// @flow import type { Node } from 'react'; import React, { useEffect, forwardRef } from 'react'; import { NavLink, withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; import { isEmpty } from 'util/object'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import { isURIValid } from 'util/lbryURI'; import * as COLLECTIONS_CONSTS from 'constants/collections'; import { formatLbryUrlForWeb } from 'util/url'; import { formatClaimPreviewTitle } from 'util/formatAriaLabel'; import FileThumbnail from 'component/fileThumbnail'; import UriIndicator from 'component/uriIndicator'; import ClaimTags from 'component/claimTags'; import SubscribeButton from 'component/subscribeButton'; import ChannelThumbnail from 'component/channelThumbnail'; import ClaimSupportButton from 'component/claimSupportButton'; import useGetThumbnail from 'effects/use-get-thumbnail'; import ClaimPreviewTitle from 'component/claimPreviewTitle'; import ClaimPreviewSubtitle from 'component/claimPreviewSubtitle'; import ClaimRepostAuthor from 'component/claimRepostAuthor'; import FileDownloadLink from 'component/fileDownloadLink'; import FileWatchLaterLink from 'component/fileWatchLaterLink'; import PublishPending from 'component/publishPending'; import ClaimMenuList from 'component/claimMenuList'; import ClaimPreviewLoading from './claim-preview-loading'; import ClaimPreviewHidden from './claim-preview-no-mature'; import ClaimPreviewNoContent from './claim-preview-no-content'; import CollectionEditButtons from './collection-buttons'; import AbandonedChannelPreview from 'component/abandonedChannelPreview'; // preview images used on the landing page and on the channel page type Props = { uri: string, claim: ?Claim, active: boolean, obscureNsfw: boolean, showUserBlocked: boolean, claimIsMine: boolean, pending?: boolean, reflectingProgress?: any, // fxme resolveUri: (string) => void, isResolvingUri: boolean, history: { push: (string | any) => void }, title: string, nsfw: boolean, placeholder: string, type: string, banState: { blacklisted?: boolean, filtered?: boolean, muted?: boolean, blocked?: boolean }, hasVisitedUri: boolean, channelIsBlocked: boolean, actions: boolean | Node | string | number, properties: boolean | Node | string | number | ((Claim) => Node), empty?: Node, onClick?: (e: any, claim?: ?Claim, index?: number) => any, streamingUrl: ?string, getFile: (string) => void, customShouldHide?: (Claim) => boolean, searchParams?: { [string]: string }, showUnresolvedClaim?: boolean, showNullPlaceholder?: boolean, includeSupportAction?: boolean, hideActions?: boolean, renderActions?: (Claim) => ?Node, wrapperElement?: string, hideRepostLabel?: boolean, repostUrl?: string, hideMenu?: boolean, collectionId?: string, editCollection: (string, CollectionEditParams) => void, isCollectionMine: boolean, collectionUris: Array<Collection>, collectionIndex?: number, disableNavigation?: boolean, mediaDuration?: string, date?: any, indexInContainer?: number, // The index order of this component within 'containerId'. channelSubCount?: number, }; const ClaimPreview = forwardRef<any, {}>((props: Props, ref: any) => { const { // core uri, claim, isResolvingUri, // core actions getFile, resolveUri, // claim properties // is the claim consider nsfw? nsfw, date, title, claimIsMine, streamingUrl, mediaDuration, // user properties channelIsBlocked, hasVisitedUri, // component history, wrapperElement, type, placeholder, // pending reflectingProgress, pending, empty, // modifiers active, customShouldHide, searchParams, showNullPlaceholder, // value from show mature content user setting // true if the user doesn't wanna see nsfw content obscureNsfw, showUserBlocked, showUnresolvedClaim, hideRepostLabel = false, hideActions = false, properties, onClick, actions, banState, includeSupportAction, renderActions, hideMenu = false, // repostUrl, collectionId, collectionIndex, editCollection, isCollectionMine, collectionUris, disableNavigation, indexInContainer, channelSubCount, } = props; const isCollection = claim && claim.value_type === 'collection'; const collectionClaimId = isCollection && claim && claim.claim_id; const listId = collectionId || collectionClaimId || null; const WrapperElement = wrapperElement || 'li'; const shouldFetch = claim === undefined || (claim !== null && claim.value_type === 'channel' && isEmpty(claim.meta) && !pending); const abandoned = !isResolvingUri && !claim; const isMyCollection = listId && (isCollectionMine || listId.includes('-')); const shouldHideActions = hideActions || isMyCollection || type === 'small' || type === 'tooltip'; const canonicalUrl = claim && claim.canonical_url; const lastCollectionIndex = collectionUris ? collectionUris.length - 1 : 0; const channelSubscribers = React.useMemo(() => { if (channelSubCount === undefined) { return <span />; } const formattedSubCount = Number(channelSubCount).toLocaleString(); return ( <span className="claim-preview__channel-sub-count"> {channelSubCount === 1 ? __('1 Follower') : __('%formattedSubCount% Followers', { formattedSubCount })} </span> ); }, [channelSubCount]); const isValid = uri && isURIValid(uri); // $FlowFixMe const isPlayable = claim && // $FlowFixMe claim.value && // $FlowFixMe claim.value.stream_type && // $FlowFixMe (claim.value.stream_type === 'audio' || claim.value.stream_type === 'video'); const isChannelUri = claim ? claim.value_type === 'channel' : false; const signingChannel = claim && claim.signing_channel; const repostedChannelUri = claim && claim.repost_channel_url && claim.value_type === 'channel' ? claim.permanent_url || claim.canonical_url : undefined; // Get channel title ( use name as fallback ) let channelTitle = null; if (signingChannel) { const { value, name } = signingChannel; if (value && value.title) { channelTitle = value.title; } else { channelTitle = name; } } // Aria-label value for claim preview let ariaLabelData = isChannelUri ? title : formatClaimPreviewTitle(title, channelTitle, date, mediaDuration); let navigateUrl = formatLbryUrlForWeb((claim && claim.canonical_url) || uri || '/'); let navigateSearch = new URLSearchParams(); if (listId) { navigateSearch.set(COLLECTIONS_CONSTS.COLLECTION_ID, listId); } if (searchParams) { Object.keys(searchParams).forEach((key) => { navigateSearch.set(key, searchParams[key]); }); } const handleNavLinkClick = (e) => { if (onClick) { onClick(e, claim, indexInContainer); // not sure indexInContainer is used for anything. } e.stopPropagation(); }; const navLinkProps = { to: { pathname: navigateUrl, search: navigateSearch.toString() ? '?' + navigateSearch.toString() : '', }, onClick: handleNavLinkClick, onAuxClick: handleNavLinkClick, }; // do not block abandoned and nsfw claims if showUserBlocked is passed let shouldHide = placeholder !== 'loading' && !showUserBlocked && ((abandoned && !showUnresolvedClaim) || (!claimIsMine && obscureNsfw && nsfw)); // This will be replaced once blocking is done at the wallet server level if (claim && !claimIsMine && (banState.blacklisted || banState.filtered)) { shouldHide = true; } // block stream claims if (!shouldHide && !showUserBlocked && (banState.muted || banState.blocked)) { shouldHide = true; } if (!shouldHide && customShouldHide && claim) { if (customShouldHide(claim)) { shouldHide = true; } } // Weird placement warning // Make sure this happens after we figure out if this claim needs to be hidden const thumbnailUrl = useGetThumbnail(uri, claim, streamingUrl, getFile, shouldHide); function handleOnClick(e) { if (onClick) { onClick(e, claim, indexInContainer); } if (claim && !pending && !disableNavigation) { history.push({ pathname: navigateUrl, search: navigateSearch.toString() ? '?' + navigateSearch.toString() : '', }); } } useEffect(() => { if (isValid && !isResolvingUri && shouldFetch && uri) { resolveUri(uri); } }, [isValid, uri, isResolvingUri, shouldFetch, resolveUri]); if (shouldHide && !showNullPlaceholder) { return null; } if (placeholder === 'loading' || (uri && !claim && isResolvingUri)) { return <ClaimPreviewLoading isChannel={isChannelUri} type={type} />; } if (claim && showNullPlaceholder && shouldHide && nsfw && obscureNsfw) { return ( <ClaimPreviewHidden message={__('Mature content hidden by your preferences')} isChannel={isChannelUri} type={type} /> ); } if (claim && showNullPlaceholder && shouldHide) { return <ClaimPreviewHidden message={__('This content is hidden')} isChannel={isChannelUri} type={type} />; } if (!claim && (showNullPlaceholder || empty)) { return empty || <ClaimPreviewNoContent isChannel={isChannelUri} type={type} />; } if (!shouldFetch && showUnresolvedClaim && !isResolvingUri && isChannelUri && claim === null) { return <AbandonedChannelPreview uri={uri} type />; } if (placeholder === 'publish' && !claim && uri.startsWith('lbry://@')) { return null; } return ( <WrapperElement ref={ref} role="link" onClick={pending || type === 'inline' ? undefined : handleOnClick} className={classnames('claim-preview__wrapper', { 'claim-preview__wrapper--channel': isChannelUri && type !== 'inline', 'claim-preview__wrapper--inline': type === 'inline', 'claim-preview__wrapper--small': type === 'small', 'claim-preview__active': active, })} > <> {!hideRepostLabel && <ClaimRepostAuthor uri={uri} />} <div className={classnames('claim-preview', { 'claim-preview--small': type === 'small' || type === 'tooltip', 'claim-preview--large': type === 'large', 'claim-preview--inline': type === 'inline', 'claim-preview--tooltip': type === 'tooltip', 'claim-preview--channel': isChannelUri, 'claim-preview--visited': !isChannelUri && !claimIsMine && hasVisitedUri, 'claim-preview--pending': pending, 'claim-preview--collection-mine': isMyCollection && listId && type === 'listview', })} > {isMyCollection && listId && type === 'listview' && ( <CollectionEditButtons collectionIndex={collectionIndex} editCollection={editCollection} listId={listId} lastCollectionIndex={lastCollectionIndex} claim={claim} /> )} {isChannelUri && claim ? ( <UriIndicator focusable={false} uri={uri} link> <ChannelThumbnail uri={uri} small={type === 'inline'} /> </UriIndicator> ) : ( <> {!pending ? ( <NavLink aria-hidden tabIndex={-1} {...navLinkProps}> <FileThumbnail thumbnail={thumbnailUrl}> <div className="claim-preview__hover-actions"> {isPlayable && <FileWatchLaterLink focusable={false} uri={uri} />} </div> {/* @if TARGET='app' */} <div className="claim-preview__hover-actions"> {claim && !isCollection && ( <FileDownloadLink focusable={false} uri={canonicalUrl} hideOpenButton hideDownloadStatus /> )} </div> {/* @endif */} </FileThumbnail> </NavLink> ) : ( <FileThumbnail thumbnail={thumbnailUrl} /> )} </> )} <div className="claim-preview__text"> <div className="claim-preview-metadata"> <div className="claim-preview-info"> {pending ? ( <ClaimPreviewTitle uri={uri} /> ) : ( <NavLink aria-label={ariaLabelData} aria-current={active ? 'page' : null} {...navLinkProps}> <ClaimPreviewTitle uri={uri} /> </NavLink> )} </div> <ClaimPreviewSubtitle uri={uri} type={type} /> {(pending || !!reflectingProgress) && <PublishPending uri={uri} />} {channelSubscribers} </div> {type !== 'small' && ( <div className="claim-preview__actions"> {!pending && ( <> {renderActions && claim && renderActions(claim)} {shouldHideActions || renderActions ? null : actions !== undefined ? ( actions ) : ( <div className="claim-preview__primary-actions"> {!isChannelUri && signingChannel && ( <div className="claim-preview__channel-staked"> <ChannelThumbnail uri={signingChannel.permanent_url} xsmall /> </div> )} {isChannelUri && !channelIsBlocked && !claimIsMine && ( <SubscribeButton uri={repostedChannelUri || (uri.startsWith('lbry://') ? uri : `lbry://${uri}`)} /> )} {includeSupportAction && <ClaimSupportButton uri={uri} />} </div> )} </> )} {claim && ( <React.Fragment> {typeof properties === 'function' ? ( properties(claim) ) : properties !== undefined ? ( properties ) : ( <ClaimTags uri={uri} type={type} /> )} </React.Fragment> )} </div> )} </div> </div> {!hideMenu && <ClaimMenuList uri={uri} collectionId={listId} />} </> </WrapperElement> ); }); export default withRouter(ClaimPreview);