// @flow declare type LbryFirstStatusResponse = { Version: string, Message: string, Running: boolean, Commit: string, }; declare type LbryFirstVersionResponse = { build: string, lbrynet_version: string, os_release: string, os_system: string, platform: string, processor: string, python_version: string, }; /* SAMPLE UPLOAD RESPONSE (FULL) "Video": { "etag": "\"Dn5xIderbhAnUk5TAW0qkFFir0M/xlGLrlTox7VFTRcR8F77RbKtaU4\"", "id": "8InjtdvVmwE", "kind": "youtube#video", "snippet": { "categoryId": "22", "channelId": "UCXiVsGTU88fJjheB2rqF0rA", "channelTitle": "Mark Beamer", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": { "title": "my title" }, "publishedAt": "2020-05-05T04:17:53.000Z", "thumbnails": { "default": { "height": 90, "url": "https://i9.ytimg.com/vi/8InjtdvVmwE/default.jpg?sqp=CMTQw_UF&rs=AOn4CLB6dlhZMSMrazDlWRsitPgCsn8fVw", "width": 120 }, "high": { "height": 360, "url": "https://i9.ytimg.com/vi/8InjtdvVmwE/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=CMTQw_UF&rs=AOn4CLB-Je_7l6qvASRAR_bSGWZHaXaJWQ", "width": 480 }, "medium": { "height": 180, "url": "https://i9.ytimg.com/vi/8InjtdvVmwE/mqdefault.jpg?sqp=CMTQw_UF&rs=AOn4CLCvSnDLqVznRNMKuvJ_0misY_chPQ", "width": 320 } }, "title": "my title" }, "status": { "embeddable": true, "license": "youtube", "privacyStatus": "private", "publicStatsViewable": true, "uploadStatus": "uploaded" } } */ declare type UploadResponse = { Video: { id: string, snippet: { channelId: string, }, status: { uploadStatus: string, }, }, }; declare type HasYTAuthResponse = { HashAuth: boolean, }; declare type YTSignupResponse = {}; // // Types used in the generic LbryFirst object that is exported // declare type LbryFirstTypes = { isConnected: boolean, connectPromise: ?Promise<any>, connect: () => void, lbryFirstConnectionString: string, apiRequestHeaders: { [key: string]: string }, setApiHeader: (string, string) => void, unsetApiHeader: string => void, overrides: { [string]: ?Function }, setOverride: (string, Function) => void, // LbryFirst Methods stop: () => Promise<string>, status: () => Promise<StatusResponse>, version: () => Promise<VersionResponse>, upload: any => Promise<?UploadResponse>, hasYTAuth: string => Promise<HasYTAuthResponse>, ytSignup: () => Promise<YTSignupResponse>, };