var FormField = React.createClass({ _fieldRequiredText: 'This field is required', _type: null, _element: null, propTypes: { type: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, hidden: React.PropTypes.bool, }, getInitialState: function() { return { adviceState: 'hidden', adviceText: null, } }, componentWillMount: function() { if (['text', 'radio', 'checkbox', 'file'].indexOf(this.props.type) != -1) { this._element = 'input'; this._type = this.props.type; } else { // Non field, e.g. , this._element = this.props.type; } }, showAdvice: function(text) { this.setState({ adviceState: 'shown', adviceText: text, }); setTimeout(() => { this.setState({ adviceState: 'fading', }); setTimeout(() => { this.setState({ adviceState: 'hidden', }); }, 450); }, 5000); }, warnRequired: function() { this.showAdvice(this._fieldRequiredText); }, focus: function() { this.refs.field.focus(); }, getValue: function() { if (this.props.type == 'checkbox') { return this.refs.field.checked; } else { return this.refs.field.value; } }, getSelectedElement: function() { return this.refs.field.options[this.refs.field.selectedIndex]; }, render: function() { // Pass all unhandled props to the field element var otherProps = Object.assign({}, this.props); delete otherProps.type; delete otherProps.hidden; return ( !this.props.hidden ? {this.props.children} {this.state.adviceText} : null ); } }); var FormFieldAdvice = React.createClass({ propTypes: { state: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, }, render: function() { return ( this.props.state != 'hidden' ? {this.props.children} : null ); } });