import React from 'react'; import lbry from '../lbry.js'; import lighthouse from '../lighthouse.js'; import {CreditAmount, Thumbnail} from '../component/common.js'; import {FileActions} from '../component/file-actions.js'; import {Link} from '../component/link.js'; var formatItemImgStyle = { maxWidth: '100%', maxHeight: '100%', display: 'block', marginLeft: 'auto', marginRight: 'auto', marginTop: '5px', }; var FormatItem = React.createClass({ propTypes: { claimInfo: React.PropTypes.object, cost: React.PropTypes.number, name: React.PropTypes.string, costIncludesData: React.PropTypes.bool, }, render: function() { var claimInfo = this.props.claimInfo; var thumbnail = claimInfo.thumbnail; var title = claimInfo.title; var description = claimInfo.description; var author =; var language = claimInfo.language; var license = claimInfo.license; var fileContentType = (claimInfo.content_type || claimInfo['content-type']); var mediaType = lbry.getMediaType(fileContentType); var costIncludesData = this.props.costIncludesData; var cost = this.props.cost || 0.0; return ( <div className="row-fluid"> <div className="span4"> <Thumbnail src={thumbnail} alt={'Photo for ' + title} style={formatItemImgStyle} /> </div> <div className="span8"> <p>{description}</p> <section> <table className="table-standard"> <tbody> <tr> <td>Content-Type</td><td>{fileContentType}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Cost</td><td><CreditAmount amount={cost} isEstimate={!costIncludesData}/></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Author</td><td>{author}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Language</td><td>{language}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>License</td><td>{license}</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <FileActions streamName={} sdHash={claimInfo.sources.lbry_sd_hash} metadata={claimInfo} /> <section> <Link href="" label="report" className="button-text-help" /> </section> </div> </div> ); } }); var FormatsSection = React.createClass({ propTypes: { claimInfo: React.PropTypes.object, cost: React.PropTypes.number, name: React.PropTypes.string, costIncludesData: React.PropTypes.bool, }, render: function() { var name =; var format = this.props.claimInfo; var title = format.title; if(format == null) { return ( <div> <h2>Sorry, no results found for "{name}".</h2> </div>); } return ( <div> <div className="meta">lbry://{name}</div> <h2>{title}</h2> {/* In future, anticipate multiple formats, just a guess at what it could look like // var formats = this.props.claimInfo.formats // return (<tbody>{,i){ */} <FormatItem claimInfo={format} cost={this.props.cost} name={} costIncludesData={this.props.costIncludesData} /> {/* })}</tbody>); */} </div>); } }); var DetailPage = React.createClass({ propTypes: { name: React.PropTypes.string, }, getInitialState: function() { return { metadata: null, cost: null, costIncludesData: null, nameLookupComplete: null, }; }, componentWillMount: function() { document.title = 'lbry://' +; lbry.resolveName(, (metadata) => { this.setState({ metadata: metadata, nameLookupComplete: true, }); }); lbry.getCostInfoForName(, ({cost, includesData}) => { this.setState({ cost: cost, costIncludesData: includesData, }); }); }, render: function() { if (this.state.metadata == null) { return null; } const name =; const costIncludesData = this.state.costIncludesData; const metadata = this.state.metadata; const cost = this.state.cost; return ( <main> <section className="card"> {this.state.nameLookupComplete ? ( <FormatsSection name={name} claimInfo={metadata} cost={cost} costIncludesData={costIncludesData} /> ) : ( <div> <h2>No content</h2> There is no content available at the name <strong>lbry://{}</strong>. If you reached this page from a link within the LBRY interface, please <Link href="/?report" label="report a bug" />. Thanks! </div> )} </section> </main>); } }); export default DetailPage;