working on making this more accurate. Check your wallet page for the correct total balance." )} </p> </React.Fragment> } /> */} {stats.VideoURITopNew ? ( <Card className="section" title={__('Most viewed recent content')} body={ <React.Fragment> <div className="card--inline"> <ClaimPreview uri={stats.VideoURITopNew} /> </div> <div className="section__subtitle card__data-subtitle"> <span> {stats.VideoViewsTopNew === 1 ? __('1 view') : __('%view_count% views - %view_count_change% this week', { view_count: stats.VideoViewsTopNew, view_count_change: stats.VideoViewChangeTopNew, })} </span> {stats.VideoViewChangeTopNew > 0 && <Icon icon={ICONS.TRENDING} iconColor="green" size={18} />} </div> </React.Fragment> } /> ) : ( <Card className="section" title={__('Your recent content')} subtitle={ !stats.VideoURITopNew && __("No recent uploads found for this channel. Upload something new and track how it's performing here.") } actions={ <div className="section__actions"> <Button button="primary" icon={ICONS.PUBLISH} label={__('Upload')} onClick={() => history.push(`/$/${PAGES.UPLOAD}`)} /> </div> } /> )} {stats.VideoURITopCommentNew && stats.VideoCommentTopCommentNew > 0 && ( <Card className="section" title={__('Most commented recent content')} body={ <React.Fragment> <div className="card--inline"> <ClaimPreview uri={stats.VideoURITopCommentNew} /> </div> <div className="section__subtitle card__data-subtitle"> <span> {stats.VideoCommentTopCommentNew === 1 ? __('1 comment') : __('%comment_count% comments - %comment_count_change% this week', { comment_count: stats.VideoCommentTopCommentNew, comment_count_change: stats.VideoCommentChangeTopCommentNew, })} </span> {stats.VideoCommentChangeTopCommentNew > 0 && ( <Icon icon={ICONS.TRENDING} iconColor="green" size={18} /> )} </div> </React.Fragment> } /> )} <Card className="section" title={__('Most viewed content all time')} body={ <React.Fragment> <div className="card--inline"> <ClaimPreview uri={stats.VideoURITopAllTime} /> </div> <div className="section__subtitle card__data-subtitle"> <span> {__('%all_time_top_views% views - %all_time_views_weekly_change% this week', { all_time_top_views: stats.VideoViewsTopAllTime, all_time_views_weekly_change: stats.VideoViewChangeTopAllTime, })} </span> {stats.VideoViewChangeTopAllTime > 0 && <Icon icon={ICONS.TRENDING} iconColor="green" size={18} />} </div> </React.Fragment> } /> </div> )} </React.Fragment> ); }