// @flow import React, { useRef } from 'react'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import { DOMAIN, SIMPLE_SITE } from 'config'; import * as ICONS from 'constants/icons'; import * as PAGES from 'constants/pages'; import * as CS from 'constants/claim_search'; import Page from 'component/page'; import ClaimListDiscover from 'component/claimListDiscover'; import Button from 'component/button'; import useHover from 'effects/use-hover'; import { useIsMobile } from 'effects/use-screensize'; import analytics from 'analytics'; import HiddenNsfw from 'component/common/hidden-nsfw'; import Icon from 'component/common/icon'; import Ads from 'web/component/ads'; import LbcSymbol from 'component/common/lbc-symbol'; import I18nMessage from 'component/i18nMessage'; import moment from 'moment'; import LivestreamSection from './livestreamSection'; type Props = { dynamicRouteProps: RowDataItem, location: { search: string }, followedTags: Array<Tag>, repostedUri: string, repostedClaim: ?GenericClaim, hideRepostRibbon?: boolean, languageSetting: string, searchInLanguage: boolean, doToggleTagFollowDesktop: (string) => void, doResolveUri: (string) => void, tileLayout: boolean, activeLivestreams: ?LivestreamInfo, doFetchActiveLivestreams: (orderBy: ?Array<string>, lang: ?Array<string>) => void, }; function DiscoverPage(props: Props) { const { location: { search }, followedTags, repostedClaim, repostedUri, hideRepostRibbon, languageSetting, searchInLanguage, doToggleTagFollowDesktop, doResolveUri, tileLayout, activeLivestreams, doFetchActiveLivestreams, dynamicRouteProps, } = props; const buttonRef = useRef(); const isHovering = useHover(buttonRef); const isMobile = useIsMobile(); const isWildWest = window.location.pathname === `/$/${PAGES.WILD_WEST}`; const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(search); const langParam = urlParams.get(CS.LANGUAGE_KEY) || null; const claimType = urlParams.get('claim_type'); const tagsQuery = urlParams.get('t') || null; const tags = tagsQuery ? tagsQuery.split(',') : null; const repostedClaimIsResolved = repostedUri && repostedClaim; const discoverIcon = SIMPLE_SITE ? ICONS.WILD_WEST : ICONS.DISCOVER; const discoverLabel = SIMPLE_SITE ? __('Wild West') : __('All Content'); // Eventually allow more than one tag on this page // Restricting to one to make follow/unfollow simpler const tag = (tags && tags[0]) || null; const channelIds = (dynamicRouteProps && dynamicRouteProps.options && dynamicRouteProps.options.channelIds) || undefined; const isFollowing = followedTags.map(({ name }) => name).includes(tag); let label = isFollowing ? __('Following --[button label indicating a channel has been followed]--') : __('Follow'); if (isHovering && isFollowing) { label = __('Unfollow'); } const includeLivestreams = !tagsQuery; function getMeta() { if (!dynamicRouteProps) { return ( <a className="help" href="https://odysee.com/@OdyseeHelp:b/trending:50" title={__('Learn more about Credits on %DOMAIN%', { DOMAIN })} > <I18nMessage tokens={{ lbc: <LbcSymbol /> }}>Results boosted by %lbc%</I18nMessage> </a> ); } if (tag && !isMobile) { return ( <Button ref={buttonRef} button="alt" icon={ICONS.SUBSCRIBE} iconColor="red" onClick={handleFollowClick} requiresAuth={IS_WEB} label={label} /> ); } return null; } function getSubSection() { if (includeLivestreams) { return ( <LivestreamSection tileLayout={repostedUri ? false : tileLayout} channelIds={channelIds} activeLivestreams={activeLivestreams} doFetchActiveLivestreams={doFetchActiveLivestreams} languageSetting={languageSetting} searchInLanguage={searchInLanguage} langParam={langParam} /> ); } return null; } function getPins(routeProps) { if (routeProps && routeProps.pinnedUrls) { return { urls: routeProps.pinnedUrls, onlyPinForOrder: CS.ORDER_BY_TRENDING, }; } } React.useEffect(() => { if (repostedUri && !repostedClaimIsResolved) { doResolveUri(repostedUri); } }, [repostedUri, repostedClaimIsResolved, doResolveUri]); function handleFollowClick() { if (tag) { doToggleTagFollowDesktop(tag); const nowFollowing = !isFollowing; analytics.tagFollowEvent(tag, nowFollowing, 'tag-page'); } } let headerLabel; if (repostedClaim) { headerLabel = __('Reposts of %uri%', { uri: repostedUri }); } else if (tag) { headerLabel = ( <span> <Icon icon={ICONS.TAG} size={10} /> {(tag === CS.TAGS_ALL && __('All Content')) || (tag === CS.TAGS_FOLLOWED && __('Followed Tags')) || tag} <Button className="claim-search__tags-link" button="link" label={__('Manage Tags')} navigate={`/$/${PAGES.TAGS_FOLLOWING_MANAGE}`} /> </span> ); } else { headerLabel = ( <span> <Icon icon={(dynamicRouteProps && dynamicRouteProps.icon) || discoverIcon} size={10} /> {(dynamicRouteProps && __(`${dynamicRouteProps.title}`)) || discoverLabel} </span> ); } return ( <Page noFooter fullWidthPage={tileLayout} className={classnames('main__discover', { 'hide-ribbon': hideRepostRibbon })} > <ClaimListDiscover pins={getPins(dynamicRouteProps)} hideFilters={SIMPLE_SITE ? !(dynamicRouteProps || tags) : undefined} header={repostedUri ? <span /> : undefined} subSection={getSubSection()} tileLayout={repostedUri ? false : tileLayout} defaultOrderBy={SIMPLE_SITE ? (dynamicRouteProps ? undefined : CS.ORDER_BY_TRENDING) : undefined} claimType={claimType ? [claimType] : undefined} headerLabel={headerLabel} tags={tags} hiddenNsfwMessage={<HiddenNsfw type="page" />} repostedClaimId={repostedClaim ? repostedClaim.claim_id : null} injectedItem={!isWildWest && { node: <Ads small type="video" tileLayout={tileLayout} /> }} // Assume wild west page if no dynamicRouteProps // Not a very good solution, but just doing it for now // until we are sure this page will stay around // TODO: find a better way to determine discover / wild west vs other modes release times // for now including && !tags so that releaseTime={ SIMPLE_SITE ? !dynamicRouteProps && !tags && `>${Math.floor(moment().subtract(1, 'day').startOf('week').unix())}` : undefined } feeAmount={SIMPLE_SITE ? !dynamicRouteProps && CS.FEE_AMOUNT_ANY : undefined} channelIds={channelIds} limitClaimsPerChannel={ SIMPLE_SITE ? (dynamicRouteProps && dynamicRouteProps.options && dynamicRouteProps.options.limitClaimsPerChannel) || 3 : 3 } meta={getMeta()} hasSource /> </Page> ); } export default DiscoverPage;